This thread is for productive members of society only. Positively no NEETS, neckbeards, Communist/AnCap scum.

Post yourself in professional attire to prove you belong here, list your credentials, and discuss how we can finally prevail over the poorfag menace.

>30 years old
>Married, one child
>Own nice split level house
>Own one rental co-op
>2016 VW Tiguan
>PMP certified, CSM

Voting rights should be rescinded from all non-property owners. You should not be allowed to influence policy with your vote unless you have a stake in the system. By handing out our wealth, progressives have diluted the concept of nation, citizenship, and civic duty to the point where we are living in a post modern abstract mess.

I'm the meantime, the NEETS sit here talking about how Richard Spencer is going to lead them to a white ethno state, when they can't even get up because their assess are glued to their chairs with semen.

Go to the gym, develop yourself personally and professionally, and get to work!

>Voting rights should be rescinded from all non-property owners.
this single policy could save America. No more destroying your city/state with a leftist agenda then moving to another state when it all goes to shit, only to vote for the same policies that killed the city they fled from.

>not being salaried

Learn to tie a tie properly, faggot

This isn't your personal blog. Fuck off faggot.

>mid 30s
>$19k net annually
>gf for 6 years, infertile
>rent 2 bedroom apartment for $950/mo
>2016 KIA sedan
>Overnight walmart for the past 11+ years

Cool story fed

Get the fuck out of here.

What are you going to do, ragie?

>>gf for 6 years, infertile
Is she infertile or are you?

You're balding, just so you know. Also, your suit doesn't fit, your shirt looks like it's twenty years old, and that tie makes you look like a optical illusion.

T. A NEET "property owner" who could beat you to death.

Says the numale who cant even tie a proper half windsor

all these ass blasted neets with no argument thinking they somehow deserve a say in our country's future.

if youre going to power clash your shirt/tie at least make sure your jacket is ironed

You're a Zombie.

well you are a leaf

Half Windsor pleb

>29 years old
>Married, two children, one on way, another 3 planned
>No house, housing market is ready for implosion, might as well like the middle class pick up the pieces.

>calling a numale out on his inability to tie a tie means im NEET
Hello, numale IDF

You still cant tie the knot for shit according to your photo, Keith. No wonder you cant have more than one white child, you low test cuckold

>26 years old
>55k a year
>divorced, three kids all boys
>live in a trailer park at the moment due to whore wife
>own a 2001 dodge pick up truck
>have a nice collection of arms
>have fucked over 200 women, most being black prostitues and former Asian wife

> $19k net annually
> Overnight walmart for the past 11+ years
Some Walmart cuck earns more than Russian specialist, wtf?

>all these ass blasted neets with no argument
Why should a white man support the system that's trying to replace him with his taxes?

Let's take a quick look at the OP >Voting rights should be
> You should not be allowed to influence policy with your vote unless
"Should" isn't an argument either, user. It's a desperate fantasy that makes you not only throwing your life away but actively harming your own cause a little less pathetic.

> 33
> $1-2 million per year as partner at consulting firm
> Not married :(
> Own a number of businesses
> Have Bachelors Degree. Getting Masters.

Not posting work attire because I wear t shirts and hoodies to work so nothing special.

> 22 years old
> 60/k year + bonuses
> Software Engineer
> in longish term relationship (2 years)
> Chicago
> 2 bed 2 bath, $2,350/mo, split with ex-marine friend
> College dropout

Wait, your kids are half-gook mongrels? You should get laser removal for that tattoo then

>Married, one child

You need at least another one

>19 years
>22k a year
>tfw no gf
>waterfront house, own
>2017 Chevrolet Silverado

Living the dream. I kinda wish I was a white nigger.

i just know you're going to die in the forthcoming strife. this may be a painful reality to accept, but there is no future. america is gonzo. if you REALLY cared about a future you'd pack your shit yesterday.
all the luck to you my man.

>start college today
>on scholarship from DOD for compsci
>will have zero student debt
>degree from state school, but that's alright because getting hired by a gov agency is more than enough for a resume
>running three online businesses
>paid entirely for the last three years of private high school
>09 mustang GT, several mods but they were put on by the previous owner
>qt gf, going in to politics so we'll both be moving to NoVa after uni
>dorm covered by scholarship
>all money from online businesses is straight profit and under the table

I know the wagecuck life is coming but if you aren't hustling and getting at least three streams of revenue, what the duck are you doing?

who else /entrepreneur/ here


>Why should a white man support the system that's trying to replace him with his taxes?
perhaps it we had kept women and beta males with no property from voting we wouldnt be in this mess.

