The moment you realize Sup Forums is just a bunch of numales, angry for some shit in their shitty lifes

>the moment you realize Sup Forums is just a bunch of numales, angry for some shit in their shitty lifes

I'm disgusted.

Damnit Goyim
Actually seeing how you look like ruins the experience

no shit


What's a worse fate: having roach blood in you, or being a nu-male faggot?

Is this some kind of meta LARPing?

thinking nazis are all losers is like thinking stoners are all losers

only the losers are open about smoking weed or being racist, because they have nothing to lose, so most of them seem like human trash, but that isnt really so much the case

>he's not a financially and genetically successful racist who enjoys some weed here and there

lmaoing at your life

Just imagine how would look lefty/pol/...

>Liberals are more white then this

I like these guys. They look like good folk.

That feel at a /pol meetup and Bernsteins kid is sitting across the table from you and he has no idea who his real dad is.

Digits dont lie

>burgers are mongrels
Wow didn't see that one coming

That's the sorrowful and proud thing about the anons on this board.

Physically speaking, there isn't much separating us from the Nu-Male cucks. You'd be hard pressed to tell us apart from them.

On the other hand, we at least didn't get ourselves into the same mental traps the rest of our generation did, and are immune from the poison of marxism.

Watching friends fall to that madness has not been easy to bear.

Yeah, it sucks, at the very least we are a bit more worldly wise than others who use stupid bullshit analogies to pop culture.

I forgot to mention:
these are the /ptg/ kekistani fags. Why would any Sup Forumsack reveal himself?

Anyone who goes to a Sup Forums meetup is cancer and its always been that way. People who dont appreciate anonymity but would rather treat the site as social media to chat with friends

ugh..these are the people I have to convince to be better human's hopeless.....we're fucking doomed....

I'll admit I'm jealous. Even at my physical peak in life I didn't get that big. Probably got 10-15lbs on me back then. 20-25 now. Shit man. I gotta hit the gym harder


>tfw more diverse than huffingtonpost

>these selfloathing assholes in the comments

You faggots, I was testing you, these betas are from /srg/.