Why are black people compared to chimps? They have thin lips and their skin is white below all the fur

Why are black people compared to chimps? They have thin lips and their skin is white below all the fur.

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its because they act like savage apes

Exactly, stop comparing chimps to black people.
Chimps are way more intelligent.



Because they facial features and body proportions are pretty similar.

This thread is about looks and not behavior.

no they're not

Facial features and behavior.


Black and White bodies looks the same to me if you ignore color.

Chimps can't swim.

But for real, silverbacks are more negroid

how do I into this mode?

you asked why they are compared

Convinced now??

spotted the nigger.

Whatcha staring at yt boy?

climb a lot of trees

Wtf is that the missing link?

similar skull shape

Maybe because niggers look like actual chimps, gorillas and apes. Just a guess.


let's see what an objective AI thinks of this

At least a chimp raises it's kids. A nigger spawns and fucks off like a salmon or a sea turtle or something.

Man monkeys are so jacked. They just fuck around and get huge

general behavior

also similar skull structure

We compare you to chimps because their faces look 90% similar
>wide ape nose
>big dumbo ears
>sloping forehead
>protruding jaw
Plus you act like monkeys and move like monkeys and punch like monkeys

But chimps are definitely way more intelligent

Facial features.

How do apes get so damned ripped when all they ever do is lay around and eat bananas? Humans need roids and a lifetime of weightlifting to even come close.

apes are scary as hell, its amazing frail humans outsmarted them and became the apex predator. Using weapons and shit is cheating, apes win at all 1v1 human matchups. If apes could learn to use guns they would take over the earth, they would make the ideal soldiers.

Winston from overwatch?

Chimps are diverse. Some have dark skin tones.



That gorilla went through like 30 kittens because it kept killing them

bock lesners nick name is the vanilla gorilla
dude was a monster wrestler back in the day
also stop trying to understand a joke you take the fun out of it

blacks are prognath apes

They climb trees. That's basically crossfit all day.

hi user, i'm huwhite

I said bodies. The whole thing. If I recall correctly only a few genes control the size of the nose, skin color and lips.

I can confirm whites look nothing like blacks blacks are a seperate species.

I remember reading something about their nose being big because they live in humid places. Asians look very different to white people. Are they other species as well?

Is she a different species?

Only a few genes control gender m8....

an entire chromosome determines gender


Actually all other races look more similar than blacks

From their nigger hair
Complete lack of aquiline nose in thir entire race
Their face slope

That's a single gene m8

Dog breed are less genitically distinct than two human races....

>That's a single gene m8

Bullshit. Asians and ameridians look nothing like whites.

Sub-Saharan Africans aka blacks lack Neandertal genes unlike Eurasians. Blacks are a different species by definition.

Because of their behavior.

Only 1% (less?) Neanderthal dna.

They more similar than blacks look to any other race was my point.

2% actually. That's 2 more than blacks.

It also helped Asians had Denosovan DNA

Which blacks also do not have.

k-korean zombie?

Theres something called ''nukes''

We're not nearly as frail as you think. While gorillas are far stronger than we ever will be, it's a stupid comparison to make. They're much larger.

For our size we are an incredibly strong animal. All apes are this way. We live in civilization though and its made us much softer than natural. The natural, wild human is strong as fuck.

Our main trait besides intelligence isnt strength though, but endurance. There's only one other land animal that can compare to us in sheer endurance and that's the wolf, and we made the wold our bitch. Again, civilization has softened us. Comparing modern humans to old wild humans is much worse than comparing a zoo lion to a wild lion. We used to be endurance hunters, we'd literally run our prey to death.

It really bothers me when people portray humans as frail weak creatures that animals just dominate, and we survived by wits alone. Its fucking bull, if you go outside you know most people couldnt 'outwit' or 'outsmart' a dog if that dog wanted to kill them. Our intelligence isnt about being cheeky, it's the way it builds over generations and the unique concepts we have that makes it so impactful.

Africans have much more distance to the other races than the other races have to each other. Whites and Asians are more closely related than Africans are to either.

Niggers gotta nig

Blacks are vertical people, like apes. Other humans like walking on level ground, but blacks start jumping on things as soon as they get excited. They jump on cars, desks, anything than can find. They are vertical.