>"Should" isn't an argument either, user.
is the fact that it was required by the constitution a good enough argument

>Voting rights should be rescinded from all non-property owners. You should not be allowed to influence policy with your vote unless you have a stake in the system.
This will LITERALLY never happen. Sorry dude.

This is someone OP doesn't like and wants him to be portrayed as an evil nazi. If it's really OP than he is complete idiot.

i'm a 24 year old geotechnical engineering student that is working at a comfy bar during summer vacation.

and now fuck off this isn't Sup Forums related, you fucking idiot.


Look it's a fucking PowerPoint expert with a RAIL and a FMEA. No wonder you only make 70k.

30 years old
80k salary
Completely unhappy with life. Being a wage-slave sucks your soul out of you. All I want to do is play video games and watch anime, but I simply don't have the time.

Top kek I'm a Walmart worker and make 40k a year


literally fuck everything on this planet

> 21
> 6k/year
> not married
> own 1/4 of parents' house in town city
> 1988 Audi 100
> unfinished CS major

ITT: NEETs post in the thread even though they don't belong in the thread

Go have your support group elsewhere the adults are having a meeting

>in other town*

>20 years old
>~1000€ a month
>live with parents
>what is a woman?
>9 grades of education
at least i dont have wear a suit for a job

What kind of themes in art would you all like to see and buy?

>perhaps it we had kept women and beta males with no property from voting we wouldnt be in this mess.
But we haven't, we are in this mess. Focus on what's here now, not in your fantasy world.
>is the fact that it was


She is.

Cost of living is probably lower.

>tfw no promotions on overnights

even old folks who "retire" are back in 3 months. Don't forget: you're here forever.

>8 years old
>single, 0 child
>own 4 luxury apartments in NYC, 1 house in LA, 1 house in the Swiss Alps
>own 4 Aston Martins
>investment banker

>Europoors literally ARE poor

I work two jobs and if I am lucky I'll make 14k a year off both them

of which 6k will probably go on rent

>has to wear a suit

I sell drilling equipment through the internet and over the phone and walk dogs and I make $84k before taxes and I've never worn a suit to do my job.

Making people wear suits is boomer nonsense.

Have you tried any fertility treatments? There's a huge amount of things that you can try in order to conceive. HcG, hMg, Clomiphene, etc. Lots of drugs, but also lots of other options. Maybe you have already tried this

Ancap meme lord that is wage cucking his 20s away.

55k/yr with a worthless degree in Nuclear Engineering

> 18 y.o.
> just ended school
> work before university
> 336$/mo (lmao, some people really live on this paycheck, even have kid)
> No student debt, and will not be, cause it's free (and useless)
> No car, no driver license
> Live I'm 3-room apartment in commieblock with grandma


Calling the IRS on you cunt

stay mad. us non-neets make 3 times ad much as you and are socially respected.
you're a worthless drain on society. keep telling yourself....

Hoodie and t shirt wearing software engineer here. Agreed.

>laser removal
Come on bro, my boys are going to learn their dad is firm in his beliefs. They may be half gooks, but they'll learn to respect and appreciate their white half.
I bet you wish you were white, period.
They best dodge if they know what's good for them

*yawn* is this what you do in your spare time wagenigger? pathetic.


You literally have no clue what you'll be doing 4 years from now

You're still a child for all intents and purposes

>married 2 children
>350k house
>jeep grand Cherokee 2017
>am CEO with 06 electrical and nicet 3
>315 bench
I agree.

You wear a suit to work and make less than

Oy vey

Sauce on this qt

going to have to agree 100% here

Hang tight Russian bro

It's too expensive. I can't bring a child into this world via taxpayer funds as I don't make that much.

I make more than my gf, and she had to spend $20k in school. Money problems shouldn't be a worry. If my chest pains are any indication, I shouldn't live more than five years. I hope she doesn't spend my life insurance money in one place.

>Class A truck Driver
>40k/year on my first year
>job is easy as fuck, im local
>3 out of 8 hrs at work i read books and shitpost
>hardest day is i skip a break to make an extra run
>on track for 45k next year
>totally easy
>professional cuz my license fucking says so nigger boys

Russia is not even Europe, it's poorer

>They may be half gooks
Haha, you're disgusting :)

Serious question. How do you own a home and support 2 kids on 60k a year? How much does your wife bring in?

