Paying for boogie's surgery was a mista-

>paying for boogie's surgery was a mista-

Oh. Looks like Sup Forums was wrong about boogie. He's going to make it.

What did he start at with the surgery? 500?

He's still going to die before he's a normal weight.
He is in debt to his organs.

>paying for a fat asses surgery in the first place

what did he start at

Does this mean fat shaming works?

>He's going to make it.
Are you retarded? He's still going to die significantly earlier than he would have had he led a healthier lifestyle.

does it even counts if you "make it" with surgery?

He's living off apple sauce, because his tastebuds only recognise processed sugar.

I guarantee his stomach will be stretched back to basketball size by this time next year.

can this fat cuck just hurry up and drop dead already?

Taxation is theft

>Needing surgery to lose weight
>Making it


How exactly do those stomach surgeries work?
Is it forever of just temporary?

I mean, if he really needs a surgery to stop eating then isn't he just going to balloon back unless the surgery is permanent?

Things Sup Forums is concerned about
>The growing degredation of Western Society
>Propaganda from the MSM
>Shills and attempts to subvert their way of thinking
>The diet of one fat Youtuber
Boggles the mind, desu desu

I think in his case it was a stomach tie (or alternatively, sometimes they actually just remove part of your stomach and then stitch it up so your stomach is smaller)

Stomach ties are not permanent, can sometimes break or just not work at all. I think the "surgically make your stomach smaller" option is more permanent. Not sure which boogie got done.

I love boogie!!! You're gonna make it

wait is 465 down?

>Boggles the mind, desu desu
haha more like BOOGIES the mind ahah am I rite??

nah, we just wait now for the plateau.
It will happen before 425.

When you're that big, reducing your caloric intake will result in rapid weight loss by water weight loss and you plateau quickly.

>an "e-celeb" thread which stays up without being deleted

Is that kilos or pounds?

All that fucking drama and he lost 20 pounds?

did his wife end up leaving him yet or what?

Boogie represents the crux of the issue: entitlement. Shitskins think they are entitled to white lands and gibs. Woman think they are entitled to slutting around. MSM thinks it's entitled to spin the flow of information. Shills think they're entitled to invade our free-speech platforms.

Boogie is fat repulsive face, representing a more complicated issue within society.


This, he will have to start doing some sort of exercise to see any further progress or lower his caloric intake even more.

Yup. At best, this gives him another decade, and he'll still be dead by 55. He thrashed his heart, colon, and liver, and all of them will fail in his 50s even if he drops down to 230 lbs or even less.

>get surgery to do something you could have just done yourself

It will work for a while, but there's something fundamentally wrong with people that can't just "not eat." Eventually their bad habits win out, and they'll start grazing all day to bypass their stomach's new limitations and take in way too many calories anyway. This is someone who says eating a normal amount of food is "misery" after all.

This is what a fat person looks like if you xray them. Their organs are literally being crushed under their own weight. That fucking dude needs to drop whatever weight he can asap but surely the damage has already been done. I'd hate to see what his internal organs look like after all of that stress.

These surgeries are not a good solution.

He will still be a Glutton, he is only losing weight right now because he literally cannot eat the way he wants to.

Will that make a change in his gluttony ? or will he go right back into it?

Why is this?
Why can't these organs not repair?
Do you think he is aware he only has 10 years at best left? He doesn't seem that saddened by it

It might put him in a routine of not stuffing his face.

>465 lbs


>there's something fundamentally wrong with people that can't just "not eat."

It's the endorphin rush associated with eating. He connected the two at an early age due to abuse and shitty welfare childhood eating garbage. A snickers bar will change your dna, eat this shit all of the time and it's what you get off on. As for self control, many claim to have it, few actually do. It really is as simple as "stop doing that" and is with everything. Want to stop smoking? Yeah just stop doing that. Want to lose weight? Consume less calories than you burn. People are lazy and have no self control, it's sad really...

