Kultur war is total war

The only thing that will stop the Left from dismantling white, European heritage and erasing white identity is if we force them to pay in equal measure for everything they destroy. A statue for a statue, a flag for a flag, a website for a website. Whatever they destroy, we take in equal or greater measure. Every bit of speech censored, every platform denied must result in the same denied to their side. Any discussion of tactics less radical than this is pointless.

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I approve of this message. A good start would be the retarded little girl statue opposite the bull on wall street.

>the retarded little girl statue opposite the bull on wall street
Good choice.

bump for potential

Seriously, is this something we can make work? Is there potential to demand that statues not reflecting our race's heritage be taken down? Isn't that a fair principle of equality in a democratic society? Why should it only be acceptible to take down white statues? What is the downside of this?

>Is there potential to demand that statues not reflecting our race's heritage be taken down?
Pointless making demands, you need to realize that the tables are tilted against us. Better off just going out there and doing it if you can get away with it.

The only thing that makes me hesitate is how they went around with the "watcha doin rabbi" shit right after the election. Are the tables permanently rigged against us? If whites ever fight back does it always look bad for us?

We need to make false flags ourselves with minimal damage to the property, and make it somewhere it hurts like a WW2 memorial or a WTC memorial like writing on the names of white people "a good whitey is a dead whitey" but that is just my sick mind working user.

Remove stars of David.

In other words, we should watcha-doin-rabbi some pro-white monuments? Does anyone even care about WTC monuments still?

Some people care about kids, how about fucking up a kids grave will that satisfy the evil and write on it "good thing this cracker was stopped in time" Don't fuck with my evil mind user

>Don't fuck with my evil mind user
Meh, I'm open to anything these days.

Personally I've come to the conclusion that it's totally pointless trying to garner any sympathy from the mainstream media or the establishment in western countries. So long as centrists, lefties and Jewish supremacists control the media and the establishment, the tables will be heavily tilted against is. We have to embrace the revolutionary nature of our ideas and act like revolutionaries. If we do nothing, our enemies will attempt to create a false narrative of what we're doing and what we want, if we do take action and speak, then at least the acts and words attributed to us are truly our own and of course we'll do our best to represent our ideas honestly, making it harder for the establishment and media to unfairly represent what we stand for.

Well I have more ideas but some of them will trigger some CIA niggers

Insert a troll confederate statue on your property. Legaly gun down leftist invaders.

user you are not trying that is the idiots way of destroying a narrative. You must gather compassion from the weak minded, like setting fire to an old lady's car and writing BLM with the blood of her pet (dog, cat, bird) and with the message "not even yo pets is safe cracker"

>setting fire to an old lady's car and writing BLM with the blood of her pet (dog, cat, bird) and with the message "not even yo pets is safe cracker"

Or you could profit from the event where an AntFa member punched a nigger and paint an attack on AntiFa like coming from BLM, the information of some Antifags has already been compromised. But hey, you can't be evil and fap to a ladyboy's shenisp while listening to anime theme songs faggot

The U.S. started the revolution with false flags faggots, Boston could have been the perfect false flag and poetic like "history repeating itself"

>The U.S. started the revolution with false flags
Are you saying the Boston Tea Party was a false flag?


Of course it was an overreaction to a just levy for fighting and protecting the Thirteen Colonies from French aggression. But nooo some yanks had to show their autism by ruining a shipload of good tea.

Are you a moron user, do you have a guy with his up your rectum controlling you like a sock puppet to say such mental retardation. You blame the jews but it's not their fault you are a retard. history.com/this-day-in-history/the-boston-tea-party

This was

Why are you triggered -- I didn't say anything disrespectful to you.

"Disrespectful" I'm sorry go to Reddit at /r/The_Donald the r stands for retarded. That is why nazis hated the retarded and castrated them, you are just a burden on us all

What made you get all emotional?


I'm sorry you can read my fucking emotions through what I type on a fucking image board. KeK
Fucking Sup Forums is filled with fat stinking 13 year old or 30 year olds who have the minds of 13 year olds. "I want to win the kultur war but the feels and trap bitches always get to me"

I love the downs midget with glasses on, that guy should be censured for being degenerate.

But why are you upset?

Degenerates, colored, commi - they all are waiting for the furnace!

"Well, when I was 9 I always wanted to be a milk man, but didn't let me, he said he didn't need me to fuck mom too"

Frank is that you? Are you off your meds again?

We need to go after the mlk memorial

All inferiors should be weeded out faggot, not only niggers, that is how it's done. Worthless genetic and intellectual filth must be purged, or are just a faggot pretending to be edgy, by posting pictures of nigger bitches you fap to.

Fuck off meme triggered faggot, must be on Reddit again.

Are you unhappy that I remind you of the niggas and their true predestination to be slaves?
Maybe you're a nigga himself? Well, take a picture of your skin color!

Niggers should have been all killed, but inferior faggots like yourselves needed them. I say you and your nigger slave who now is blackmailing you for welfare should be shot, you brought this on society. Are you afraid people like me will kill you with the niggers.

