Charlottesville is why the mass movement meme is kill

Everyone here has been pretty divided over the issue of appealing to the masses vs. appealing to a more revolutionary mindset. This whole series of events is a good example of why this shit just doesn't work. No matter how many polo shirts you wear you will always be seen as a Nazi (or nazi equivalent) in the eyes of the masses. We all know that the state controls the media and so on and as a result (especially with social media being the sole news source for like 50% of the population) no matter what you do, what you say, you will always look like some radical to the majority of the population. This may seem like a huge problem, but it really isn't. Revolution is a spectator sport, and the only way you're gonna get an end to this Jewish system we live in today is by bringing it down either by force or by letting it collapse in on itself. Redpilling people is fine but we're not gonna get some Nuremberg rally type shit if we appeal to the moms and dads and look weak.

Other urls found in this thread:

Enoch, Spencer and many others shouldn't have been acting like activists anyway. Just because you tell crude jokes into a mic doesn't mean you're any fit to have a movement.

Heimbach is fat but at least him and his guys were solid men there.

Pic related.




>we speak for the silent majority
hmm sorry schmookums, no you don't :)

Where tf is this week's FTN?

>shitlib town of shitlibs is predictably shitlib
Oh my what a shocker

Police kept the nationalists from getting in on purpose to create this propaganda and this only proves the AltLight are scum

Enjoy being a tool of the same corporations you LARP about hating

Spencer is controlled op.
OP is a fag.

Hiding your geo flag = faggot

>Enjoy being a tool of the same corporations you LARP about hating
This. The modern left is 100% useful idiots of international corporate finance, nothing revolutionary.

>Police kept the nationalists from getting in on purpose to create this propaganda
They prevented the antifascists from crushing your ass, lmao. Awww, are you having a hard time rallying your little internet friends to go "shitpost irl" honeybunny? :)

>Hiding your geo flag = faggot
Do you miss the days when you could slide threads by attacking a flag?

Getting your Soros bux seems a very Marxist thing to do.

Do you enjoy working for Wall Street interests?
>100 alt-cucks
Implying you have something against cucks?

Yes. Spread the "useful idiot" meme, since leftists have no true principals they serve whatever satanic power flatters them the most.

The fake news media lied and got a bunch of antifa terrorists and normies riled up, what's new

>15 000 mongs can't handle the banter

You and your entire family being addicted to black dick is why the leftists are seen as failure and cucks. That is why you get replaced by people who can take responsibity, instead of eing dependent on gibsmedat.

lmao all three are larpers

the only respectable guy is that jared taylor dude, and hes a white nationalist, not a loser nazi larper

>claims fake news

>posts fake news

You guys are the worst.

Umm no sweetie

If radicals want to gain power, very rarely is it done by election, as the radical ideology never appeals to enough of the masses unless you live in Weimar Germany. The masses are useless anyway. They only follow who is in charge. High energy (not in a Trump meme way), effective revolutionary vanguards would work better. However, this would never work in America. US army and government is too powerful and the US itself is so big its nearly impossible, especially with all the blacks and "hispanics" who would be hostile to a "neo-nazi" organisation.

Ahmed, don't come back until you learn to speak English properly. That post was atrocious.

>thinks LARPer is an insult
Fascinating. You probably LARP more in your life than anyone here: larping that you belong in white countries, LARPing that you're the equal of white men, etc.
>the only respectable guy is that jared taylor
Jared "the Jews look white to me" Taylor?
Thanks for the laughs captain Sweden.

There was no mass movement. And anyone with a half a brain understands that the crash had nothing to do with the rally itself. It was a panicked response on drivers behalf.
Not relevant in this day and age. That image is for times when leaders were a thing, they are not anymore. Power lies in the shadows now. Mass appeal or none at all.

>Mass movement fails, so let's pretend there was no mass movement
>Mass appeal or none at all.
Is that why you're wearing a fag flag?

>all the jews are to blame
must suck to be mentally ill

>Entire system comes crashing down on nationalists
>Lawyers come out of nowhere to sue them all
>All corporations and celebrities try to undermine them
>Every alphabet soup agency pulls what they can to indict people like Cantwell
>Berkeley mayor was member of BAMN
>Governor of Virginia and police worked against the nationalists

>Leftist: "wtf the police didn't let us beat up black lives matter free speech protestors? Truly this system is arrayed against us!"

