Will you be watching da solar eclipze with glasses, white boy?

Will you be watching da solar eclipze with glasses, white boy?

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Can't wait for these dumb niggers to go blinde


Holy shit, this needs to be distributed asap

based medieval fag

won't that just get them bigger welfare checks?

quick spread this on Twitter

Pic was likely made by someone from /pol

But it would be absolutely hilarious some niggers falling for it.

Use #blacklivesmatter and #wewuzkangsandshit

Please put this on black Twitter. The melanoid man and women need to know the truth

but you can't even swim and the world is 70% water, who is the superior race now jamal?


>no one check
i hate nu pol


The Truth about Melanin Superiority. Much more effective if you market properly to your target demographic.

Yeah, for anyone who would like to see less welfare dependence by blacks, this kind of misinformation is reprehensible.

time to spread the truth black sistahh


This picture is probably going to be directly responsible for at least one black person going blind. I'm all for trolling and shitposting but come on now, this is too far.

>not far enough


Stop being a faggot.

>not believing that the sun favours the devotion of a Black Man and rewards him with increased perception and Melanin

Its true, The Black Man literally powers up his soul when he stares directly into the sun. The power of the Sun becomes his and he will be given the ability to physically burn anything with a focused glance.

why don't we start a hashtag on tumblr convincing people to stare at the solar eclipse without glasses

we'll make it sound like some act of protest against inequality or some stupid shit and they'll all do it

Because I'm not a faggot that has a facebook/tumbler account.


>he lives in the 20th century with social responsibilities, but without something like facebook.
>doesn't even have a boring account with 0 friends made to look at feeds of content he actually enjoys

missing out, senpai.

Everyone should share this picture,

Pretty sure this image is bullshit and is designed to trick any blacks browsing here to look at the solar eclipse without necessary precautions. Fun Fact: If they go blind, it means more of them will end up on disability and/or welfare fucking the with taxpayer money even more

The digits speak.

Still pay for welfare, but at least they won't be able to steal shit...

They also will not be able to rape women or shoot cops. However it will not happen because The Black Man literally powers up his soul when he stares directly into the sun. The power of the Sun becomes his and he will be given the ability to physically burn anything with a focused glance.

But they could be transformed into the next Ray Charles.


Wow we should give you an award for your in depth assessment. No shit retard.

>enjoy nature in all its beauty

Would you be willing to shell out more shekels just to protect a bunch of women you're never going to be able to fuck?

>facebook content
oh wow

Yes, but at least it makes them much less able to commit crime. Can't find bikes or whites to harass.

>enjoy nature in all its beauty


start posting this shit on twater

Wait does this actually work?

They can literally turn anything into an example of how they are better than white people. Imagine that level of insecurity....if only I could stare directly at the sun, which literally has no productive value for society, i could be superior to the blacks.

Fun fact blacks commit 50% of all crimes while being 13% of the population! They also have more chances to get AIDS and to use drugs. Seems nice huh?

yes tyrone,now go stare at the eclipse

Don't lie to him you fucking racist pig.
Of course POC can look into the solar eclipze and not get blind.

I will be watching it with my ethiopian gf :)

please spread this on Twitter and Facebook.
Got no accounts on either of those, unfortunately

Wouldn't surprise me. Dindus fall for pretty stupid shit.

>yoking yourself brainlets and normies because of some pseudo- newspeak bullshit.

>le current century meme.

kys my dude

you realize that Sup Forums's most lulzy moments come from people who have twitters and plant facebook accounts, right?

anything to be contrarian and seem "underground," i suppose.

this is it lads, spread this shit.

>using kikebook for the content
please end yourself

so what about whites with black eyes

anyone can look at the eclipse because it covers the sun you fucking dipshits

facebook is a garbage fire

fuck off retard


>that post
>that get

>Not Watching the Eclipse through a shade 14 Welding Mask

>white boi this mad he cant look the eclipse without glasses

What does "watching the eclips through a camera phone" fall under?

Absolutely brotha dont listen to any of the white nay sayers they just jealous

Isn't this directly against the rules? I mean straight up inflicting bodily harm on others.

For a bunch of people who claim to be against terrorists, you sure to act like terrorists.

great flagpost user

Popularize this and blind nigs, hitlerget wills it

>burger cuckposting

>Not watching directly to the sun, with the aid of Binoculars, for maximum 3rd eye opening and enlightment

do you also eat soup with your hands?

I'm actually going the stare directly at the sun route. Fucking everywhere was sold out of glasses before i could buy any.

If some nigger is stupid enough to do it, they deserve it.

>> r/pussies

Terrorism is an action meant to cause the victims to feel terror for political reasons, telling someone to punch themselves in the face and then watching them be dumb enough to do it, is not terrorism.

Oh wow just great, more wasting of EMT and ER resources by niggers. Imagine people who got into accidents not recoeving cornea transplants because those were given to niggers staring at the sun.

Lol nigger you're so hell bent on being racially superior that you sound fucking dumb. Your didn't brotharen are buy that shit too. It's mass hype. You niggaboos go blind staring at the sun too. I'm believe in the studies of the human anatomy. And you are full of fucking shit. The miniscule amount of pigment in your eyes doesn't mean a God damn thing. Everyone can look at the fucking eclipse without glasses. Just probably don't wanna look too long

you go girl! ^_^

Guys I made a sock puppet account called @DasRacist on Twitter. Gonna be a troll "pro-black" page. Just posted this on it. Follow!

Fuck man autocorrect is killing me on this post


Reminder that the (((glasses))) are just pieces of paper sold by the 3D movie companies and are just made up by Jews to make a quick shekel.