Trump asks for Trust on Afganistan

So trump is asking us to "Trust Him" on an increase in Afghanistan troop deployments.

How is America supposed to "trust him" when he was so against the war under Obama, and our military vessels keep constantly crashing into other ships under his administration?

Serious question, inb4 god emperor knows best

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partisans dont care about consistency or actually believe in anything

Every life given in that war was for nothing.

He's been redpilled by the deep state.
Some things need to be done whether we like it or not.

the bizarre thing about trump supporters is the reason you all voted for him was because he wasn't a politician. someone who could tell the truth.
So, why would anyone keep supporting him now that its clear he is just a politician and won't tell the truth about Afghanistan (or anything else)

ISIS didn't come into existence until the troops were pulled from the area.
Just some food for thought.
Wrong. He was elected because he is not a member of the political cabal, which is supported by how no politician wanted him in power.
Keep up the shitty bait, though.

I'll take who will guard the poppy fields for the CIA if we don't for $200, Alex

Mountainous desert is unholdable. The people wont fight to have civilization, just let them be. Bomb as needed

Trump knows best. Would you prefer that another ISIS develops in Afghanistan? I agree that we shouldn't have been there in the first place, but there's nothing Trump come do about Bush's stupidity. We have to live with it.

They are trained already and the trade routes through Kosovo are well established. Russian demand is at all time high.

>How is America supposed to "trust him" when he was so against the war under Obama, and our military vessels keep constantly crashing into other ships under his administration?
You almost managed to stealthily link two completely unrelated things, but you failed because it's too fucking obvious.

The Marine's competence and the opinion of a president on the subject of war are largely unrelated.

Sell out.

I don't think it's coincidence that the last time a naval collision occurred before trump was 2004.. the complete breakdown of competence in the navy is indicative of a breakdown of their complex machine that is the united states armed forces.

Afghanistan will always be wild.

i don't think he understood how american imperialism works before he came into power
i know he vouched for isolationism and protectionism but now he's in favor of globalism

REAL DRUG WAR. Not the fake one used to launder money and corrupt shit and put people away but a real drug war with the US military and its partners shutting down the sources of the drug infestations. Afghanistan for opiates and South America for the distribution and production of other substances. Sessions and DHS have been working on plans to fight the cartels with other govs. I think to maga they need to help clean up some of these deep state messes they left behind.

>We will pack up our bases and return home, just because some old guy writes a few words on a piece of paper.

Government is organized crime, it's mafia, get it trough your head already. The military industrial complex over seas won't do shit. They will get their way one way or another, it's like mafia, they always get what they want from the shop keepers in the end.

Those poppies are not good ng to harvest themselves!

Are you saying that a multi-billionaire for new york doesn't give a shit about average people and that he,as with all politicians, promised things he didn't intend to do simply to garner votes?


Why does this retard keep flip-flopping on his positions? More Neocon bullshit.

government = voldemort
large corporations = harry potter

read another book.

if we don't send peanut-brained goyim soldiers to protect the CIA's drug farms then who'll protect the CIA's drug farms? The afghani government? It literally is the drug cartel--a gang of corrupt thieves that'll collapse the instant american boots are gone. The taliban, who used to burn them down, certainly wouldn't protect those poppies for the CIA's black market heroin production

I'm stupid.
Someone tell me what the "secret" motive for this is.
Oil or something?

This thread is not active. Trumptards are too embarrased to reply

It just seems that Trump is doing what every other president would do. Yet if Trump was NOT president during this time, he would be criticizing this move instead, just to be provocative.

Anyway, this whole Afghanistan thing made me realize that he truly has no idea what hes doing and is lacking in the judgement department and I made a mistake voting for him.

So will the people trust him? I don't anymore.

>How is America supposed to "trust him"
because he wants out but knows all to well what happens when we crate a power vacuum? fucking kys


>talibs banned poppies
>usa invades
>cia controls poppies now
>opium production highest in world
>hundreds of thousands of deaths in america
So the CIA is worse than the talibam ;)

Also remember that North Korea is a huge opium producer ,2nd only to Afghanistan.
Seems like the people in power wants.Lil Kimmy's stash.