This is the retarded shit you believe

>quotes shit I never said
Must suck to lose every argument.

Was white nationalism mainstream before? No. Neither is it now. The media is overblowing it, and the lefties are raging along with it, noone else.
The monument guy with the flag and AR15 was still there, and people still supported him.
>fag flag
How hypocritical of you:

None of you fuckers learned from GG, you made it even worse for yourself by being grouped with the klan and Nazi LARPing

No ftn, jazzhands was getting married

>Was white nationalism mainstream before?
From the founding of the US until just after WW2, so, the majority of the existence of the US.


Fuck off. You had your shot with National Action and you Brit/pol/ kikes failed to support them.

>Nazi LARPing
What do you leftshits think is "larping"?
>inb4 a German ideology
You gotta have a less cringe reason than that, right?

National Action's members are still around, they're probably going to do something else eventually. A successor will most likely arrive.
Spencer's movement seems uncoordinated and pointless beyond raising awareness. It itself isn't going to bring about any change, only change a few minds at best.


Gamergate? You mean the movement that sparked the anti-SJW resistance and probably led to Trump's victory? Yeah, what a failure.

We are talking about the current day here. The OP claims that the Charlottesville debacle was what flushed it white nationalism down the toilet, and here you are moving hte goalpost to a completely different point in time.

It's not about thinking liberals will ever stop calling you a Nazi. It's about making them looking dumb in the eyes of centrists and cuckservatives when nobody they accuse of being a Nazi is a Nazi or anything close to one. lemmings every where

>We are talking about the current day here
No, you specifically asked "before", and in point of fact, the majority of the nation's existence was "white nationalist". So, that begs the question: if we've only been multiculturalism for maybe 60-70 years, that means the transition was only superficial and can likely be reversed. That probably scares the living shit out of anti-whites, but it's undeniable. This nation was rooted in white nationalism, and no one can honestly or defensibly argue "from tradition" that it was meant to be anything else. History is cyclical; your hubris lies in assuming that it's linear.

Your going to have to get over Nazis

Pls no PRfagging

The boomer cuckservatives are useless. What does their support get you? Nothing. As we see from Charlottesville they still support you even if you go full 1488

Gamergate was a major success, I say this as someone who was rather annoyed with it at the time and thought it was stupid childish video game shit. It's made this upcoming generation anti-feminist, anti-SJW etc. All the 13 and 14 year olds are coming of voting age now and they use Sup Forums memes that soaked into the normiesphere back then. Pretty interesting. If I could go back in time and add more fuel to the movement I would.

Before Charlottesville. Why are you deflecting? All it does is drag this already closed subject out even more.

Any one else notice that after Charlottesville they stopped calling us Nazis and now refer to us as White Nationalists, which is a softer word aka euphemism.
Did we Jew them into that or...?

PR does matter though. The problem the Klan had for the past half-century was that they failed to appeal to the masses. Everyone saw them as dumb rednecks, thus more and more decent people drained from the ranks until only dumb rednecks remained.

Why do you think this current movement did so well? It was not by a bunch of rednecks shouting "FUCK NIGGERS" on street corners or burning crosses. It was by appealing to the young memesters through humor and satire.

We just need to obey one simple rule from here on out: never disavow fellow pro-white movements, no matter what. Pro-white solidarity or death. Period.

>Before Charlottesville
And I answered regarding the time period "before Charlottesville" you fucking mong; you just tried to shift the conversation to "the current day" after asking about "before Charlottesville", now you're shifting it back, you dipshit. Come back when you learn to speak English.

Only PR you need concern yourself with is strength. Always appear strong.

Moonman rap about killing niggers was a better recruitment tool than the PRfagging American Renaissance ever did.

Dailystormer did a shit ton better than that SODOMITE rag CounterCurrents

White nationalism is going to be unmarketable to the masses, and natsoc is right out undoable. Just give up on that shit.

Making petty personal attacks will not prove you right. If you intend to carry on with this I will just ignore you.

This, I wish that Jared was in his 30's now.

Richard Spencer is a fucking meme, he is so full of himself yet he is doing nothing but destroying the "alt-right" that he mistakenly believes he created because he coined the term.


Jaz was off getting married but FTN got shoah'd from their hosting this week too.

