She is the president candidate of the most based Finnish party Perussuomalaiset in the upcoming 2018 election. How do you like her?
Perussuomalaiset basically the Sweden Democrats of Finland, close borders, own people first, etc
She is the president candidate of the most based Finnish party Perussuomalaiset in the upcoming 2018 election. How do you like her?
Perussuomalaiset basically the Sweden Democrats of Finland, close borders, own people first, etc
Laura Huhtasaari.
I don't want to vote her, but she's getting my vote nevertheless.
Piece of shit. She looks like a well-used prostitute.
>unironically voting for this
>unironically supporting person who does not believe in evolution
Yeah I don't speak fucking Moomin, can I get a quick rundown on this QT?
I would vote for her if she wasn't dumb as a rock. I think it would be optimal if she managed to scare other candidates with better chances of winning to take a hard stance on immigration though.
i can't read mongolian.
I doubt it, there are less than 9% of the voters who support the party anyhow. Basic finns are dead, anti-Eu stance is dead and so is anti-immigration.
What effect does that have on the ability of a government to protect its people? On the list of important political issues belief in evolution is somewhere around 10,000th while immigration and national identity is one of the most important.
Lack of elementary school kids understanding of some fundamental scientific laws show general lack of intelligence. Same goes with belief in god.
>you can't prove or disprove existance of god, it's a matter of faith
>but like i've said if a frog becomes a prince it's a fairytale, but if it happens through the period of many many years it's science
>i think it takes a lot to believe that humans were born out of mankies
>humans are wonderous and I don't think we're here by an accident. I believe in a God.
>I don't believe that human is an animal, and monkeys don't evolve into humans. that theory too is full of holes
>rami, what other animals have become humans?
>rami, the thing just is so that humans are not animals and have never been animals. It is a completely impossible theory that animals or an animal became through time a human
>rami, according to evolution we should now have some half-monkey half-man transition period humans somewhere, but we don't. Monkeys always are born as monkeys like all other species are, humans always come from humans. The earth it amazing, everything has a purpose in nature. Such a perfect and systematic world isn't born by accident as a freak of nature, like for example human? Even if I didn't believe in God, I wouldn't believe Darwin either.
TL;DR: She believes in God and doesn't in evolution, and she doesn't really understand how evolution works.
I said optimal situation, I'm not sure it will happen. Also the true finns party isn't dead. As long as they have a point to argue and the mainstream parties don't adopt at least some of their talking points, they're going to have at least some popularity. Not to mention in two years there is plenty of time to bounce back.
>the Sweden Democrats of Finland,
Don't compare these inbred hicks with swedish master race. Even your nationalists are pathetic
How do you say gmilf in Finnish?
Niinistö will reign supreme
She's clumsily arguing against evolution in that piece.
Is that a star of David pendant on her neck?
>doesn't really understand how evolution works.
Well, it bears repeating that there's no "missing link" anywhere in existence today. I mean, perhaps they were too "people like" that they got eradicated by actual people, but even still; where's the fucking fossils?
The answer, of course, is HBD. Humans started popping up all over; not just in one place. Not only that, as soon as they started popping up, they started migrating. It really does make it difficult to track down how we came to be, but it doesn't rule out a "god" nor some evolutionary process.
The fact is there's still no solid proof either way, but it's easily understandable how many could simply pick a side and put faith in it.
We shall see, I personally think that they are going to suffer the very same faith as SMP did.
Does she hate Swedes? Serious question.
Yes, she is very vocal supporter of Israel like most christian hardliners are in this country.
Meant to say also:
1. Is she married?
2. If not, then why not?
3. Does she have kids?
4. If not, then why the fuck not?
Looks like just another female with whack priorities and a thirst for power to replace her void of emotional fulfillment.
I hope so. He has kept Russia more honest than Tarja and so on.
Not saying he should be the best option tho.
Presidency is not really relevant, considering that the foreign ministry almost exclusively directs foreign policy and now that the presidency has lost even its right to pardon the office has been rendered useless.
I wish she wasn't such a fucking retard in so many other aspects, that I could agree with one thing doesn't outdo the tens of other things.
No one here actually hates Swedes, Sven. It's just heavy banter.
Current PS leadership, which Huhtasaari belongs to, is very interested in cooperation with SD.
I love you Finland so please explain to me what this is about
>that necklace
The way she's arguing about evolution makes it sound as if she thinks that animals themselves may turn more and more like some other animal as they age.
