>he'll fight the globalists they said
>no more wars they said
>he'll fight the globalists they said
>no more wars they said
Go and die in the middle of no where, filthy goy!
If this orange nigger gives us another war for isreal i'm dropping him.
Trump should be sending troops to Europe not sand people land
Oh wait
>happens IMMEDIATELY after Bannon canned
almonds: activated
Wtf they were my favorite muslims. Why are we going to kill them.
Trump turned out to be just an illusion, what a surprise
I love this thread!
The only one that replies are shills
He's basically Hillary Clinton without the savy and confidence.
Preferable to dying walking down the street, Paco.
Its been talked about since June
Yes I agree. If only we had elected her so we could enjoy her wonderful personality.
Fuck yeah. Time to loot the U.S. Treasury for another $6 trillion cash give-away to right wing no-bid business contracts.
>Cant win the war on the opioid epidemic without shutting down the Deep States opium production established in Afghanistan after 9/11.
Think about it. Trump isn't doing a fake war on drugs he is doing the real deal. Builds wall. Sends sessions to South America to start shutting down the cartels. Military going to get involved in the drug war. Now they shut down Afghanistan as well. Get people off drugs and back to work in order to MAGA and turn them from degenerate leftist into productive patriots.
Why not just claim the land as US soil? Remove islam, make people speak english and build the infrastructure.
deep state wins again
Well its not another war. Its the same war.
Get beheaded in the middle of no where, filthy spic
Trump's election is proving definitively that Washington D.C. is immune to elections. They have developed anti-bodies to combat democracy and halt its influence. Though the media, through the surveillance state, through the networks of networks of insiders, through the recruitment of shirted brigades, through 70 years expierience crushing democracies abroad the System defends itself.
Leaving things at an election will not cut it. The swamp cannot be drained by 4-year ballot alone. Deeper, more constant pressure by the people is required to overturn this corrupt regime.
I'd rather die in the streets of my own country than in the sand dunes of Afghanistan,
Terrorists apologists.
didnt a get on Sup Forums predict this?
>no more wars they said
I literally cannot remember anybody here ever saying that. We wanted Trump to win to avoid war with Russia, not to avoid killing shitskins.
What the fuck happened to no more foreign wars?
If you ignore the completely retarded shills replying to each other itt and actually read the news, this was already settled in June.
The campaign is over.
This is what happens when your closest advisors are literally ALL neocons/neolibs. No matter how strong Trump's personal convictions are, neoconservative policy will be implemented throughout USA
Fucking shills twsting trump actions
This was always the plan he said so before obama should have never pulled out of the ME so trump is just fixing that
Relax guys
There's also this little thing called the "Powell Doctrine". You see, we've been fucking around doing the Rumsfeld thing for so long, we've actually forgotten how to fight a war.
Take everything you got. Win right now. Get the fuck out, or build a new base.
Trump is an interventionist neo Cohen and puppet for the Jews. It's the same reason he was starting to stir shit up with north Korea.
5d chess, r-r-right goys?
>americuck babys first redpill
at least now you know, this board is filled with slave weaklings who believe elections are real
This thread is not active. Trumptards are too embarrased to reply
This thread is not active. Trumptards are too embarrased to reply
They won't even admit Trump tweeted this
Hello my fellow shill!
This. He literally talked about this during the campaign.
The Swamp.
People = Policy.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. We dont want to see more dead muslims! ONly jews want that. I should move to Based Russia now because cool kgb guy Putin
>(((neoconservative policy)))
>bannon is an islamophobe fascist nazi lmao
>better kill some more Afghan Muslims guise xD
yeah investing trillions in killing 1000 afghanis each year is really crippling the muslim powerhouse.
I support it 100%
>Get back in Afghanistan to prevent Chyna from getting those rare earth minerals
>Maybe I can get my contracting job back
Honestly, we should just make it a United States Territory and give it to the niggers so they can live in a country without Confederate statues and white racists.
he's just protecting the poppy fields
This is a surprise from the man who vowed to be non-interventionist in the middle east and then proceeded to fire 59 tomahawk cruise missiles at the Syrian regime?
Anyone who believed Trump's campaign promises is retarded
You're stupid as fuck, this is reccomended by top US generals and was an expected consequence no matter who became president. Read more Faggot .
Good. More American imperialist dogs will end up dead - it is truly a beautiful thing.
I'd like to see /ptg/ shills and awoo posters defend this one.
>Now that Bannon is not in the WH, he can fight the globalist agenda. He is unshackled
>4d chess
Dumbass Trumptards. Now that he's out, the closest advisor to Trump rn is Kushner.
No one cares about dead Muslims, Trumptard. American soldiers are mostly white, working class and voted for Trump. If you send them to die, who will vote for your Fat JEsus Cheeto
every POTUS is a hostage situation
>chyna from getting rem
>implying chyna doesn't already produce 99% of global rem
ya u dummy shit. also north korea has the second largest rem deposit in the world and guess who nk trades with?
The announcement is tonight?
He hasn't made it yet?
he who controls the poppies, controls the universe
Illuminati checked
And this helps with what? More heroin problems?
Every war we've had was nothing but a drug war since the Korean War, if not even before that.
WOW. You are really eager to die for jews aren't you?
Here is your goodest goy award.
I agree.
Trump supporters are willing to fight the world and endure a non-stop beating from the press to only be let down by Trump himself.
Trump has proven his detractors to be correct when they say he is a con artist.
Wow thanks for the red pill user. So woke now. Turns out that Trumph whole campaign was a lie.
Thread full of fucking retards here.
If the US pulled out of Afghanistan,. ISIS would just waltz in.
Wouldn't that be fantastic.
>muh 9000000D chess
Another one to check
>That neck
Why is it their duty to interfere in others domestic affairs ?
>implying the US isn't the one supplying ISIS
Most of them are shills dude
1/10 shitty reply fucking weaboo
Wew dude your quads
And do what?
All these Trumpkins finally being hit with the truth that Trump is a total sellout.
Not for much longer they don't.
You guys just don't see the big picture.
>all the faggots and niggers and trannies want to be in the military
>we want to get rid of said people
>best way to get rid of military fodder? a couple of wars
By the time Trump's done, the few remaining trannies will be running to Canada as draft dodgers refusing to participate in a war.
le isis boogey man
stop u absolute nigger. isis is in strategic ruin
>ISIS would just waltz in
ISIS is insignificant now. ISIS is only a threat if the US and Israel stop giving them toys.
Daily reminder that Bannon was against this
Im pretty sure u are just afucking idiot.
Trump will be running to Canada too cause hes a draft dodging cuckhead like you lol!
Plz checkem
ISIS literally only exists due to actions of murica, retard.
Noam Chomsky has been making this argument since the 1960s
Business as usual like it was always going to and always will be.
We know.
how many thousands are we talking? 2 thousand or a hundred thousand?
>thousands of republican troops
Fuck Drumpf I'm taking the sticker off my wall
They have to end the mess already. The only other option is a total pull out and that's highly unlikely.
Afghanistan isn't really related to the Israel situation but the kikes abroad like the drug cartel/Afghan poppy connection.
U.S. troops guard the very poppy that I'd used to make the shitty heroin that kills the folks back home.
Have schizophrenic tinfoilers like you ever reconsidered that CIA actually got fooled by syrian rebels and not vice versa? That jihadis posing as moderates got their weapons that way? Westerners are known to be naive and CIA is full of women wo think they're some shit
and for what?
US spent 4 trillion dollars in Afghsnitan