I wonder if trump will promote this. You would think he knows what is going on behind the scenes by now. May as well kill it at the core
It's too late for it to really matter.
If there was any policy decision that would ever get Trump assassinated,
this would be it. The Jew Cabal wouldn't care if it burned down the whole country into civil war, nobody will take their shekels.
Its pure Anti semitism,bankers are the hard working people,they regulate the economy of the world and you should not question them or inspect them it will only result in obstructing their work,hence going against the greater good.
nothing new
Why do you people want to audit the fed?
Don't you realize that auditing the fed will make all your money useless? you won't be able to import your mercs and audis anymore so easily.
Because it's the right thing to do.
I know that's a hard concept to grasp in a country where living a lie is the forced norm, but trust me, it's true.
If he carries on pressing for this he'll either be found with cp on his computer, suicided with two bullets, unexpected massive heart attack or all three.
>no way this is real
>its real
They're going to trade Mexicans for those things now, we have Indians to trade for cars too.
can someone redpill me of effect/aftermath of auditing the fed?
t. not economist
America realizes its money isn't really and the economy vaporizes globally. Rand Paul is a subversive agent intending to destroy America.
either the world banks will collapse or ww3 starts when the (((deep state))) will want to protect their assets
His dad has always been doing the same thing for years yet no progress.
Lel wit. Isn't it basic shit to know about fractional reserve banking
Randlet is a Jew puppet who said after The Roofening™ that the Confederate flag "belongs in a museum" when asked if he felt the flag should be banned
Plenty if it her reasons to hate him but for this one alone your a cuck if you don't
They've been loaning and creating more money than they've been admitting. This is just the tip of the Goldberg.
If you're at all interested in the subject, look up quantitative easing and bail outs. People complain about welfare being expensive..
This. Russia already kicked the Rothschilds out of their country. We do it and eventually the rest of the world will get the same idea.
bump beechis!
Do ett, do it do it