She did not once mention natural selection, or show any signs of her understanding it. She just states for example that it's an impossible theory that animals through time became human.
There is nothing about evolution that means that there should be half-man half-monkey creatures roaming around.
Fossils are surprisingly hard to come by as far as I know, and something becoming fossilized is dependent on a lot of different variables. If you think that we don't have enough proof yet, which we do, I'd have to ask at which point would you think we have an acceptable amount of fossils to state them as proof?
There's a lot of things in evolution, such as how exactly the process started or how exactly humans evolved step by step that we don't really know yet, but as far as the theory of evolution as a concept, I'm sorry but I wholeheartedly disagree with the statement that there is no solid proof. Evolution is a matter of a fact.
wew, I sure hope her other policies make up for that.
Our girl
She is married and has two children.
Can't say anything about priorities, except she seems to have a really heavy white agenda. I'd almost believe she's driven by ideology rather than opportunism. I could be wrong, though, often have been.
They looked bad for a while, but after one Mr. Abderrahman Mechkah did his publicity stunt they seem to be on the rise again.
I believe there other Mr. Sipilä's golden eggs ready to hatch as well, just in time to remind the voting public who's on their side and who's not.
>still falling for the missing link meme
Guys can you please limit your posts to your own Finland chan? This is Sup Forums
never vote vor a women
Is Trump the only politician we're allowed to talk about on Sup Forums?
Don't talk back to burger posters.
Niinistö on kansanpetturi joka oli mukana viemässä Suomea EUhun.
Or their wives' sons.
That's a big dog.
Seriously thought about voting for Halla-aho, never voting for this retard.
Women have no place in politics.
We already had one for 12 years, she was pretty good
Of course she essentially looked like a man which may have been the secret to her success
It's terrifying I share a country with a sensationalist that falls into Huhtasaari's populistic means, especially when she has this facade in order to cover her own incompetence, her blameful techniques are so apparent, perkele.
If you don't regard Niinistö's centristic approach to presidency as only beneficial to the cultural image of Finland you are a fool. You want a Trump? vote Halla-Aho.
Why do you think she has it?
That's a big dog.
Basic finns are dead because a lot of other parties started to be quietly anti-immigration too. If anything, anti-immigration is slowly becoming more mainstream, so a party needs to be socially savvy and appear smart and civilised to ride that wave. Becoming too hardline and sounding too much like an uncultured neonazi scares people off
>You want a Trump? vote Halla-Aho.
Not even close to the same thing you stupid homo.
Agree, but what other alternatives are there? Would you trust any of the other candidates not to fuck things up even worse?
Niinistö the Bilderberg candidate is just more of the same fun we've had lately, as is Vanhanen the corrupt hustler.
Haavisto the plucky gay candidate would be another Halonen and would cause damage for decades.
All the others have no hope.
I don't like her either but any of the other crooks would be a disaster.
God Finnish really does look like some demonic language
The president has literally no power and it's a meaningless election people care way too much about.
Voting for Haavisto, Niinistö will win. Nothing will change in any case.
paperit, kiitos :D
>the worst President in 100 years
>pretty good
Come on now, read something else than Helsingin Sanomat. We're still trying to fix up the mess she created.
President has power to appoint officials, for one thing. Halonen appointed all her communist demla friends as head judges which basically crashed the credibility of our justice system.
President can also veto any inconvenient laws and leads the foreign policy of the country.
Who would you like to have that kind of powers?
>often have been
but burgerbro english is basically peasant latin
We all know if the president uses the veto even once that power is not going to stay in his hands. Foreign policy is co-lead by foreign ministry and the presidency.
>President has power to appoint officials, for one thing.
Yes, he appoints them after other people have decided who he appoints.
>Halonen appointed all her communist demla friends as head judges which basically crashed the credibility of our justice system.
Complete bullshit.
>President can also veto any inconvenient laws
Once. Then parliament approves the law again and he can't do anything.
>leads the foreign policy of the country
With the prime minister. So basically doesn't lead but has theoretical power. Granted this has been a bit different now since lmao Sipilä.
>Who would you like to have that kind of powers?
Not Huhtasalo but it's basically meaningless and we shouldn't have even had presidents after all the real power was taken away anyway.
If there is one definitive way to summarize why I hate being Finnish, it's this mentally stupid white trash thread. Die, you dumbfucks
I think Finnish looks majestic. lub u finbro