Jews and minorities in the Alt RIght

What future do they have with the movement, Sup Forums? Can the Alt-RIght reconcile it's white nationalism with having non-whites and Jews in it? (it was miller that wrote Trump's speech about Hillary meeting with "international bankers" wink wink.)

Will they be classified as Honorary Aryans?

Your thoughts.

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seeing a lot more nazi flags on pol, chime in please

Why do you all hate jews

No shitty memes

There are always exceptions to the rule. The purity spiral is a divide and conquer scheme and everyone keeps falling for it.

Purity should be an ideal and not an absolute rule.

So essentially non-whites need to know their places in a new hierarchy?


This is basically all I realistically want.

Yes and no. Some of them can definitely be incorporated like this fine gentleman. but the vast majority would likely have to GTFO.

>What future do they have


Is he gay Sup Forums?

I have the biggest crush on him. I read an article that he never had a girlfriend or relationship. Maybe he is just a playboy. I want to believeeeeee.


Prove yourself loyal and you shouldn't have to worry.

Or at least I hope. The thing with the far right is that it has a fascination with totalitarian ideologies, and those have a tendency to betray their own followers.

The alt right just like the alt left can gfto.

Extremism is the real enemy.

look into central banking, war profiteering, the feminization of brazil, and many other world events.

Also look into who you can and can't criticize legally in or reject in europe, who own the vast majority of titles in hollywood (both motion pictures and offices), as well who make up the majority of the ultra-wealthy. You'd be surprised that two percent of the population controls what 80% watch, read, and believe.

Please do your own research, don't believe or take anyone here (myself included) at face value. Or you can just be a meme and say "muh conspiracy lol."

Also while commies do deserve the helicopter, and I do believe that whites should have an ethnostate and the 1964-65 immigration act/spectacle was a mistake, I'm not a believer in nazism. That said, hitler was right about a lot of things and I question/seriously doubt the holocaust.

They serve the same purpose as house niggers did for the south.

What made Goebbels this bitter?

I remember seeing a comment on a Golden One video about how this guy was rejected from IE for being roughly 1/16 Jewish. Oy vey!


Jealousy of endogamous groups (groups that breed only with their own kind). Note pol rarely criticizes Mormons, who do the same thing, and even holds them up as moral superiors.

They're trying to take it over from within, just like they have so many other times.

You civnat cucks caused this

The world has changed tremendously since 1930. Germany only had Jews are "foreign elements". Now White countries have minorities from all over the world.

What would their place be? All in camps? How would their home countries react?

Republic of
The kingdom of LARP is a magical place, where white people exist and no one can ever call you a dumb fucking burger.

>muh baste black man ;)

He doesn't even really look Jewish desu

The fundamental problem is non-whites will never fully be trusted, because some won't be 100% loyal, and secondly not everyone will trust their loyalty.

It don't see it ending well/

I don't pretend to be a NatSoc or whatever because I am not one. He asked a hypothetical question and I answered it.

I just hope they don't have any beef with Injuns, we're nationalistic as fuck. And I'd rather live with white people than a bunch of fucking sand niggers.

Emil Maurice was literally #2 in the SS ranking. He was considered a founding member.

I don't see it ending well either, which is probably why I'm just leaving the country if things get out of hand. I have some Jewish DNA in me and I don't trust the far right to guarantee my safety.

sage shill
jews are leading the altright around by the nose.
dickie spencer literally said the altright are modern bolsheviks.
i wonder how much in federal subsidies the spencer family ranch took in this year?

So you hope to obtain a place just beneath whites in the new power structure, perhaps like some Asian-Americans do?

I'm black, STEM educated from a top University. I don't date white women. I have a good job and am a productive member of society, more so than most whites. I get that most of the best people in the world are white, and whites create the best societies. I come from a long line of military veterans, as far as I can trace back, (Grandfather, Great grandfather, great great grandfather). My family and I have earned our place in society. The idea of some guy being worth more than me to this society simply by being white is a fantasy and I'm not going along with it.

I am all for keeping out third world trash, and getting rid of unproductive members of society but getting rid of people like me and keeping a large portion of people who have less human capital than me sounds like how we got into this fucked up situation in the first place.

