it doesn't feels good doesn't it?
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*snackbar intensifies*
So what does a jew do if we 1. Don't want to lose a white majority in europe or america 2. Doesn't want to lose a Jewish majority in Israel .
I feel so powerless....
Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Israel is not going to be the monolithic societies that once were in the last century. Whites are going to be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for Israel to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and whites will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Israel will not survive
I can die happy knowing this world will burn when (((semites))) and white people vanish from this Earth
Hahahahaha, fucking suck it Jews.
I donate $200/yr to family orgs in the west bank. I've sponsored many little muslim children that will eventually rule the lands of Israel until we rechristianize it.
I also donate to every degenerate Israeli I see online. The youtube tel aviv tranny gets $20/mo on patreon.
Israel is not a real country
Israelis and Western liberal kikes are not the same thing
>israel will be gone in your lifetime
why are kikes so dumb? muzzies with enough firepower to destroy the world, good job
There are always the options of massacre an transfer
Man really activates my almonds
Balflour Agreement. Rothschild blackmailed UK.
Israel is doomed to fail because it doesn't know what it wants to be. What is a Jewish state anyway, is it religious, or is it ethnic?
The zionist argument of Jews being indigenous to the land falls apart when you have converts, ethiopians, subbotniks all living there. And the fact that out marriage in an increasingly globalised world among the diaspora is an inevitability.
And then you have a diaspora feeling disillusioned and leaning towards left wing politics.
Secular and socially mobile Israelis will probably increasingly move out in the decades to come as well.
The international community will not tolerate it. The right and the left are unifying around this issue. Even if you want to keep the status quo we demand a return on the trillions we've wasted for less than nothing, at the very minimum.
If you can't pay your debts we'll see if Iran will. 5x the GDP and 100x the potential. Also will put us in good books with the other pedo worshipers. Pay up I say.
So it will go back to being good old Palestine.
>Israel losing Jew majority
It doesn't matter because Israel is based and we aren't
They're losing ground because the Arabs are outbreeding them, not because they're interbreeding
They have laws against Arabs and Muslims doing Public Service so more Arabs means more slaves, basically
But yeah, I'm sure they're not happy about it, and that makes me smile
Then we can make it European Christian again. No more semites.
Palestine was multi-cultural tho. Then yuro kikes moved in
Start brown genocide? Which I'm surprised nobody has thought of yet, as we're all going to lose out given our birth rates compared to theirs. Even those who push for "diversity" will suffer.
All those qts will be going back to yuro, russia and US!
Why do you idiots believe that ALL Jews advocate for open borders and multiculturalism?
There are Jews and Jews, same as there are a lot of conservative white people, and a lot of stupid fucking liberal white people.
Got a realistic option Yoseph?
You sound angry enough that you might be mistaken for a white person. Are you just waiting to see what whitey does and follow in his step?
Like when you took his religion after you left Egypt?
Good look Shlomo. Also nice how ash kikes mix with arab kike trash.
Yeah right. Millions of kikes will be on the move for sure, but in the opposite direction. The chosen race belongs in their chosen land. Away from our kids.
>mfw I thought specterposting was dead for good but it isn't
Most jews there are arab jew. Genetically identicalto muzzie arabs. And many arab muzzies serve btw. They can chose not to but many still do.
Oi fuck you cunt
That's why they are trying to increase mudslimes in western nations. They know Jews will tolerate white anti-semitism because they are easily able to guilt other whites to disenfranchise those who speak against them. That doesn't work on Arabs who have been in conflict with them for thousands of years and know their tricks too well. So they flood Europe with Muslims and the Muslims chase the Jews into Israel cause whitey is too multicultural and tolerant of Jews.
This is shit i feel sad for the Jews they will lose their homeland again and soon we will lose ours.
Thats the only question that matters why are conservative jews so fucked?
Still dont get what they gain by making europe islamic besides a bit revenge for ww2. But they get one of the big 3 as nuclear enemy lol
Its already at the point where some are leaving cause of imported antisemitism.
dont you understand that this is just a way to call out the jews everywhere into israel and also
>Israel is a jewish state. we must preserve our culture so we cannot take any outsiders
isnt it funny how you cannot complain about european numbers decreasing but jews can?
That's only true if you count Gaza, otherwise Jews will be around 70-75% of population.
That's what got you into this mess in the first place, you should have just taken GHANA like hitler asked you before he started sending you to palestine
Yay! At least I know they will eventually pay for all the harm done. I can die in peace now.
I don't know if this shit is legit but I wouldn't be surprised if it were.
Just end all notions of "democracy" and majority rule. It's a stupid system anyways.
The rise of the brown hoarded will bring down democracy and representative government because even browns know they are not fit to rule themselves.
Bad day to start nofap.
And by the way, I don't give a good damn about the so-called "browning of Israel." Color doesn't matter. Ideology does.
Balfour happen because no one want Jew in their country after WW2. if Jews really have the power Israel would had happened after WW1.
SeeThat's the whole point. Thriving diaspora is the biggest threat to Israeli legitimacy. Their entire existence is based on the Shoah and their need for a literal "safe space".
Hence the Daily Stormer being Zionist controlled opposition. I have Jewish friends who browse there every day.
It's a fake quote, but karma is catching up with the Jews. Rightists worldwide are becoming more Jew-wise. With the internet, the process is unstoppable at this point.
