Statues Removed

More traitorous confederate statues removed in a secret overnight operation. Looks like we're going full German / Nazi on the confederates now.

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Checked. What if we archive that.

Well at least they weren't destroyed. Just put them up in a museum

Norway is the greatest ally

fuck, this isn't even a government site, it's a university, hardly "full Nazi" lol derp.

>muh nazis
You could at least compare it to the Cultural Revolution or something. Jesus.

>Looks like we're going full German / Nazi on the confederates now.
really don't give a shit. confederates were top notch crummy dudes.

>this post

General lee freed his slaves and servants 10 years prior to the war
About 30 percent of families owned slaves and the majority of those who did owned less than 10
The Confederacy guaranteed equal pay to black soldiers something lefties are still bitching for

Hey! wait a second, the confederacy was actually pretty progressive for it's time.
So why do they hate the confederates? are they basing it all off what Jefferson David said/thought? pshhh

these statues were put up not to honor war veterans but to further the cause of white supremacy: FACT
the sooner we do away with these monuments to racism the sooner we can begin to heal

The good old USofA
I hope you like your new black overlords I'm sure it won't be that bad. London seems to be doing okay with their new Muslim overlords

>the land of the "free"


Social peace has it's price.

Silly user, doing that might tip off the normies about glorious communism, they can't do that

>General lee freed his slaves and servants 10 years prior to the war

Lee's family was poor and he never had any slaves.

His wife did have hundreds of slaves she inherited from her father though.

Lee later used his wife's money to buy his own slave to take care of his wife while he was at war.

Why not post a picture of a native Mexican girl, instead of Spanish blooded one?

Oh Pedro..

With each racist dust from the past they blow off, they give strength to the fires today. Like the balance between dark and light, the commies ressurrect the Nazi in us all. They help our cause better than hitler himself ever could.

Silly user, doing that might tip off the normies about glorious communism, they can't do that

Let's keep old statues of people no one knows and no one looks at.
What we need is a rotation of statues. They go up for 10 years after that a vote is taken whether to keep it up for another 10. If it's chosen to be taken down museums are permitted to take a high quality copy, via pictures or 3d scanning at its location prior to being taken down and after taken down. It's then auctioned off to musuems/collectors/scrap dealers. And new pieces are commissioned.
New pieces could be of the same person, historical figure or more current figure.
Progress user.

Are there any statues of Hitler or any other prominent SS figures in Germany?

are you retarded

Nope, you just caused a rift that will never close. EVER! YOU will find out the hard way. You can take away the statues; label innocent people with false names, but you will never kill the love of the homeland. You cannot kill an ideology. When one falls, two will rise up in their place. Never forget.

The one removed in Orlando was interesting. They found a time capsule inside.