I'm jewish. I think it's just because we're subversive. None of us want the white nationalist envisioned future but their are elements of it that appeal to us. We're arrogant enough to think we can pick and choose what we will get (no welfare for blacks, no muslims, feminists btfo etc).

Seeing a bunch of low IQ inbred whites chant "jews will not replace us" probably snapped a bunch of jews out of it and realized you're still our enemy. It was foolish of us to think you were capable of taking responsibility for your failures instead of blaming the jewish boogeyman. Personally I've since switched sides and am pushing for BLM and bernie supporters to merge into a full blown communist party. Whites have no future in the USA.

OK I think I understand your view. You revere the fundamentally "white" culture that had a large part in making you who you are today.

Let's go further - would you be in favour, outspoken or privately, of a movement to increase the white percentage of the US? Either by limiting non-white immigration (more likely), or by measures to increase the white population (harder)?

INot sure if troll, but if you are Jewish, I think it's a mistake to think of 150 protestors in Charlottesville as what the alt-right, Trump or the government stands for. Do you think you might be falling for the MSM "anyone who is a Conservative and doesn't just continuously cede ground to the Left = Nazi".

If you are a Jew of the Stephen Miller variety, would you feel safer under an Alt-Right WN government, or a Hillary style government? And what would you prefer?

This unfortunately, I was almost on the train, til i realized no matter how loyal or hard working I was in a white natonalist society I'd be second class at best and gassed at worst. It's not appealing, I'd prefer a meritocracy that keeps out niggers

And the promotion of traditional values is also appealing, Jews who aren't Israel first and find degeneracy abhorrent exist in larger numbers than you think(though rare) . It's just worrying because even some Jewish Natsocs / German nationalists got burned, the Italian Jewish fascists got super burned , so it's a balance between wanting what you think is best , but also the inherent need for self preservation. Jared Taylor's message has really been most appealing , since he recognizes there are subversive Jews just as there are subversive whites

I would not want to increase whiteness for the sake of increasing whiteness. I like American whites, and British whites, but that's mostly it. Most of the other white foreigners I meet are just as hostile to the culture and values of this country as most brown immigrants. But I don't really like immigration period.

I don't think immigration is the solution to America's problems. If these Mexicans weren't let in there would've never been a demographic problem. I'm more concerned with making Americans here want to have families again and stop bringing in immigrants.

Europe is a different issue though. There's more of a reason why Europe should be white. But I'm not sure if a race only, ethnically blind approach will save it. Do you think 400,000 Spanish immigrants per year would save Britain, just because they're white? In my opinion Britain would still be white but it will still be lost.

Jews created the Alt-right.
They are the main investors in the far right parties around the world. It's all about controlled opposition.
Pic related is SD (Swedish Democrats, also known as Swedish nazis)

Unlike many Jews I realize that when it comes to the non white hordes they won't distinguish between Jews and whites so I find that our destinys are intertwined.

Memes help convey a large amount of information all at once by compressing it into a single image. If you insist on understanding the reasoning without resort to memes, here is the entirety of Culture of Critique:

If, on the other hand, you are willing to tolerate a well-organized and well-sourced meme, then pic related is a start.

Depends. Are you talking about "racial" jews or religious jews? if the latter, agnostics or all out zionists?

purely racial jews are no problem at all. there were even a couple hundred thousands of them that integrated themselves into nazi germany (around twohundred thousand in the wehrmacht + their relatives).

With religious jews of any coleur, I think that they have no place among western nationalists - but then again, I think the same about christians and to a lesser extent muslims. their "god gives, god takes" type of belief only serves to make people subservient to those they perceive as superior as opposed to paganism, satanism and atheisem that require you to question everybody and everything. moderate jews would probably integrate well enough in a dictatorship that isn't intend of annihilating them, but they will never be able to think free enough to serve the nation without somebody to tell them what to do (as is usually the case in democracy).

Zionist finally have no place in any non-zionist society, as their religion literally requires them to enslave or kill everybody that holds a different opinion from their religious leaders.