You can really tell that the globalists are telling him what to do on the foreign front.
I honestly think something is going down close to there soon (((IRAN))), which is why the increase is happening.

>(((ISIS))) mysteriously pops up in every conflict zone that the US is involved in to justify further intervention.
>ISIS has never attacked Israel and will never pose a real threat to America.

Really activates the almonds.

>thinking the president actually runs the country and not a shadow government that doesn't care who you elect
The absolute state of Yankees.

natural resources, excuse for military presence in the region, spreading influence, etc.

harry potter analogies is political debating at it's peak, m8

I voted for him because I didn't want to be admitted to a Hillary fun camp. If a candidate as bad as Hillary runs in 2020, then I'll vote for him again, otherwise I'll stay home.

So dumbass shill how do we stop these things without intervention? Faggot bitch see if your talking points cover that. Cant wait for traitors to hang. Good job colluding to commit sedition and treason.

There is no "secret" motive. It is just that the talibans weren't killed hard enough because of Obama's bleeding heart so they are making ruckus again.

Not to mention how absolutely shitty and 100% failure his first mission in Yemen was.

Trump doesn't know what he's doing but believes he knows more than the generals.

>I made a mistake voting for him.

Your only mistake was trusting ((democracy)), burgerbro

>Now that Bannon is not in the WH, he can fight the globalist agenda. He is unshackled
>4d chess

Dumbass Trumptards. Now that he's out, the closest advisor to Trump rn is Kushner.

The U.S. Treasury isn't going to loot itself. Got to make another $6 trillion in cash disappear on all dem juicy no-bid contracts.

It's not like trump has paid any taxes to speak of for decades. It's not his money he's giving away.

Afghanistan has TRILLIONS in natural resources. They're poor because they just can't develop them .

Know who also has trillions of dollars worth of resources they can't get to? North Korea! What a (()coincidence)))!!

>tfw Death Eaters are literally Nazis trying to keep the race of wizards pure, and the symbol of Slytherin is Ouroboros

goys just trust me on this

Nixon expanded the Vietnam conflict into Laos and Cambodia in an effort to bring a speedy end to the war. I hope a short term expansion of our, roughly, 8,400 soldiers there would be a step in the right direction of finnaly getting out of asscrackistan.

Why do you link directly to CNN you fucking ultimate twat? Go fucking die for your masters.



No it doesn't

Hey, someone has to buy $500 hammers!!

Will ptg, awoo faggots and Trumpshills defend this? I don't think so. They probably saged this thread. Fucking fat weaboo Nazis

HAHAHA brilliant.
Now the war hungry media will have to defend Trumps call to trust him.

>ISIS didn't come into existence until the troops were pulled from the area.
No it's cause you fuckcunts can't stay out of the sandbox and keep fucking shit up. Saddam was a cunt but he was a necessary cunt.

Tru dat

There's alien technology left to find in Afghanistan

what a load of shit

pull the plug on that shithole country

i served on active duty

nothing we've done has had any fucking impact on those sand niggers

no more money should be wasted on them

fuck afghanistan

fuck the kike advisors who told trump to stay there

fuck invanka

fuck kushner

fuck this

Actually what is the media saying about this. If it's one thing that redpilled me the most it was the complete support the mainstream neoliberal media had in regards to US imperialism and his strike on Syria

I can see his logic as the continuation of operations in shitholeistan is a supported op by Nato as it stops the growth of terror and provides a somewhat friendly ally next door to Iran and Russia. To keep the current troops in shitholeistan safe as the op continues more troops are needed. Trump has seen what a rapid removal of troops did to Iraq and wants that area to be safe and friendly to the wet also lowering the number of radicals being exported and imported in the area. Its a move that is necessary but wouldn't be if obungo didn't fuck up so hard with his pull out technique in Iraq. It will cost lives but will save some sand nigger farmers so that's a down side i guess.

Mattis wants those troops you retard not Trump. Trump has given him virtually free reign to end this war as quickly as possible.

It's as if when he posted that ISIS didn't exist and hasn't made absolute shit of Iraq.

Fucking retarded shills

You got played like your moms titties by me last night in your bedroom


Media= CIA
They love war. No matter what, no matter where. If there is a war they support it.

Yes it does ,silly .


You fucking shills know nothing.