Why do you type nigga instead of nigger filthy stinking ape shits, is that hipo hop gone to your head, you type like a filthy nigger and you expect me not to kill you and your slave bitches.

I think it's settled who the real fascist is bitches go to Reddit and talk about how you dream of fucking slave pussy.

LOL! I was not that stupid. I did not bring niggas to my country.
But to kill the white owners of niggas, when in the country of Latinos, niggers and liberals is much more than white people - this is an even more stupid step.

No mongoloid, it's too late now, that should have been done 200 years. I started suggesting false flags, must be hard for you to scroll up, must be those faggot fingers gone numb from fisting yourself in the mirror.
But hey, defend your niggers and beansuckers.


This gets nothing done.

Be gone D&C shill!

Newfags need to stop breaking Global rule 7.

>false flags
What are you talking about, moron?

You're another schoolboy who decided to fight against all alone. All your conversations on the Internet will end when you meet a nigger in real life.
You will be suck his cock and apologize for your words.

He even types like a Russian
>get the turnip cock out of your mouth and articulate through text

Do you think that this will happen maybe in your sick twisted mind that is filled with nigger cocks. What makes you think in real life I express myself like you morons do, I am the most polite guy in the room. You have no fucking idea how many of us there are, we don't wear swastikas ore any signs associated with nazis or fascism. You don't know what you are talking about, you will always will be in our eyes less than nothing. Impurity of thought and body will not be tolerated among us. Just be yourself and have a nice day LOL

>have a nice day LOL

>filled with nigger cocks
I barely even saw the Negro alive. In Russia only in brothels are offered nigger whores. You have by the way a strange mania about nigger cocks, you apparently saw a lot of them.

>we don't wear swastikas ore any signs associated with nazis or fascism
We also do not wear swastikas, but this does not prevent us from uniting. This is a better solution than sitting quietly in the room and writing home your menacing message lol.

Where do you think I live, what is the purpose of this image, do you think this is impressive. How much time did it take you to search for this image online, was it worth your time. Unite under what, what is the purpose of your unification. You don't have the mental capacity of understanding how these games are played.

You morons don't know how to operate in the shadows, you should promote the things that destroy minority communities for example abortion, easier access to fire arms by saying minorities need to defend themselves because they are the victims of most homicides or some crap, this is how you operate, from the outside they seem like progressive ideas.

This. Any NY fag who does this will be a hero.

Dress up basically like antifa with the mask, except maybe wear a black sun armband. Something most people don't know but upon analyzing the footage will know it was a far righter. Bring a bat and fucking smash it at night. Even if you can't totally break it as long as its defaced its fine. Or if you can't do that, just drop paint on it or spraypaint a swastika. I'm not very creative

And where do you live? Really not in the US?

This is a picture of Russian nationalists. Look at them and look at yourself, you fatty degenerate.

We are united to help each other. The more we are, the more powerful we are.
What game rules are you talking about? You are an ordinary schoolboy, who has conspiracy everywhere lol.

No moron they should dress like construction workers or city maintenance workers, even if they dressed like AntiFa some moron faggot like yourself will ruin it all by playing hero, use construction barricades to hide what is being done with signs that says work in progress, face covered with dust mask to conceal identity. But hey, you can always be a moron and get caught.

They're only damaging their own brand, so let them riot, vandalize, beat old people etc. They aren't winning over any fence sitters with that.

>They're only damaging their own brand, so let them riot, vandalize, beat old people etc. They aren't winning over any fence sitters with that.
True. We are still recovering from the dodge charger violence. Everyone has forgotten about the baseball field shooting, but not this car crash.

Yes moron and they are easily identified by similar tattoos and dress code. P.S. I only came here to drop real information, I work out but I don't mention it, as I don't mention what I eat or what I watch on TV, it's meaningless, do you think that working out will change anything when the police comes at your door. You are a child in my eyes a sick little child, you can be 50 years old for all I care but still a child.

gyloc is killing it today

You'll see his tattoos and what will you do, moron?

No one will arrest him, since his tattoos are not prohibited.
Want to offend or attack him? He alone can beat 10 such degenerates like you.

But you can go on believing that if you have hid in your room, you will become stronger lol. You are one such idiot who thinks he has supporters.

It is enough to apologize for the actions of other people!

All terrorists are Muslims, but Muslims do not apologize for these people.

I noticed that in the US any apology is a sign of weakness. And this is a signal for the leftists, to further increase the attacks.

Peace and love, anons. We needn't be made to fight. We are not Pokémon.

He can beat ten like me. Ha ha ha ha. What we do boy are not beatings, beatings is what you do to your girlfriend. How do you defeat a man who is uses his weakness to gain societal advantages... you bring him to your level than you destroy him. P.S. brag with images of people who are not yourself, it's kindergarten crap, what are you going to tell me next that Superman can beat Spider-man. What a fucking moronic child.