I am more inclined to buy into this theory with respect to something like an established political right-wing party such as the Swedish Democrats.

I'm less inclined to buy into the theory with respect to the broader 'movement', so to speak, in which leaders routinely name the Jew and participants in the movement organize rallies where they chant things like "Jews will not replace us."

I don't hate other minorities but there is no room for jews in the alt-right. Remember what hitler said: Absolutely no compromise with the Jew.

Even based Jews like Miller?

nationalism for all peoples except our enemies

not mongrelization or multi-racialism

Probably a closet fag desu

They don't have any future in the movement simply because the movement is not for them. It's no different from having a black person be a white nationalist. I mean, it's nice to have support for us to be able to control our own destinies, but we're better off doing that from the start instead of being influenced by outside forces.

So would you still kick them out of the country even after they showed support?

This is exactly why you kikes can't be trusted. You will always put Jewish interests over White Gentile interests. You need to leave our countries.

Non whites aren't minorities, there are literally billions of them. Neither are muslims. Minority should be reserved for small groups, like the Yazidi, white people in their own cities, actual Swedes in Sweden etc.

Not wanting to be gassed = Jewish interest

kikes have to go.

If you look at IE membership pages, they screen for jewish heritage and they don't let them in.

They can't pretend like they have no where to go like it's the 30s, israel is waiting for them.

We'll ship them out or kill them. I'm not going to pretend they're subhuman, just incompatible.

>alt right
>not being conservatarian

Why do stormcucks hate freedom

>Most of the other white foreigners I meet are just as hostile to the culture and values of this country as most brown immigrants. But I don't really like immigration period.

Essentially you want to take America back to 1980. Mexicans have supplanted blacks in the hierarchy and blacks have a relatively lower social position than they did before - due to Hispanics being "whiter", much like the smaller Asian American contingent.

>Europe is a different issue though. There's more of a reason why Europe should be white. But I'm not sure if a race only, ethnically blind approach will save it. Do you think 400,000 Spanish immigrants per year would save Britain, just because they're white? In my opinion Britain would still be white but it will still be lost.

I think assimilation is the differentiator. Spanish people will intermarry and create a new British culture. What we have now is non-white minorities who do not intermarry with the natives and create a new Volk. America has had an identical problem for 300 years. There is too much racial disparity and people do not breed together.


kill me

how can i get my ticket to the ethnostate when i can't even spel

Jewish heritage? Not even Hitler was a purist about that sort of thing. He followed the Nuremburg Laws.

I'd think you probably prove your worth through merit. I just want a white majority country.

Because they're cucks, user.

>Can the Alt-RIgh
Why are you using a cabal propaganda term?
Wtf is wrong with you? Are you a brainwashed cultist? Because you sound exactly like one of the cultists.
Stop being a shill. If you have to lie to make your political points the odds that your ideology spike to 1.00.

>t.too stupid to realize the majority of larp flags are the cultist shills
You're too stupid to be trying to participate in politics. Give it up. You're both embarrassing your entire race as well as proving us fully correct about you "people" being people.

To the outside observer, what's the fucking difference cucklord? A Google exec will just sees Nazism when he decides to delist Sup from his search and memory hole you.

I support country flag.

>Is he gay Sup Forums?

50% of males with an IQ over 120 are gay or bisexual

He's 32. He probably grew up on Youtube, Twitter and Pewdiepie memes.
He also converted to conservatism after reading some NRA book.


>Spanish people will intermarry and create a new British culture.
Spanish and British are basically the same ethnic composition anyway. All Western Europeans are ethnically very similar (pic related). The children of such marriages can hardly be considered a "new people"

>What we have now is non-white minorities who do not intermarry with the natives and create a new Volk.
And do you really want the non-whites to breed with whites anyway?

>50% of males with an IQ over 120 are gay or bisexual
Kek if only...

Also what about gays in the alt-right? Gays have a place in the alt-right.... r-right guys?

>your thoughts.
>screamingly obvious CTR spam script from a year ago.
Every single time. Newfags, learn that ShariaBlue uses proprietary tells, and do not reply to spam. At least not spam this obvious.