The future looks very dim for Jews, unless they can find a way to shut down the internet somehow.
Everyone has access to God's salvation!
Cuckstianity is weak xDD
Oh boy, isn't Gaza the most densely populated place on earth? Would be a real tragedy if somehow a breakout of Ebola or something happened there.
B A S E D HUN!!!!
They should call you "soroS" - that's "Soros" in reverse.
Which is exactly what Israel will done once the faggot west has lost all international political power and is to involved with civil strife to deal with Israeli crimes against humanity.
Israel are not fags.
And thus they bring all the niggers and jihadis to Europe where they make life a living hell for Jews, in the hope that all Jews who don't yet live in Israel, emigrate to Israel as planned.
Or just build a wall like Israelis did.
This kind of throws a hole into your entire theories doesn't it. Jews aren't the problem
This. Ironically it's the Right that will end up being Useful Idiots for Mossad. But it will make Lefty Jews suffer in the moment so at least they'll find that gratifying.
>Jews aren't the problem
>Oy vey!!! We are a super ultra minority!!! We need more money and nukes to protect ourselves!!!
If we kill our enemies, Israel wins
We must let the muslims take over Europe to make the jews angry
AHAHAAHAHAAHA thats earlier than when the US is expected to lose a white majority
>tfw i can point to israel as a warning of demographic winter
>I also donate to every degenerate Israeli I see online. The youtube tel aviv tranny gets $20/mo on patreon
I actually have a reason to sign up to patreon now.
Here's the kicker; they don't actually care. Israel is a sacrificial lamb just like the 6 gorillion. This ensures that international Jewry will be able to further advance their one world government agenda.
Israel is already brown. It's arab growth they are worried about. It might threaten the nebulously-defined "Jewish state".
underrated post
The issue is the growing international support for Palestinian political integration with Israel. Believe it or not there are some very powerful and clever subversive muzzies. Muslim Brotherhood and CAIR were running a very sophisticated coup of the US State Department under the Obama-Clinton regime, that Trump totally thwarted.
Everyone should watch Stephen Coughlin's lectures on the Jihadist threat and get educated on the way these multiple layers of Islamists interact and coordinate to gain power and spread Islam.
haha get kiked
I didn't say let the Muslims in, but that's happening anyways. What's going to happene is they are going to come, then they will spread propaganda that there is a vast Neo Nazi threat(look at coverage from Cville) coming as a result and soon it will shift to "Jews must flee the West to seek refuge in Israel!!!". LARPing as Nazis hasn't done a single thing to stop Muslims from coming. It helps the Israeli Zionist cause.
>Israel are not fags.
Yeah? Israeli women dominate those the men over there, they are all cowards and manlets.
Watch this:
Skip to 24:00 for the best part
>formed Mossad head
>implying this isn't psy-ops for whiteys so that we can rest because we think the battle is won
the fun part is this: even if jews in Israel are able to outbreed non-jews, the majority will be Hassidim. and the problem with Hassidim is that they are completely useless. Hassidic men won't work. They think their role in life is to study Torah, so they send their women to work to support their delinquent lifestyle. these same men won't serve in the IDF either, except for a very few.
and get this, when the Hassidim do take over, Israel will be more medieval than Saudi Arabia. all the old testament law will be civil law. adulterers will be stone in the street. it will be ISIS-level brutal when the breeding-like-rats jewish religious right take over israel.
Open Borders for Israel! They figured out how to run (ruin?) the world through media and banking monopolies even though they are a tiny minority. Now they have to figure out how to do that as a minority in their own ethno-state. Glorious.
Nice try Moishe, UN flag = Zionist kike shill. The only direction you're going is in the oven.
Hahahahahahahahaha you fucking cucks
Good old shithole, like it was before Jews.
On the other hand, I don't give a shit.
Israel will transfer Arabs out of Israel. As they should.
I thought Jews were all powerful and refused brown entry to their country.
they're gonna care exactly like they do about the fags in chechenya...
>100x the potential
lol fuck off
So pretty much without Whites/East Asians running the system, shit will hit the fan in due time.
This is fine.
Game over.
How's it feel now!?
If Israel had euthanized the mudslimes 100 years ago like the Americans did to the Indians 300 years ago, nobody would've batted an eye
Not saying it's okay, but at least don't be a hypocrite
Hey, what do you know, Jews don't actually control the world. Or at least those who do don't seem to like us too much. Where's my luxury car and 3 goyim whores :(
War's not over until there's one last bow in the battlefield
Balfour happened in 1917 during WW1. The reason why Balfour happened is because when the ZIonists saw that Britain took Palestine from the Ottoman Empire, the Zionist kikes (Mainly Rothschilds) made a deal with Britain they they would bring America into the war if Britain promised them Palestine in return. At that time Germany was winning the war and Britain was considering Germany's peace terms.
For more info:
Is this why they're rushing their plans for Europe and North America? They can't purge until white people are too weak to try to purge as well?
let's just hope that doesn't happen, and if it does, i'm sure there'll be a solution
better than another mudslime state, either way
Do you realize how flawed that logic is?
Kikes don't control the world but a few kikes have a disproportionate amount of influence. Especially over the US.
That's why they are making Europe unlivable for jews.
They want them to move to Israel.
(and its working)
Still it will only work for a while.
>Most jews in the world live in a jew country
>Said jew country's jewish population dies out
>Mfw we don't even need another shoah