He got gastric bypass, they basically sew part of your upper stomach shut and the lower stomach pocket becomes part of the intestine. Over time the smaller stomach pouch will stretch back out restoring his stomach close to the size it was pre-surgery, but this occurs over the course of 18+ months.

He'll lose weight, but if he is still addicted to food psychologically he will start putting it back on in a couple of years.

like 570 or something, he was nearing 600 before he started slimming down to prep for surgery.

He had a surgery procedure that literally unables him to stuff his face
But the brain is still there, so he could end up becoming a gambler or a drug addict
He needs to fix that compulsive behaviour that destroys him

please learn about DNA before making a claim like this.

this fat fuck is so shameful he should commit seppuku. instead he is celebrated.

I really think he's going to pull it off. Watching some of his latest videos, it's crazy the amount of energy he already has. He's talked about how he's finally truly motivated to live as much as he used to be motivated to die, so that's soemthing.

Did this guy get verified because twitter didn't believe somebody would pretend to be this much of an embarrassment?

>commit seppuku
Good fucking luck.

>tfw you and your entire family smoked and drank past 80 without succumbing to cancer
>tfw when you subsist on freshly killed meat and locally grown greens
>tfw you live off the sweat of your brow
>tfw you are eternal

Can we force all morbidly obese people to get the surgery boogie ended up getting.

underated as fuck

Yeah in his case since he is over 300 poinds

you can do it boogie!

send him pics of baked goods and soda lol.

I'm honestly hoping he keeps the weight off, but if I were a betting man, I wouldn't bet on it.

Right now Boogie doesn't have a choice, his dietary restrictions (due to surgery) and smaller stomach will force him to lose weight. Once he can get back to eating solid foods that will be one uptick. Then his stomach will start to stretch back out.

In the meantime, skin really doesn't stretch all that much, your body has to grow it. So Boogie is going to end up with huge skin flaps hanging off his body. They look unappealing and removing them requires multiple cosmetic surgeries (painful, medical insurance will not cover).

In the interim he has used food as a coping mechanism/emotionally positive aspect of eating since a young age, so anytime he wants to feel good, he can eat. His stomach will begin to stretch out after the surgery.

If his will is strong then he can lose and keep off the weight, and again, I wish him the best possible luck in doing so. But I really don't think he can. This is the "easy" part in the weight loss, because he doesn't have any other choice.

This niggas heart is probably several times larger than it is supposed to be and irreparably damaged. Even if he becomes as built as Tom Hardy he'll die an early death

>Be 43
>Already past the point when bones begin to deteriorate
>Weighs 465lbs
>Makes YouTube videos for a living (not a commentary on if it counts as a "real job", but stating it has zero physical labor involved)
>Literally shits his own pants uncontrolably
>Probably has immense blood clots in his system that can break off an cause a heart attack
>Thinks rapidly losing THAT much weight is going to just make those clots magically "go away"
>Implying it won't result in thinning his blood stream, force a clot to cause a heart attack

When you get THIS fat, that late in life, you have no choice but to ride it out. You can only safely reduce clots by SLOWLY losing weight over time, but by the time he would have made a healthy recovery, other obesity born illnesses would have caught him. The man is trapped to an early grave no matter what he does at this stage.

the only surgery we should have paid for is castration so that this guy wouldn't breed

okay, if you can slim down to prep for surgery, why can't you just keep slimming down and skip the surgery?

Just watch the video where he gets visually excited about eating a little bit of cheese and fruits. I think he's actually turned a corner. He's enjoying eating healthy foods.

You're not this dumb. Yeah it's a mental game, but at THAT weight there's only so much willpower can do. The surgery was required to reverse some of the physical symtoms of his mental condition, if that makes sense.

You can just keep stuffing yourself but switch to more and more healthy food instead of solid blocks of butter. Not much willpower required there. I bet he could cut his weight in half without having to do any exercise.

He's enjoying healthy foods because he's been on a clearish liquid and then puree diet. Imagine the first time he eats something that was fried in oil again.

>literally shits his own pants uncontrollably

>He's getting excited for food
That's not a good thing

literally who