how do we stop this, Sup Forums?
How do we stop this, Sup Forums?
Any political view is a cult of you want it to be.
No, this is different. No matter what Trump does, his supporters will love him for it. MSM does the reverse (twisting everything Trump does into being bad), but you get my point.
whoever made this meme is the enemy and should be dropped alive into a meat grinder.
Example of a cultist right here.
By easily comparing all these points to CNN or leftist media in general.
>The group/leader is always right
Speaks for itself in this regard
>Whenever the group is criticized it is persecution
>Anything the group does can be justified no matter how harsh or harmful
"Call who we don't like a racist and a nazi sympathizer"
>Extreme obsessiveness regarding the group & exclusion of every practical consideration
Lefty drones have eyes glued to TV or CNN news articles ready to get angry at DRUMPF for the next hit piece
>The group is exclusive means of knowing truth or receiving validation
"But CNN/John Oliver/JK Rowling/other leftist group/person made a funny ZINGER and re-tweeted a pic of Trump in a KKK hat! It must be true!"
>No, this is different. No matter what Trump does, his supporters will love him for it. MSM does the reverse (twisting everything Trump does into being bad), but you get my point.
No, this is different. No matter what Obama does, his supporters will love him for it. Conservatives does the reverse (twisting everything Obama does into being bad), but you get my point.
It's literally this easy.
I supported Obama, but I'll readily state that I think he had a weak-ass response to Syria and that ISIS as a whole could have been avoided if Obama hadn't been so focused on being "the President that got us out of the Middle East".
>No matter what Trump does, his supporters will love him for it.
To be fair, there are many of us that love what he does simply because it pisses off the MSM regressive liberals.
We are trolls, after all.
If anyone in this situation is cultlike it's the antiTrumpers. See: thousands of them descending on Boston to protest some Pooinloo faggot flanked by BLM and anti GMO signs for being a "racists Neonazi".
So did I, oh how naive and stupid I was to support Trump.
I do support Trump, relatively speaking.
I don't understand how you retards can shill opinion polls and then say shit like this. Same fucking shit all the goddamn time with you retards, saying one thing and saying another contradictory thing.
This shit is 10x worse on the left. You sure as fuck don't see people on the right out destroying property and setting shit on fire because they can't handle a loss. That's legitimate cult behavior.
>liberals believe this shit
The sooner the UK benefits system collapses and cunts like you starve to death the better.
I still like economic nationalism and I don't give a fuck who's president. But to impeach him could tank the economy imo. Meanwhile leftists are burning down city centers because someone told them to
Sounds like you've been called out a lot for being wrong
>how do we stop this, Sup Forums?
Tell them to stop projecting
You could apply this to how kids are raised to believe college is everything.
>a fucking leaf
It's sad that you're never able to write anything that isn't utter retardation or pure cancer