I can't tell. Was she always ugly, or is this what years of social justice does to women?

I can't tell. Was she always ugly, or is this what years of social justice does to women?

It's a scary thought that feminism might grow and make all women turn themselves into creatures

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Best argument for lizard people desu
She does not look human.

its the glasses and the wide spaced eyes. she's hot otherwise

she's a premature birth, eyes didn't develop properly.

she's basically a combination of genetic diseases, and would be dead if modern medicine didn't save her.

>that pic
Top fucking kek

I knew she looked familiar

still don't know who this is

She just needs other glasses or contact lenses and a makeover. Another hairdoo. She can still be OK.


I'd fuck her desu

I think she's cute personally... noble career, nice body, intelligent, blonde .. I would absolutely date her. And I am a total chad.

Ya that's my point. I don't think she was born ugly. She's just making herself ugly because muh social justice / feminism

Not really. Her eyes look fine - she does NOT have hypertelorism. I'm tired of constantly saying this.. Her forehead is a bit big, but that's the only thing that makes her different. The reason why people think there's something off with her eyes is because of her glasses.
Also, she ought to wear her hair in a braid more, it suits her a lot. The thought of pulling it turns me on a bit, too.

Every woman I know that was once insanely hot that has gone over to the feminism/SJW side has desecrated their beauty by going for the typical feminist look (straight short fringe/problem glasses combo).
It's the attitude problem as well.
When someone develops a shitty attitude due to their new-found views on the world it makes them even more unappealing.


I don't even think she is disgusting, I'd obviously fuck her without hesitating. I'm just saying I constantly see sjw's doing things to make themselves less attractive because they are so obsessed with doing anything to look unique, because they all think the same. This is their choice to do whatever they want, I just like complaining about stupid shit.

If she got rid of those glasses, learned to close her mouth and got a hairdo that didn't accentuate her 5 head, she would be a 7/10.

Right now 4.5/10

I like how she always around nazi folk. Won't be surprised if eventually she'll turn into full 1488 mode.


I agree with the fact that some people are making themselves uglier on purpose - but I don't think she's doing that. Maybe she's just playing a character for Vice.
She is still a cutie, though. Whether she's faking it or not, it doesn't matter - yes, she might be faking some things and she might be wearing glasses that don't really suit her, but the feelings are real. If you can read body language right you'd see that she's actually a bit anxious - like this is her first time on the job.


>Dat Peripheral Vision
you know... if you had a 3some with Brittney and Elle, they could stare deep in to your eyes and each other's eyes all at the same time.

Thx, many keks have been had.

She does NOT have hypertelorism and her eyes are not that low.. I hope somebody fixes this already.

You are retarded, Sage

Top kek

its a meme you dip

I know. I don't care if somebody insults Trump or calls Erdogan a cockreach - but this is too fucking far. You're fucking with the woman which brought powerful emotions to my jaded, stoic heart. I felt decades younger the moment I saw her - and I will NOT let you mock her.


>decades younger
how old are you, pops?

Ehhh she wouldn't be my first choice, but I'd bust a nut on those glasses. She's kinda plain but her nudes ain't half bad, some other user found them under her stage name. Veronica Moser, or maybe Mozer.

Listen to how wet her panties get asking Cantwell what he thought of the documentary she made about him.


Here eyes are practically touching her nostrils

You have reached a level of degeneracy, where you aren't even able to see real beauty.
Elle represents exactly the opposite of feminism and modern whores
Hi bulgarbro

This goy gets it

>tfw when Elle will never call you.

D-does it matter?


She was probably bullied by other girls in school, and now is enacting revenge by being an SJW and telling people what they can and can't do. It's a power trip.

>noble career

journalism is many things, noble not among them

Which kind of larping is this?

>She was probably bullied by other girls in school
>being an SJW and telling people what they can and can't do.
no she just wants to see how the world around her works in her cute innocent slightly autistic way
> It's a power trip.
No, she is the only one where I have the feel that she is authentic in her ways.
she really is this cute like she comes around in her reports.
The only ((journalist)) which doesn't deserve the bullet right on the spot.