Wage a guerilla war on these people, do not meet them on the battlefield. You weaponized the internet, a tool that the civil rights activists of your parent's age would have killed to control. Use that because so far it has worked, and altering a winning strategy is the realm of retards.

Anime is for gook loving faggots who need to be yellowed

>Why should it only be acceptible to take down white statues?

hush hush
MLK and Cesar Chavez statues
Just joking of course

Shove your European heritage up your fucking ass you fucking nazi cunt.

>I noticed that in the US any apology is a sign of weakness.
It is a battle for public opinion. The dodge charger attack was bad for the public narrative. As was the Vice video. The right should only interview with right journalists.


>Shove your European heritage up your fucking ass you fucking nazi cunt.
why do you hate white people?

LMAO! Every day I wake up I see more evidence that tells me the US has been cucked beyond all hope. White "men" of America, just lay down and give up, you clearly can't compete.

Lol, you are such a miserable loser. You are afraid to fight, you are afraid to speak your opinion, you are afraid to find allies.
You are the degenerate which will be fucks the nigga. And all you can do is come and cry about it here.

Are you sure that I'm not the same as in the photo? I go in for sports and at the same time do my small business.

And what did you achieve?


>White "men" of America, just lay down and give up, you clearly can't compete.

Shouldn't you prep your missu's bull?

>anglo-jew elites
>desire Islam
Are you retarded op?

>White "men" of America, just lay down and give up
commies have painted white people as the bourgeois of 2017. we all know how that ended. no thank you.

>>anglo-jew elites
>>desire Islam
>Are you retarded op?
No, but you need to lurk more, don't you faggot?

>implying kikes aren't pushing for immigration
jesus christ how new are you?

Yes, and you are losing this battle for public opinion!
After this incident, you are afraid to conduct march, and people who were on the march, track down, disclose their identity, fired from work.

It is necessary to show more unity, and not to hide at the first attacks of public.

100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% support this.

Total war. We're already at it. Don't just sit there, keyboard warrior. You must get your hands dirty as they do. Be aware that ignorance of the law is no excuse as well, but we are at war.

>Bring a bat
>What is thermite

>After this incident, you are afraid to conduct march, and people who were on the march, track down, disclose their identity, fired from work.
If we do march again, we need to not adopt foreign / exotic symbols, like the swastika. The US has many icons to rally around. We need flags and signs with Andrew Jackson, or 1 Stat. 103, which is the white only immigration policy from 1790. These themes along with non-violence will win the narrative, even if the rally is cut short by antifa.

Is there a way a statue can be damaged or "accidentally" removed?

What other leftist statues are there besides the Stalin statue?

Look at this incredibly salty newfag get all butthurt by what is clearly bait

And yet you've still lost the narrative.
You aren't the bourgeois, you're just pathetic.

Ultimately, we need to put forth the message that whites, as an ethnic group amongst ethnic groups in a multicultural society, have the right to compete, the right to self-interest, and the right to self-defense. Right now the political left controls the narrative, and doesn't allow whites these rights.

Pretty much any statue depicting a non-white is fair game at this point. Any MLK statue. A Harvey Milk or Cesar Chavez statue. Anything non-white or loved by the left.

>you've still lost the narrative
MSM approval rating is lower than Congress' at 11% -- I'm pretty sure you can't judge by what CNN thinks. Think for yourself for a change, stop blaming other people for your own short-comings.

>And yet you've still lost the narrative.

>we need to not adopt foreign / exotic symbols, like the swastika
Yes, that's a good idea!

In Russia the swastika is banned! Therefore, we used ancient historical symbols. The most important thing is to show that you are not afraid of public attacks and can collect more people on the march.

In the photo, one of the marches in Russia, which was conducted when a migrant killed a Russian.

>Any MLK statue. A Harvey Milk or Cesar Chavez statue.
You need big chimpouts like the left does. Drive fear into the hearts of your enemies and hear the laments of their women

>You aren't the bourgeois, you're just pathetic.
1917 bourgeoisie=2017 white privilege. if you had your way, all whites would be sent to the gulag.

>A statue for a statue, a flag for a flag, a website for a website.
>one for one

You fucking pussy, at least take three for everything taken from you.

>Believing polls
How many tens of thousand turned up to protest just a dozen right wingers and their "right to free speech".
Is that an argument? Like I said above, tens of thousands of people turned up just protest a dozen people. You've lost, it's all over.
I wouldn't send "white" Americans to the Gulag. I'd ask them and they'd go for fear of offending me.

>I wouldn't send "white" Americans to the Gulag. I'd ask them and they'd go for fear of offending me.
Well, you aren't wrong. Still, get out commie.

I really wish Americans would fight back and attack statues dedicated to left-wing ideology. The only way forward is to escalate and retaliate.

>don't believe polls that say 11% MSM approval
>btw believe the MSM they said 10,000 were there

>Don't believe polls that say Shillary was going to win in a land slide
>Oh look we were right
>But these polls, these that agree with me, yeah they're legit.

The only thing liberals care for is big black dick, what do we do? drugging huge black men and remove their dicks surgically?