I make 60k at 22, and the idea of a mortgage, 2 kids, and car payments seem unreal to me.

Tax breaks

watch out for hemorrhoids

thats cuz ur a fag that buys gay porn and no budget

What tax breaks?

You would have to live on a small town it commute extremely far from a major metropolitan area

>2017 Mercedes
>Acres of commercial property

>live in poverty
>start job, no payment, work for experience
>dropped out of college, have to work
>get employment
>work in office
>teach newcomers with uni degree in field

No loans beside student loan that i bought bitcoins with @ 2600$ and stocks.
The goal is to be unemployed at 30 and leech of investment

Kids, mortgage, filing jointly

nah dawg. im on and off a forklift all day loading my own truck. i walk around the plant to take inventory. i actually dont sit all that much. maybe 4 hours of actual sitting at work and thats in the truck and on the forklift or sitting in the ac office bullshitting with the foreman

Orange tie? Get a fucking stylist bro.

Cut your hair and don't style it like you're in highschoom... especially since you have a receding hairline.


I could go to work next week and be perfectly functional and well respected. Your income, your assets, don't make up for your terrible personality. Why else would you be wasting time e-stating on the Internet?

Literally no one on Sup Forums cares what you own or where you work. This is like the business card scene from American Psycho, only a bunch of virgins in ill fitting suits.

It brings me great pleasure to know all you goys are going to die violently while I'll just keep on fishing and developing real skills useful for more than impressing your equally cucked friends.

Got a pilonidal cyst yet? Wage cuck problems

> under 30
> 95K /yr for 2 years now
> Don't have to dress up like a penguin
> 2016 Honda Civic because quality trumps your gay ass VW that will have a shitty transmission in 5 years and whose sensors cost double beacause /muhgermanengineering/
> Married no children yet
> Saving to buy investment properties
> Don't have mega rich parents to finance my shit
> Not white
> Didn't graduate high school

>25 years old
>engaged, getting married next year
>currently looking to buy a flat/house in (((London)))
the only problem is that my income along is not enough to get something good, but I don't want us to be dependent on a double income because we want to start getting children

It is hard, but do the following:

Pay for a four day instructional course, it's worth the $1400
I used Project Management Academy
Then read the PMBOK after the course
Study three hours a day for a month and make flashcards
Take the online practice tests
Take the exam 4-6 weeks after the course and you should do fine

I was completely new to the material and got proficient in 4 out of the 5 process groups

You'll do fine just put the time in

77k network admin for a big company
22 years old
Own a car, and an apartment
Gf is studying network and server management
Hopefully having kids in two years

All I do is sit about on Sup Forums all day and occassionally fix something. then I go home and play videogames or go out with gf and do something fun. I save 25% of my monthly income. Probably going to retire early in South America and live like a king.

Oh and I drive a z06 corvette

>you have no idea what you'll be doing in for years

You're absolutely right. Hell, who knows if we'll even be here in four years?

That said, the plan is to stay on this scholarship, which works similar to ROTC in which after school, I signed a contract to work(likely for shit wages, hence my entrepreneurial tendencies now) at the Department of Defense or affiliated agency. From there, I could work my way up in government, work for a private firm, or, if a business takes off, go all in.

That light chain is really gay, user.

They're changing the PMBOK Jan 2018. Gotta get it in before then.

Any sources for practice tests?

haha imagine being such a butthurt wagecuck that you make this thread
Back to work, faggot

One of the top male prostitutes in the whole of the world. Goes by the name of "Barry the Bumgardener".

>Voting rights should be rescinded from all non-property owners.
Do you own that house, or does the bank. Does that mean you don't get a vote until you finish your mortgage?

If you could be working and making money, why aren't you? Serious question.

Maybe things are different in Canada but where I am, quality girls only fuck guys with careers and money, yet you're apparently unemployed and calling everybody in this thread, including the married ones, virgins.

Are you projecting a bit?

>You should not be allowed to influence policy with your vote unless you have a stake in the system

>90k military industrial complex
>Prepping for eventual USG Medicare and UST default

well, I can't pretend they aren't part yellow brother.

Prot-tip: make sure to check your condoms for pin size holes when banging an Asian woman.