Pretty sure her glasses are a shield

Too bad she is your enemy. She'd look great in a frog suit.

She is not our enemy, she only works for the wrong people.


She looks like the normal brit to me.

>other than being an ugly ass desecration of Kek, she's pretty hot


she looked better when she did porn

She's gotta do what she's gotta do. I can't blame her for not being brave enough to quit and join a news source with a right bias
>the money is not that good
>she'll be bullied by her peers for "straying off the path"
>going through a couple of news organisations in no time wouldn't look good in her resume
>she'll have to meet new and warm up to them all over again

Is this her in cobra form?

I don't even care that she is not working for right wing media.
She is just the perfect girl and she is doing a good job as a reporter.
I don't expect from a woman that she is into politics and desu it makes her the more attractive to me when she is concentrating on other things.
I would take Elle everytime over an annoying "right" wing youtube whore who just repeats the same shit all over again, without even having a clue of politics or history..

I like the glasses she looks cute in them

The small nose, the style of glasses and the way she wears her glasses make look like a full on retard sometimes. If she took the glasses, or went to a different style, she'd look a lot less fucking retarded.

Are these two fags gonna jerk eachother off for hours here.

>I would take Elle everytime over an annoying "right" wing youtube whore
So would I.
We've known eachother for days!

how much did this ugly jew bitch pay you to post this shit?

mods? what the fuck take this shit to Sup Forums...

this bitch has been posted here all day since c-ville

paid posters ruin this site wtf mods compromised?

it isn't even a joke or forced meme it's just someone paid to post her here. pathetic jews.

w-w-w-wwhat about dylan ruuufffs?

get the fuck out of here stupid ugly fucking jew

Oh is it you Laurenfinnshill?
Finally we meet again and this time I've also found something to shill for.
Give me elespeth or give me death!!!

>Are these two fags gonna jerk eachother off for hours here.
Yes that's what we usually do.

that can't happen because she's an ugly jew.

nice pathetic shill attempt jewboi

Don't you have some shekels to donate to lauren southern.

She is our girl


I think she's cute...

>women in politics at any level

She is not in politics, that's what makes her better than the rest.

Why did they think forcing her was a good idea?

EDF is quick to the gun I see


Nobody forced her and apearently she is the best reporter vice has to offer, if you look at their other stuff.
It is not about politics it is about appreciating the beauty of a woman in mind and soul.

Female balding pattern; the five head fore head.

i wonder what she posts on her twitter

I can't help it senpaitachi, she does look fucked up but cute at the same time. I really want to fuck her.

Two beers.

Wow, so ugly.

I want to fuck that sloth.

She doesn't look manly enough for you faggot?
I guess you like your trannys with a 5 o'clock shadow.


>I really want to fuck her.
please user, she is not for lewd.
But you are goddamn right with the part about her being cute.

It's strange that she has enough open-mindedness to browse this place and admit that people here largely aren't stupid, but still falls for the everything is racist/sexist/_ist normiethink memes. I always wonder about people like her. It's like they're on the cusp of the so-called red pill, but scared to forfeit their place in society and afraid of being rejected by their friends and peers and family. So she's looking in, flirting with the "dark side", just a toe over the line, but not enough to really give in to reason and logic, still ruled by emotions and fear and social pressure. I'm not even sure it's wrong for her to want to stay blue-pilled when the social cost of being right is detrimental to your quality of life. And, you know, she really is cute, although she'd probably think it's sexist and condescending to say that about her.

I'm 53 and I don't believe that he's a day over 25.

Because when the internet didn't exist, we entertained ourselves by going outside into a world is full of beautiful women, and this one is nothing special.

Women who become leftist scum do grow less attractive.

Oh god. I want to fuck her so bad

she is a modest girl who wishes traditional life, there is no need for her to go further down the rabbit hole of mere materialistic politics.
Lover her for what she is but don't corrupt her.

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