Stop the wars is ALWAYS a good idea.

President Trump is right (again).

Prove it's wrong. Which news source would you like? I'm not a shill,btw. I hate clinton and trump equally.Both parties are fucked.

but war is good for business AND it kills muslims

>Trump has given him virtually free reign to end this war as quickly as possible.
If this was the case, they would be adding 20-30k troops. 4k is just enough for ensuring our continued presence isn't destabilized.

from the article
>Trump delegated authority to adjust troop levels to Mattis early in his administration,

It doesn't fit the narrative of a swamp draining maverick. Nor does it fit the narrative of a chaos candidate. Nor does it fit the narrative of the SJW-JIMMY-RUSSLER-IN-CHIEF

basically Trump supporters know they were played hard and can't face reality

We're gonna burn opium fields

Trump is a neocon. Isn't it obvious now?

I thought Obama's sudden removal of troops is what caused problems in the first place
And its only 4k compared to the 100k that obama pulled out

If Mattis was serious about ending the war as soon as possible, he would request a much larger deployment.

Just Fuck off you fucking idiot. If Hillary won wed finally hear the end of muh glass ceiling and everything that inevitably went to shit would have crashed the democratic party because it was going that way anyways. You are like a fucking woman, influenced only by your emotions

Different monkey, same organ grinder.

I only support this if he tells the American people that we are going to destroy the flow of drugs that's it


Trump was never anti-globalist, anti-establishment

He's a blank sheet

Now that Bannon is gone, he will turn into a globalist neo-con warmongering fat fuck because the closest people around him are globalists

Trump doesn't have an ideology.

>and our military vessels keep constantly crashing into other ships under his administration?
Goddamn I had to do a doubletake to make sure I really read you making this pathetic argument.
M8. You think he's steering them himself? Faggot.

Fuck your archive I'm clicking it 6 times now

No we aren't you stupid fuck.Pic related.

Perhaps the real unofficial number is ten times higher. who knows.
I trust Mattis. He hates Islam. He hates Afghanistan. If he can't do it then no one can.

trump can go fuck himself

He doesn't hate Islam. You should probably watch his interviews. He's ideology closer to HR McMaster

>Daddy, phease, protect that sweet heroin

Opium production increased considerably under U.S. occupation . So no, we aren't.

thank you based nord

Tons of the guys who came home were just replaced with contractors. If he's just replacing contractors with US troops this is actually fine. I know tons of dudes who make 60-80k a year doing bullshit over there trying to continue being GI Joe. Shit is pathetic.

i think he's just an opportunist who saw a chance to further increase his wealth

He talks and writes all the time that political Islam is the number one threat to humanity. This was the reason Obama sidelined him.

3 trillion dollars of natural resources? There be fucking nothing left of this planet.

Planet housing estate with 20 plus billion shitting pissing humans.

Hopefully a comet will wipe us out soon.

>I only support it if he tells me an obvious lie just so I can get on with my day without killing myself because I can't shoulder the guilt of allowing myself to GET PLAYED SO FUCKING HARD OHOHOHOHOHHOHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

>ISIS didn't come into existence until the troops were pulled from the area.
Are you literally retarded?

Ancap talking like a neocon lmao. Fuck off.

>1 reply by this ID

slide thread

I've never see a Trump thread move this slow. Imagine being his supporter right now.

Obama won and we never heard about racism ever again

Fuck off bitch obviously you can't handle the truth that you got played like a fiddle

>hur durr slide thread

I gave up on him a long time ago

Have you ever heard "its impossible for a black man to get into the white house" from a black person since Obama? Demands from BLM is just reparations drive 2.0 and 99% of non blacks see it for what it is. Obama's milquetoast leadership fragmented the democratic party so I'd say yeah, it is a win.

You can't conquer Afghanistan FOR FUCKS SAKE!
How dumb are you people? They call it "the graveyard of empires" for a reason.I was there in 04 and you could go a few hours outside Kabul and the tribesman didn't even know they were being invaded.How the fuck do you conquer all these tribes in rugged terrain? It's impossible.They're expert guerilla fighters,like the vietnamese, and we know how well that turned out.
You neocucks really need to read history. Quit fighting Israel's wars.Their "Greater Israel" doesn't benefit you at all.