Are you afraid of muslims Sup Forums?


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No. I'm afraid of my people not waking up before it's too late.

>being afraid of yourself


Fuck of Ahmed, go fuck a goat.

Muslims are power bottoms for allah

How the fuck did you know my name?



I am not afraid of death, why would I be afraid of muslims?


death of your loved ones?

Nope. However, thanks to my government turning the middle east upside down, we now have to contend with a population that we have spent 16 years bombing. Islam is not a religion it's a political system. They have been given special victim status, so they can be exploited for political gain and division. I'll be worried in about 10 years when the 7 million Muslims here I have 4 to 5 children each.

No :^)


Muslims respect me almost as much as they respect Muhammad

Yes whenever I see one I just want to run them over. A good muslim is a dead muslim.

Good job

Strange to see message like with you with a nazi flag ,

Why are Muslims so explosive?

مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ۚ وَالَّذِينَ مَعَهُ أَشِدَّاءُ عَلَى الْكُفَّارِ رُحَمَاءُ بَيْنَهُمْ ۖ تَرَاهُمْ رُكَّعًا سُجَّدًا يَبْتَغُونَ فَضْلًا مِنَ اللَّهِ وَرِضْوَانًا ۖ سِيمَاهُمْ فِي وُجُوهِهِمْ مِنْ أَثَرِ السُّجُودِ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ مَثَلُهُمْ فِي التَّوْرَاةِ ۚ وَمَثَلُهُمْ فِي الْإِنْجِيلِ كَزَرْعٍ أَخْرَجَ شَطْأَهُ فَآزَرَهُ فَاسْتَغْلَظَ فَاسْتَوَىٰ عَلَىٰ سُوقِهِ يُعْجِبُ الزُّرَّاعَ لِيَغِيظَ بِهِمُ الْكُفَّارَ ۗ وَعَدَ اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ مِنْهُمْ مَغْفِرَةً وَأَجْرًا عَظِيمًا

its a pretend idiot "faith" which was never ever more than to fulfill big mohs needs and whatever he wanted at some point in time, its sooo goddamn obvious he made shit up as he was going along its crazy.


Don't have any loved ones, ya'll just a bunch of pussies filled with sand

heres a picture of muhammad for you

real men dont fear you
keep it up pedo mo
time be coming when normal people will have had enough
then its going to be zanzibar all over again, only this time worldwide

if my government decided tomorow to join an alliance that sought to exterminate muslims from the face of the earth I would cheer

ten years ago I didnt even know you existed

100 years from now there wont be a muslim left on the planet, you and your jew prophet are headed for the garbage compactor of history

mohamed sucks cocks in hell, and you will be soon too

>~500,000 per year
Nigga pls. Communism did that in an afternoon. Shit the Great Leap Forward did 55 million in 2 years.


ik senpai it's pretty cringey to have dick measuring contests about genocide and this seems like a pretty shitposty thread

Not really. They are the cheapest male prostitutes in my city. Sometimes I don't even have to pay them to wreck my anus.

>That pic
Lol k*ffar are such hypocrites
If there was a jpg for every innocent little boy or girl killed all the computers in the world wouldn't have enough storage space

jews are taking you over, shut it down nazis


Turks are the worst muslims in the world, bringing shame to islam,
They should be shoahed to give example to other muslims.

You can only be a real muslim if you kill turkroach kuffar.

Would nuke every city in Japan before i even touch the hair of a single Muslim Turk

I am. Not afraid of muslims but of islam. they multiply very fast, pseudo integrate and brainwash simpletons to drop their guard. they burrow their way into the deep reaches of a healthy society and ruin it from within. So many innocent children brainwashed into fighting as their pawns. All we need is a push. Hindu wrath will cause them to cower in fear. ISIS execution would seem like a joke once they witness kali's torture. One of these days lads, hindus will break their oath of non-violence and make these disgusting filth realise why has hinduism always prevailed up until now.Fools tend to forget that we not only have non-violent gurus, but righteous rulers as well. Only a matter of time. Women,children, the trident will not discriminate, for their bombs didn't either.