The truth is that the kind of people who vote for the Right are not activists, they don't go out of their house to protest or involve themselves in politics, they just want to be left alone and not cause trouble. Leftists on the other hand are brainwashed couch-revolutionaires, hysterics of pop-politics always ready to display their autism publicly and shamelessly.

What do you like most about Jared? Is it how he isn't all retarded and anti-jewish like the rest of these LARPers?

>implying Sup Forums cares or identifies with them
As soon the waves of shills leave we turn back to the calm state like sea... of hate

Fuck off leftypol shill

It is you, isn't it Morpheus
You are dishonest as hell. At one point you shit on him about not hating Jews but next do the very opposite.

The problem with all these people is that they don't tackle the hardest part, which is spiritual. People will never buy into an inherited ethnic identity while people don't know that this identity even exists.

Pointing to demographics, or Islamic rape gangs, or traitors in government, wont solve a thing, because this would never happen were the European peoples spiritually strong.

But this doesn't translate well to daily blogs and youtube commentaries so no one tackles it.

Fuck white nationalism. Become an anarcho-terrorist and destroy everything and everyone. It's the only way.


Go away retard.

there's a new Mike and the Mad WOP

Implying I redpilled you?
>Can't detect sarcasm
Are you literally autistic then?

He is mentally ill. Read this.

The Boston event wasn't even alt-lite, let alone alt-right.

It will not collapse by itself. It will collapse into something they want if we don't stop (((them))).

The problem is you stormfags think you're more numerous than you are. Most of the Trump movement wants nothing to do with you. You're national SOCIALISTS. We don't want socialism and we don't want ethnic cleansing. Literally the only places we align are on illegal immigration and white people being allowed to exist without persecution. That's it. I'd prefer if the stormfags just kept quiet. You're not fucking helping. You're killing the movement. Stay on the internet where you can't hurt the movement.

Yes because of the jq even though it's very complex and Jews certainly play a part in the downfall of the white people, saying that some international jews can control one billion whites worldwide it's pure nonsense.
The other reason is that he is very eloquoent, you probably already watched this video but he is flawless here:

Now, Spencer, it's Still not that bad he's young, charismatic and has the looks in his favor(I know some girls with the hots for him) he just needs to work on his approach to the alt-right like not associating with guys like Andrew Anglin a guy who just one year before creating the ds was saying that he only fucked black girls and the white race should go extinct.

It would be the same, you are fighting against a whole system. Had it been nazis that got killed nobody would have cared, people have already decided whose violence they will support. Look at that attempt on that senator scalise it meant nothing and some people even blamed trump for it.

What a bunch of defeatist bitches. Our strength was never about carrying signs and larp flags. Our strength is in narrative crushing memes and being the logical antagonists to every pile of horse shit coming out of lefties and their media megaphone.
You really thought the average person was going to start goose stepping down the street?
We don't have to do anything to grow our ranks but be the alternative, antifa and the left literally does our job for us.
The centrist new right will cave just like the cuckservatives in the face of the lefty attacks and we will still be shitposting about their demise.
In the end it will literally be an us/them scenario and then you can start the larping the nazi salutes in earnest

>We don't want socialism
lmao you faggot Trump ran on universal healthcare and protectionism.

Trump ran on an essentially NatSoc platform.

>Most of the Trump movement wants nothing to do with yo
>You're national SOCIALISTS.
>We don't want socialism and we don't want ethnic cleansing.

>saying that some international jews can control one billion whites worldwide it's pure nonsense.
Except its provably true, that's the aspect that's so interesting while talking to normalcucks like you. We just spend year after year punching in the face with the evidence, but you never listen because of your normie programming. What does it take to get through to idiots like you, i don't know.

>Steinlight: 'The Jewish Stake in America's Changing Democracy'

>thinking natsoc isnt just turbo capitalism


Natsoc is producer-orientated capitalism, as opposed to the finance-dominated "investment capitalism" of Wall Street. None of you actually bother to fucking read books on these subjects, just what you hear on podcasts, youtube, and Glenn Beck -- or whatever they told you in your ancapitstan lebbit sub.

the demographic clock is ticking and
they already own all the platforms

Ayoooo tha jooo keep tha whypipo down!

I said that the jews are one of many factors, but if some jews in power positions control every white country maybe they are the master race.

>tha jooo keep tha whypipo down!
Does talk about the JQ offend you?

