SPAIN NO! Police can't use "dark skin" expression because it's racist now!

The Mossos d'esquadra (regional police of Catalonia) publishes on Twitter some pictures of the last terrorist related to the attack that remains to be found. They ask for HELP in finding the last suspect in the attack.
He is Moroccan so, among others, police uses expressions such as dark skin.

"From the International Foundation for Human Rights, we urge you NEVER to use the expression "Dark skin" or other synonyms."

"We consider it unnecessary and counterproductive to make public: the skin color, the sexual orientation or the religion of the suspects."

What the fuck, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

Just call everyone else light skin.

his right though

At least use the expression properly, reddit faggot.

So what is their alternative? It's like saying you can't call an armed robber male in a description. Or a rapist short. "An armed robbery occurred. The perpetrator is a human. Please contact police if you can help and you have seen a human."

International Foundation for Human Rights is evidently cancer.

El problema serĂ­a que le hagan caso a una ONG de pacotilla.


>human right not to be called male, female light skin, dark skin, etc.

Human rights are cancer.


This (((Foundation))) retwitted what Massons say to the media.

>We consider it unnecessary and counterproductive to make public: the skin color, the sexual orientation or the religion of the suspects

I understand sexual orientation and religion but why the fuck wouldn't you want people to know the skin color?

This would be a SPAIN YES then faggot

But their Spanish, they are dark skinned.

Moors cant into maymaYs

he can't

Already got killed

>5 years later all they are allowed to say is A PERSON DID SOMETHING

((((Fundacion Internacional de Der*chos Humanos))))

>we condemn calling someone dark skinned
>nothing wrong with 6 ppl ran over by a terorrist tho

>Spain NO!
Learn what these ebin maymays mean before you actually use them.

"We agree to use that info in files reserved for their own information, but for the public opinion it is counterproductive to say that such a person like that because involuntarily it exerts a criminalizing effect on other people who are not suspicious and who share some of these criteria."

"In the photograph there is everything one can observe. The term dark skin is unfortunate, is not useful or necessary, and instead is very harmful for people who have not done anything wrong".

The alternative? The omission. It is not that there is a politically correct way of saying dark skin, but that information about the skin, whatever it may be, should not be published when looking for a suspect," they say.

From the foundation they anticipate that in the coming months they will "persuade some parliamentary group" to send a proposal to the Congress to stop using publicly any reference to the skin color, sexual orientation or religion of suspects of delightful activities. "If we can get it by requesting it and updating the protocols, it's ok; If we have to get it by changing the law, it will be done anyway" they say.

"The problem is not with the Mossos, other police forces also do it. In some countries it is forbidden to make such a mention by law and we want that prohibition to be adopted by Spain as well. We simply believe that information about skin color is unnecessary and should not be published".

Vamos a decir "arabes de mierda" entonces.

Estamos buscando algunos arabes de mierda.

t. Cubano

>que cornuderia, por dios.

im ready to kill globalist faggots at this point


How will this affect Roberto's struggle against the eternal Hombre negro?

just call him a White nigger

>one of the first most noticeable features of a suspect visible from any angle is completely irrelevant to identification

Basically Coulter's law, enforced. The populace can't know who's killing them.


Only came into this thread to see someone post this.

>We're looking for a person of a particular shade
>He may or may not be a member of a particular community
Wow, that's real fucking useful.

Shitskin is kill

Human rights commissions are just national and international versions of HR departments staffed by the same type of people who went to school for an extra year or two or happened to have learned an extra language.

This is already whats happening here in germany.

Skin color is only reported if its white enough otherwise it will be left out.

Also mentally ill is used as a code word for the person being a radical muslim.

Younes doesn't have dark skin. He looks like a normal Spanish guy, especially from a distance

great, now i feel bad because i have dark skin

what a fucking joke.

>dark white skin
>a nigger


Image is fake.

How do these people manage to breath without choking? It's gone far past the point of retardation

I bet my 5 euro that these pictures are both overexposed and digitally edited.

Did you just assume xirs species?!

Totaly agree. Should have actualy said:

Lunatic Moroccan Darkskin Suspect

Those dont look edited at all!

They literally have dark skin.

How far gone is our society that an objective observation is offensive?

When there was a gang rape on a Baltic Sea ferry some years ago, the Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet published the depicted silhouettes of the rapists. The pic also shows the names and faces of the rapists after they were convicted. That's how Swedish media works. They also bleach blurred images of brown and black criminals to look white.

You feel bad cuz idolatring a phalse prophet

The only one probably even remotely close is 2. The others are obviously silhouettes of white dudes. I mean come on, look at 4.

Human Rights organizations were a mistake

Political correctness is a nigger.



the hair in the silhouttes of 1, 3 and 4 are wrong

>"Can you describe the suspect?"
>"Yes, he was-"
>Stop right there. You're under arrest for Assumption of Gender."

>Lay on the pavement dying after being hit by an evil white van driven by a vibrant migrant shouting Allahu akbar to enrich us with his beautiful culture and religion
>try and raise my arm to give him the thumbs up as he drives off into the sunset over more pedestrians but find myself unable to due to broken bones and/or severed nerves
>in excruciating pain while I can only hope that this beautiful poor downtrodden muslim man won't fall victim to the increased islamophobia that will undoubtedly follow this terrible mass accident
>If only I could have done more for him


No, he doesn't look like a Spaniard from Catalonia

please tell me that's fake

I swear I am astonished by this
How do they want to find someone then? this is not a job interview


Ok this is it. Something needs to be done. Right now

>piel oscura
>he's whiter than most Spaniards
Surely they couldn't have an agenda behind their statement, right?

Go tell the families they have not found the terrorist, because they can't share his appearance other than his hair color and beard presence (literally changeable in 30 minutes)

this is unbelievable

What you burgers call Spanish have nothing to do with people from Spain.

>first answer has an image of George Soros
>second answer has "El Goy" and "Shut it down" in it
You Spaniards are alright

the only one in there that could possibly pass for spanish (just judging by the picture) is Bottom Left

You're not white, manolo. Stop larping.

pubeheaded salam sandniggers

If they will not post skin colour and religeon, everyone will automatically assume they are black muslims.

"It is counterproductive to give as many identifying factors about the suspect as possible"

thanks for the info, aryan pancho villa

Chimichango my cerveza is getting hot. Bring me another one but this time don't bring me hot piss (Corona)

You're supposed to say Spain YES, newfag

Acknowledging crime will soon be a human rights violation toward the perp

What did Pablo Jose mean by this?

They're all white sillhoutetes, you niggers
Look at the skull, nose, mouth and jaw shapes.
What kind of retards can't see such obvious shit like this? What are you retards? Women?

>or the religion of the suspects

>Sup Forums is 80% r*ddit
>expecting correct use of memes

they just finished the guy minutes ago