No but you should

I see trough you.

Imagine being under Ottoman domination for hundreds of years, chimping out, killing thousands of unarmed civilians in the process and being glorified on the internet by racists online

>unarmed civilians
Islamic terrorist religious fanatic jihadi mujaheddin are not unarmed civilians.
Also they came here to die from all over the world and middles east and north Africa.

Defending Christian innocent people from muslim invaders is not chimping out, it is doing Gods work against servants of satan.

What are you gonna do? Use your street shitting skills to kill Muslims? Kek

Don't be afraid. Spaniards are a brave bunch and you kicked the fuck out of the Moros and Stalin's kids already.
Up with the fight Brother!
Things will neet to get really bad though

Of course it's a pakistani. Just wait you motherfucker, after nuking your country and the filthy mudslimes polluting it, we'll take it back. india will be whole again. And about those street shitting skills, I'm sure if every indian shits at the same time pakistan would literally drown in feces motherfucker, that's where you stand.

I don't live in a city.

there is nothing to fear. the chances of being in a terrorist attack are minimal at best. i am just sick and tired of them in every way. every time i turn on the news i see these fuckers being discussed, complaining and whining. everytime i walk out the door i see these lozers walking around aimlessly. the life of a parasite must suck mayor cock. they are in a country where nobody likes them. nobody wants to give them a decent job for all the crazy that is attached to them. instead they live in squalor homes being fed scraps to keep them happy. they have no goals to achieve. every decent part of society shuns them. and so they just do drugs, crime and harrass people, perpetuating the hatred people feel to them. they are not scared of cockroaches either, but nobody wants them in their home and eventually you are going to call the exterminator.

muslims are parasites, nothing more, nothing less.

also consider this. once your country was non muslim. with it's unique culture and morals and values. then some muslims invaded and murdered your great, great, great granddad. he erased your culture and history. and your great, great, great grandmother was kept as a slave and raped repeatedly till she had lots of kids. these kids were indoctrinated and passed on their vile religion down the line to you. you have stockholm syndrome, passed down through generations because one retard founded some insane rape and death cult.

no, just disgusted, kind of like seeing a cockroach

No western society is more likely to fall because of our own faggotry.

You fucking muslim dogs slaughter everyone, especially your own, and demand sympathy for your own actions.
>Buhu whitey forced me to kill, im only a muslim and can't even control myself or my actions.
You people are simple savages.

Not at all. Would love nothing more than a crusade and to cleanse Europe of the mudflith.

show bob

Who said anything about white people you victim complex'd bitch
America was a good boi he dindu nuffin

>Are you afraid of muslims Sup Forums?
In the same way i am afraid of a rabid dog.

Nah Muslims here are docile and actually want to have decent lives most of the time which is why they travel so far to get here. Muslims in Europe are much closer and lazier.
Any Muslim here knows if they try shit they'll get fucked.

I hate Islam, Christianity, and Judaism equally. I actually don't like it when I see Persians converting to Christianity rather than Buddhism or Zoroastrianism.

Underage B&

>Any Muslim here knows if they try shit they'll get fucked.

Just shill harder, you fucking shill.

>there are people who think this is staged


Honestly - no. They are quietly supportive of anything anti western because they are blinded by hatred.

Islam is proselytising, which means it only works so long as it strives for total superiority.

There are multiple ways of interpreting the Quran. Most western Muslims only listen to the positive half and sort of block out the negative half. I dont even think they take the religion too seriously, they just do it outof cultural habit.

But if you take the religion for what it's genuine self is - you are gonna wanna strive to spread it across the globe relentlessly and you will naturally feel superior to non-Muslims.

Yeah, he was hunted down like a dog, his brother killed and it was a HUGE deal even though only 2 people died.
Meanwhile in Germany you have women and children getting gangrapped by muslims regularly and near daily attacks that are far worse than the Boston bombing. I sincerely hope you die in the next one cuck.

This camel piss lover is down!
Confirmed Kill by Police
Wont rape goats no more


Go ahead nuke us. You literally can't nuke us without nuking yourself as well, since it's a small country and the blast radius will reach India too and all the fallout will go on India.