Protip: doing a midnight torch march and shouting about Jews in front of MSM cameras lends their smears credence
It was never about the polos, it was about Richard Spencer's autism. Had the rally looked like any other Trump rally instead of having people on camera in literal kkk hoods the media's inevitable "NAZI" smears would have appeared unfair and reaching to a large majority of Americans, generating more sympathy and interest in the cause. But no, they're retarded and walked right into the same old trap, because it's apparently alright to hand the media jews a massive pile of ammo if you /know/ they're out to get you anyway

>Had the rally looked like any other Trump rally
So, with a bunch of BASED spics, niggers, and trannies?


I can tell OP's image was made by a dumb fucking conservative who probably watches Steven Crowder.

Spencer meant rights don't exist if we do not fight for them to ensure they exist.

Protests are just victory laps for controlled opposition.
Only people who already are part of the system can "protest" and not be slandered by the media.
For right wingers protests achieve absolutely nothing. At most it will be a neutral things and media won't even talk about it, but realistically it is Charlottesville.
If right wingers want to spread the message, they are much more effective on the internet.

>Spencer meant rights don't exist if we do not fight for them to ensure they exist.
No, his next tweet explained that rights are simply an illusion, only power exists. He's made this comment several times before. It's funny because he cried so hard about his rights being denied in Charlottesville. Its even funnier when his gay fanboys like you get so fucking triggered and try to defend all the retarded shit he says. Truth is that Spencer and most of the people surrounding him are fucking cancer, and if you weren't such blind followers you'd notice it.

What is Zionism?
Jewish ethnonationalism.
And what is the current state of white nationaism today?

All he does is take away the ammo leftist media could use against him "antisemite" and so on, and also by donning the name of white Zionism,
the establishment will have to perform extensive mental gymnastics to oppose that, (as they support Zionism themselves) and then the public would see the media for what they are even more.

>says they don't speak for the silent majority
>shows small protest, is unsure what 'silent majority' means.
You dumb, dumb fuck. A silent majority is, by definition, not gonna go out and protest in public.
You are why everyone says "go kill yourself" on the internet. As that's the only way you'll improve this world.

The right has to consolidate into a single understandable movement, doesn't matter what it is, and run with it. Then the masses join. If the right is still talking about what they can/should be, how is a normie gonna navigate that haha.

>All he does is take away the ammo leftist media could use against him
I know that seems to be what all of you are convinced of, but it doesn't actually work that way, does it? All he does is cause chaos within his own side by "counter-signalling" core beliefs. The Left isn't ever fooled by him, and normies are lemmings who hate anyone the media calls a "Nazi" -- so what "ammo" does he deprive his enemies of? They're smart enough to sense that he's full of contradictions and divides his own side; they smell that blood in the water and attack him as a weak link. But all the incomptants and followers see him getting attention and think "oh wow he's popular, he must be winning". They pick him to focus attention on for a reason, use your brain and figure out why.

>All he does is take away the ammo leftist media could use against him "antisemite" and so on, and also by donning the name of white Zionism,
It doesn't work that way even though all his followers insist it does. He gives more aid and comfort to the enemy than he gets in return. He's trying to pull a Jared Taylor by kissing jewish ass until ADL jews start to cover for him, but they never will.

>thinks homosexuality is implicit white identity

Stop lying.

Ever notice how much he says that he has to (((explain))) later? He's using "Barnum Statements".

It would be so only if he was actually trying to suck up the Jewsm which he is not. He points to them as an example of the same thing that he wants for whites.
He is just copying them, not asking to be a part of the tribe. And how is Jared Taylor kissing jewish ass? Not attacking them does not equate to kissing their asses.

>only if he was actually trying to suck up the Jewsm which he is not
Yeah, I'm pretty sure he is.

>And how is Jared Taylor kissing jewish ass?
His lifetime work to spread the "Jews dindu nuffin" message, the "Jews are white" message, the "Israel greatest ally" message. You know, pretty much obscuring and dismissing the JQ. Its hilarious how you follow and ape their views so exactly, even if it means betraying the principles of your own side. You all pretend the alt-right is hard line on the JQ, race realism, etc -- then one of your heros shirks or goes off the reservation and you follow blindly behind him. You're like a bunch of kids who grew up with single moms, desperately defending these male role models. Its seems like pathology, its creepy. Cult-like.
