Official Eclipse Thread

Report happenings
Post your county/state/city and time.

>> Humboldt County California
>> 80% eclipse
>> 10:15am
>> 4 hours from now

There are massive fires in the border between Oregon and California. 3,000 people evacuated from Oregon cities.
They have been raging for 2 days now. People driving North to witness eclipse have been turned away.

Any Washington or Oregon anons here to help start it off?

Other urls found in this thread:

I actually saw Portland get more disgusting and degenerate Saturday night than I may have ever seen in past. I hope the black sun will purify this awful place.

>tfw I only get a partial eclipse in 4 hours

Oh well, guess I should get some way to shield my eyes.

Are the fires somehow connected to yellowstone? I'm to busy to check the official story at the moment. Bump

Looking into it further now.
But no. I believe they are results of a dry weather and early reports were just man-made accidents that spread.
Will update throughout.
Sun just rising here.

PEPE has come.

I posted this and it got insta deleted, and for some reason my ips is banned.
Wanted to make new, official thread about this, could someone make it for me?
I'll pass the pastebin. Tweak it if you please
I'll bump

Don't look at the eclipse, human.

Washington state user reporting in.

Took the day off from work.
Gonna be chilling with the senpai in the backyard.
Will be listening to Brain Damage/Eclipse at peak.


Will report any happenings.

Missouri user here.
Looking mighty cloudy out today.

>Humboldt County California
My brother graduated college from there.

Is it the aliums?

power level increase guaranteed by staring into an eclipse.

Im going to get some booze in the next few hours and im gonna be drunk and comfy

Gonna have plenty of live streams up on my monitors

Can anyone tell me the exact time it will start in UK time please

The ayys are coming guys. Mark my words. Don't look at the eclipse, but the sky everywhere else. Cloaking tech will be glitching out.

Minnesota user here
It's cloudy as fuck right here

5:40 p.m.




Here near glendo WY. Humane societies are turning people away because cultists keep trying to take animals to sacrifice

Try looking with binoculars. Preferably directly at the sun. Jk don't do that you'll literally fry your eyeballz

I saw a UFO on the 16th. Was a really dim light very distant and judging by the distance it flew it immense speed. Couldn't have been a plane. I'm estimating it was around 100,000 km/hour. It was really at the edge of perceivable distance. It came from somewhere beyond the skies over Brussels to the east and headed north west, I'd say it was nearing the UK in a span of like 3 minutes from my point of view of the sky

Iowafag here

Fucking clouds and rain. This is bullshit, god isn't real and the Earth is FLAT

nothing will happen

nothing ever happens

Yeah? So did my brother.
MFW I find my brother on pol.
I hail from the bay area originally...
Been thinking of this the past two days.

The ayys are coming guys. Mark my words. Don't look at the eclipse, but the sky everywhere else. Cloaking tech will be glitching out.

Thanks for sharing mate.

Unusually cloudy here as well...

It'll happen when the weather cools.

That's too bad. You should still be able to experience the sudden darkness at least

>not posting the real photo

Oregon annon. In the total eclipse path. Will post if anything fucky takes place.

Plays "Get Ready For This" while in the coming apocalypse.

Washington user, looking at Portland from across the river. Would be spectacular light show if NK nuked these hipster fuckwads during the eclipse

Not NK, but True Korea..



I'm going to be blasting memegrips/vaporwave mashups from my 87 toyota MR2 while I do donuts and shit during the eclipse

If you aren't using this opportunity to do high level, pervasive mememagic you need to get the fuck out

Alright then thanks user.
I don't get it did pepe show up in the sun yesterday?

>87 MR2
>doing a donut

ok kiddo

>eck the official story at the moment. Bump
>Anonymous (ID: hGsZwFHO) 08/21/17(Mon)14:48:25 No.1384645
Come to eclipse general faggots

Pepe showed up 2 hours ago. Pepe is still on the sun right now. In a coronal loop that is aimed right at earth. It has not had any flares lately but it is brewing in energy.

Look at his mouth. Pepe is angry. Pepe is charging something up in his mouth.

