Alt Right: Get Swole, Get Active and Start Families

Chad meme gaining popularity

i can't tell if this is making fun of the alt-right

I bet you really like Rick and mortey

how do i into Sam Hyde mode?

i want to keep getting away with it, too

How much can sam bench now? He said he could do 250 3x5 in that video 3 years ago.

Honestly this could attract so many normies



He's really let himself go. And his name is Cody now. Try and keep up.

There's a video where he presses like 110kg so probably a bit more than that.

I was like you once, then I understood that you can't PRcuck

>A message from the Alt-Right
>submitted by someone called "White Socialist"

This is the bodyshape we should all be striving towards

True. The Jews areOK,they are just advocating for their own interests as we should.
There is a lot of power in just a few useful people working together towards a common goal. Revolutions are not made by the masses, they are made by committed groups of individuals.

Weak af
This is the ideal body

Sam you look like shit

Speaking as a centrist not affiliated with your "movement": You autists are unironically cringy making shit like this. This isn't how you persuade anyone but 14 year old 9gaggers. Sam Hyde is like the only good alt right art I've seen.

The Jews are certainly not okay. (((They))) use tactics your forefathers would be ashamed of.

The power comes from people doing things in such a way as to appear to be winning. If a lifestyle leads to apparent success then that's the lifestyle people will follow. You only need a few figure-heads and the rest happily copy.

>Sam Hyde

Sam is a wacko

Hello /fit/

Eat. Roid. Occasionally lift. Commit mass murder.

They can be more persuasive and do everything much better, for sure, but you never censor yourself, it is self-destructive, it makes you spiritually weak and it never pushes the boundaries of the discourse into your favour. The idea is to show or leak your power-level gradually so people don't get instantly shut down or become emotionally violent to everything you say, and slowly push the overton window.

Being open about your ideas is extremely helpful for yourself, it makes you less restrained, less angry, and it gives you peace of mind which is extremely necessary if you have to focus on your studies and formation. Of course this is harder in Europe with so many censorship laws, but in the USA people needs to be gradually more open.

Shouting and screaming like angry retards in a public plaza while being bizarre uncultured fatties or wearing KKK outfits is worse than self-censorship, and on an instinctual level, for the public, it makes you look like someone who should not lead the tribe, someone who is unfit due to all the inadequacies on many levels you are showing there. If you are young and naive and someone drags you to that kind of shit, drop it before it infects you with its wormish nature. You have to aspire to be much more than that, much better. You need to be seen on the streets so people talks about you, but you need to do it right. The subconscious is important and you need to always have it in mind, we are animals after all, just animals. Learn the subconscious triggers on other peoples and you can easily dominate them.

The Alt-Right could fancy an elite group or various decentralized but cooperative elite groups, a new self-made nobility who will be the face and voice while the rest follows (and tries to get on their level), a meritocratic nobility. This nobility should not be dominated by rancid pseudo-intelectualism but by people who hold real knowledge and also value physical prowess, honorability, bravery and charisma.