In reaction to that, Germans are becoming slightly more culurally engaged. There are Germanic street patrols looking to catch crimes in progress.

I still think any family who has a daughter who isn't taught how to not be an aloof female are not pulling their weight in the parenting game. Like if you send your daughter out in sexy clothing and give her nothing in the way of understanding danger - you are asking for it.

Muslim hate is basically "fuck you dad! I'm going to have my rainbow dildo!"

>There are Germanic street patrols looking to catch crimes in progress.
Proof? I'd like to believe that to be true.

Reminder these are the cunts who showed up to literally protest free speech.

comfy thread is comfy

No. Because we will win. IT IS THE WHITE MAN'S DESTINY

If you think you're in a war with Islam then you're a victim of Jewish propaganda.

Go lick your fathers cock, mohammad


Go fuck yourself Akmed.

If you are muslim you're a victim of brain damage. honestly i'd rather kill a muslim before a jew

You larping internet tough guys are the absolute dregs of the internet.

>This entire thread

go back home and destroy your own children
piece of inbred islam shit

Well, people attacked a couple of mosques after the Barcelona Happening.
Today a random citizen stoped his car, beated up a 14y old kid cause he was a moor, and went back to his bussiness.
Also you can check the comments at most of the MSM news, regardless if they´re ElPais, ElMundo, or whichever normie site you choose. People look kinda tired already.

I´d say we won´t be following Germany/France/UK´s fate thanks to their (((sacrifice))) since they´re years ahead from us, so people can learn what happens before is too late.
Hope those nations can recover at some point aswell, even the Eternal Anglo.

I'm not actually a Muslim, but you sure as hell are a fuckwit.

>Well, people attacked a couple of mosques after the Barcelona Happening.
>Today a random citizen stoped his car, beated up a 14y old kid cause he was a moor, and went back to his bussiness.
>Also you can check the comments at most of the MSM news, regardless if they´re ElPais, ElMundo, or whichever normie site you choose. People look kinda tired already.

yesss :)

The best way to spite Islam would be to french-kiss a homo like Gavin Mcinnes did! That will really show them!

Sure thing Hakeem.

Oh yes but they would never attack a synagogue would they. Because actual physical attacks are the only thing dumb white fucks can understand.

Please leave now.

Woah beating up a 14 year old what a badass

How many westerners are willing to die for what they believe in? None, because they are spiritually bankrupt consumers of Jewish shit.

>I'm not actually a Muslim
Only fucking mudslimes would capitlise that word you disgusting animal

Eventually it will get beyond the breaking point and when people has had enough of the sick Muslim filth, they will get weapons and eradicate them out of their nations. It's just a matter of time... and it's way over due.

Based poo

Nope just don't like and what I fear is not muslims themselfs or persons being muslims it's just the shit that comes with them. If it would be allowed I would run arround murdering fanatics.

That´s old enough to be mother of 2 or 3 in your country.

I would nuke all Muslim countries period. You should all be exterminated.


Your nation is so filthy and degenerate only Islam could possibly save it. First country to legalize sodomite marriage haha, how does it feel to live in a fag nation?

Nope that's your language that we are regorging.

If nothing else I look forward to killing MANY of you motherfuckers in a future war.

Get outa here mahometan dumbass, u probaly got rabies from fucking that donkey last night!

Braking point?
>Oh I can't stand the random killing of innocent shilibs anymore!! I'm reaching breaking point that all these fag lovers and degenerates are getting slaughtered like the worthless dogs that they are.

You know that over 3 generations of marrying your first degree cousins the DNA would be similar to the one of sibblings.
You are the incestious filth that must be cleansed from this planet.

I doubt that. There were 2-3 reports of biker gangs (full of muslims) are on patrol because white goyim dont go to their white east block whores anymore because of stealing and robbing refugees

Well might be a beginning but not the right one

Are you implying that retarded guy not only a 14 year old but a girl as well?
That's so cool bro

I look forward to the keyboard war as well

Not only beat up a*

I'm afraid of terrorists. I'm Muslim myself.