Brock lesnar isn't human.

Hes a sentient M1 Abrams in a skin suit.

those lats.

>Our main trait besides intelligence isnt strength though, but endurance. There's only one other land animal that can compare to us in sheer endurance and that's the wolf, and we made the wold our bitch. Again, civilization has softened us. Comparing modern humans to old wild humans is much worse than comparing a zoo lion to a wild lion. We used to be endurance hunters, we'd literally run our prey to death.

endurance? where one of the frailest animals out there the human body cant take hits before keeling over.

>apes always win vs humans
Except for in swimming, running, intelligence, socialization, creativity, invention, empathy, etc.

how the fuck nobody post the gif or vid of the chimp with the ak47 yet

It's really an insult to chimps because even chimps are more human than a nigger.

You don't even believe that.

You're being fucking obtuse. The human liver is literally designed for long distance running. We are the ultimate endurance machine, in that we can chase an antelope until said antelope has a heart attack and drops dead

Actually I do in terms of how they interact with humans and their self ability to survive without intervention from unrelated chimps and blaming others

Pretty much this. I ask anyone interested, go watch a documentary discovery channel put out few months ago called Rise of the Warrior apes. I could not believe how similar they are to niggers, they love mob violence, and they flip out very much the same as blacks do.

Apes have no control of their strength, their muscles are either off or on. These beasts will bite your fingers and face off without making any noticeable expression on their face. They are natural born killers, violent as fuck.

its not because of the color of the skin, but because of the content of the character

It's your nose and your protruding mouth,

Chimps aren't savages.

>thin lips

also checked, nice quads

Thats literally most animals, depending on where you hit. Every creature has points of weakness on it.
You can also lose your entire face, all your limbs, several organs, and even take a bullet to the brain (depending where it goes) and still live.

We do have insane endurance. Everything about our bodies is built for it. Sweat, no fur, bipedal running, lithe figure, large lung capacity compared to body size/weight, etc. Other animals built for short term speed, we built to keep going, and catch up to a near-death animal that has exerted itself to death.

Also modern humans can take damage and pain much less than wild humans did. Our immune systems were also far stronger, we could consume raw flesh and drink the same dirty water as animals and be fine. There is tons of evidence that while immune system is partially genetic, it's also largely environmental. Any human too weak to deal with the grime of the wild just fucking died anyway.

If people were as weak as they think we are, we would never have survived to this point. We did not always have the knowledge of past ancestors to use, for a very long time the best we had was whatever stick around you was pointiest or a big rock.

nice try, koko


because they re fucking whitebois thats why. dont expect logic from them.
fun fact for you honky honks, black people created white people in a lab 6600 years ago. Look it up.
white peope were made to be the demon race, and, look at that, they be.


That looks like Donald drumpf

humans can take a lot more damage than most other animals, and heal very quickly

Oh my fuckingngod


because just like monkeys, they're gregarious animals...

and they steal, a lot.


because of one thing...

protruding jaw ape human

Actually, whites are more top-heavy, like great apes. Different centres of gravity. It's one of the reasons blacks tend to be better runners (running/walking on two legs is throwing yourself of balance and stopping your fall repeatedly) and whites tend to be better swimmers (long arms like rows).

white appreciation thread for those who are glad they aren't shitskins

It's not just size though.

Humans have a higher body fat ratio and a lower muscle mass ratio than great apes. No shame on that, great apes are jacked.


look at this dumb ape in the video

This guy fucks.

all humans come from ape

Also when they get excited they shout like chimps...

You're right, comparing a noble animal like a chimpanzee to nigger beasts is a disservice and insult to the animal kingdom.

yeah they have very primitive dances and rituals

they can't conjugate verbs

and there's this word i can't remember used to describe people who will never see why things are such as they are because... let me start again

a dumb person will never understand that he is dumb no matter how much you explain it to them... there's a word for this.... that's them... that's OP... he will never see what we see.

Found it...

Dunning-Kruger effect

OP suffers from that.... no matter how much you show him he will never see what we see... he will never understand why he's a slow thinker.