D.C. user here. Just had 3 military fighter jets fly over head. They were pretty low, heading west

Vegas here, nothing but clouds yet no rain.

Uh-oh Sup Forums police are here.
I posted 6:07am
Posted 10:09am/pm (?) from a U.N. flag.
Makes me go hmmmm....
Work night shifts like a big boy and you can post the fun threads too.

Wisconsin bro here, id be so bummed if i didnt see it

A for effort user but that 90 hp ain't gonna spin those wheels for shit

Might actually try this

All the cool shit happens after I leave US.

Had 3 dreams about alien abductions he past 3 nights. Every time woke up in terror by my girlfriend shaking me awake.

Something is happening.

>implying I don't have a supercharger

Ohayou nocars

>cool shit
>sun fires solar flare right at AMURIKA
>ayys finally reveal themselves to us
>north korea shits the tub and lets off nukes everywhere

>cool shit

Stay safe in your little corner of the worlde, swedecuck.

meant for eternal swede

>Post your county/state/city and time.

>what is a badly rendered 3d model with bump and spec infront of a static backdrop

I haven't been able to get any sleep for the last 2 nights. I'm not a person who's ever had any issues with falling asleep, and I've been working hard, so my body is tired, but still just can't sleep. Something is happening.

Idaho here air b n b kooks next door already trying glasses out ! Clear skies line of total eclipse should be fun

thats a remake of the original

>not posting the REAL real one.

Don't fall for the alien meme.

Hollywood and the jews have been pushing it to make us think it will be aliens.

They might appear and look like aliens, but they are really demons/angles.

do not be fooled

which photo is real?

nebraska here. stormy and cloudy as fuck. l0l

northern Wisconsin user??

>mfw they need cloudy weather for project bluebeam to work correctly

The eclipse will destroy america screencaps this

>first day of Uni is today
>gonna be in class during the eclipse


what do you think, goy

foolish humans

It's 8am here in California, I'll probably sleep thru it. Whatever only nerds care about it I'm a Chad obviously so I don't care

Just end it all already please


Fuck man I hate geometry

praise kek! he is returning!

It will save america you faggot


i dunno rabbi. none of the photos make me feel particularly sick like it was reported.

Eclipse theme

fuck you nigger auto correct is a jewry invention

>see you in september
>there is danger, in the summer stars above

I skipped first day to participate in mass meditation/be near my supplies in case of habbening

Denver fag here. 92% coverage here, does that mean I get an 8% happening discount?

but after another minute of thinking about it, I think of the real photo gets posted Sup Forums would instantly get shut down again.

Charging up this dick

Rolling frogposts for a happening today.

I don't know what, I don't know the time, but I feel that something bad will happen today.

The end is near.

>> Winnipeg, MB Cuckanada
>> 74%
>> 11:56amCST
>> t-minus 106 minutes

Cheers dude

Had a hearty kek

Doctrine and Covenants 29 says concerning the second coming of Christ:

"But, behold, I say unto you that before this great day shall come the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall be turned into blood, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and there shall be greater signs in heaven above and in the earth beneath;"

Today is the solar eclipse. August 7th was a partial lunar eclipse (a red moon). The peak of the perseid meteor shower was August 13th (stars falling from the sky).

Truly, these are the best of times, and these are the worst of times. Things will get bad, guys, but stick to righteousness and we will prevail. We are approaching the greatest happenings of our times, brethren.

I want off this crazy ride



You don't feel anything because you've been slowly conditioned to accept the visual representation.

Normies can't handle it, which is why they adhere to they sky daddy doctrine. Reality is hard to swallow, much like my snake-like weiner.

How about this one? Gave me a bit more of a twinge when i saw it but dont know if its the 'real' one or not


>and the moon shall be turned into blood
not even a harvest moon tonight

>inverted 666
Praise baby jaysus

>when i saw it


>when another MI5 bloke from graphic design came up with it


cali niggers have overrun my state, send help

Reporting for partial eclipse in maple land.

May our eyes be opened.

just tell them to stare at the sun in a few minutes

their melanin rich bodies will protect them from our god's terrifying and penetrating gaze

once they've all been blinded we can round em up and send em back to AFRIKA