What self defence gear should I get, something small I can carry with me in case of a muslim attack? Pepper spray?
What self defence gear should I get, something small I can carry with me in case of a muslim attack? Pepper spray?
condoms and voiteluöljy
collapsible baton
shit that you can kill a nigger with not pussy spray
a quran
I'd rather get a bullet proof vest than pepper spray.
Depends whats legal in your country. I got a golf ball in a tennis socket. Thats enough to smash a skull
>Bear mace
>Brass knuckles
>Smiley (chain w/padlock)
>S&W .357 snub
>Broad bladed knife
Know the situation, and what force it requires. Killing a man who only needed to be knocked out isn't masculine.
It's too late, grab what's in arms-reach
>Brass knuckles
First they are illegal. Second brass knuckles are deadly except you hit like a woman
russian suitcase nuke
No muslims is gonna get a gun here in Finland. What I have to defend myself is potential knife and truck attacks.
sandniggers dont follow the law tho they have weapons so should you
3 dogs.
A cane corso
A caucasian mastin
And a doberman for style points
>something small I can carry with me in case of a muslim attack?
get a gu-, oh wait! lol
if the authorities say anything about it just tell them its apart of your religious attire and if they try to take it away, you'll sue for discrimination.
bicarbonate of soda and a jar of hotdogs.
I carry a sig p320. Good gun.
All it takes to smuggle a gun into a European country is to go to Russia and get a WWII era SMG. That, or enlisting. Your country has the highest gun ownership per capita in Europe.
Pepper spray? fucking gotta be kidding me
they can and they have gotten guns
>smuggle a gun
Yeah, the sad state of Europe.
I want to put that affront to god out of MY misery
surprised no one has said gas masks