The End is Near

>Revelation 6:12 - "I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red"

Nation against nation; wars and rumors of wars; the global praise of degeneracy and silencing of the truth. This wasn't going to last forever, lads. Watch for an earthquake. The Sixth Seal is opening today.

Other urls found in this thread:,_2099

>t. Brainlet who believes in cuckianity instead of embracing his euro paganism roots

So what happens if there's an earthquake today?

It would be a natural occurance.

I'm not into swallowing cum, faggot.

than the sixth seal has been opened tard

The sixth seal opens.

So, whats after the sixth seal?

That's why Hitler lost the war
Although he did nothing wrong

The seventh seal dumbass

Read the Bible

The seventh.
And then goes the bowls.

Oh I see.. you're just not down.

Drink that cum for the cause nigga.

For you

Right. But tell that to

The seal was broken, I WAS CALLED

Nobody here on Sup Forums truly believes in any religion. We simply partake in one for cultural reasons as a way of being traditional reactionaries.

Its just tradition, unironically believing in a jew book or mythical fairy tales of Nordic gods etc. is a good way of showing you're a low IQ idiot

isn't it not even a total eclipse today? only partial?

>Sup Forums is one person
>everyone here told me in secret they're really all just atheists

>Nobody here on Sup Forums truly believes in any religion.

> Implying


You know there have been solar eclipses in other parts of the world too, don't you? Why is your solar eclipse so special? MURICA.

I remember witnessing a total eclipse here in 1990.

>unironically believing in Christianity but posting on a website with degeneracy and NSFW content that also has derogatory language that goes against your religion

Youre either LARPfags or seriously contradicted low iq brainlets

Because no other nations matter XD

>USA is mystery Babylon

fucking religious normies on my board, who let you fuckers in


It doesn't necessarily matter where it happens, nor did I imply as much; that's a Freudian slip of your national insignificance. If an earthquake accompanies this eclipse, don't say you weren't warned.

>unironically believing in Christianity but posting on a website with degeneracy and NSFW content that also has derogatory language that goes against your religion

It's precisely places like this that need Christ the most.

Consider it missionary work.

You mean like
>unironically believing in Christianity while living in a world full of degeneracy

>low iq brainlets
The ironing intensifies.



Nice get, but Jesus didn't sit with people who didn't need to be saved. He sought people who were lost, and took a thief to Heaven with Him when He was crucified. You keep harping on about low IQ, but giving commentary on a subject you have too much inexplicable contempt for to bother understanding in the slightest. Maybe take that log out of your eye before trying to remove my splinter.

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the lord.

He is trampling out the vintage wares the grapes of wrath are stored.

He hath lose the faifthful lighting of his terrible swift sword, his truth is marching on!

Glory, glory Hallelujah!
Glory, glory Hallelujah!
Glory, glory Halleluhah!
His truth is marching on!

I have seen him in the watchfires, of a hundred circling camps

They have builded him an alter in the evening dues and D'ants

I have read his rightous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps, his truth is marching on!

Glory, glory Hallelujah!
Glory, glory Hallelujah!
Glory, glory Hallelujah!
His truth is marching on!

I have read a firey gospel written burnished rows of steel!

As he deal with thy condemmers so with you my grace shall deal!

That the hero, born of woman crushed the serpent with his heel, his truth is marching on!

Glory, glory Hallelujah!
Glory, glory Hallelujah!
Glory, glory Hallelujah!
His truth is marching on!

He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall NEVER call his reet!
He is sifting out the hearts of men before his judgement seet!
Oh be swift my soul to awnser, or be jubilant my feet,

Glory, glory Hallelujah!
Glory, glory Hallelujah!
In the beauty of the lillies Christ was born across the sea with the glory in his buzzom that transfigures you and me as he died to make men holy let us die to make men free,


Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the lord, he is trampling out the vintage wares the grapes of wrath are stored, he hath lose the faithful lighting of his terrible swift sword..

His truth is marching on
Dum dum...
Dum dum..
Dum duumm...

With access to modern science available for anyone to see, you see so many instances of proof that BTFO the bible.

I'm alright with LARPing as a Christian to promote western values in low IQ whites, but don't go around on Sup Forums actually trying to convince us that your role-playing is unironically your actual belief system.

sounds like yellowstone erruption.

Lunar eclipse turning the moon red in January of 2018

Naw nope

So say there's an earthquake today around the time of the eclipse. Would that change your mind at all?

Because murica is still the most religious , a eclipse in china means nothing

I suspected this

So if you grew up in an isolated uncharted island and were raised by a primitive tribe that had no access to the bible or were ever taught about Christianity - and just delved into primitive acts such as compulsive sex etc. - would you go to hell when you die?

Praise kek

Earthquakes are not rare. They happen quite frequently. If one coincidentally happened on the day that an eclipse occurred over MURICA, I still wouldn't lose any sleep over it.

Yes i believe in god and Jesus Christ is my lord and savior, it is not tradition, it is faith.
I get good grades, i have friends..
Even though i have a horrible condition in life i kept going when things were darkest, and with gods help i thrived

Also, If there is no god, then why are we breathing right bow, why is everything so beautiful, on the earth, stars, etc, etc, you think this came from nothing?
I ask you study Aquinas, he has some good words about this.

"May the angels be with ye"

>a Freudian slip of your national insignificance
Freudian slip how?

In any case unless you haven't noticed, there have been multiple threads of this type bolstering the ignorant American stereotype.

The Bible is not a science book so whatever your list of muh modern science vs Bible looks like, it's bound to be bunkum.

Yes. People who are ignorant to the Word til death receive a pass. It's one of the few exceptions.

It says "a great earthquake," meaning one of significant magnitude. Not an everyday little burp.

I never said I didn't believe in a God. But a God in realistic terms would exist in a no physical form in a higher dimension that we can not perceive or even comprehend. God could very well be the concept of existence itself. God could be an entity that manifests itself in the form of time. God could be each and every thing in the entire universe simultaneously.

Subscribing yourself to such a limited view of what God is is just foolish. So many different people all want to have their set of rules be objective truths as to what a creator is.

Thats near what i believe, i personally believe god to be the universe itself.

And yet, I made no mention of the eclipse being significant because it was going to be visible in the U.S. That was you. If you want to carry over bias from other threads, you could at least do people here the courtesy of not putting words in their mouths.

So if the goal of humanity is to believe in God, and god creates humanity - why would he only subject those who have seen or heard of the bible to follow in his guidelines but lets tribal niggers delve into the lifestyle of primitive sex crazed addicts their entire lives because they never had the resources to learn about God?

From my experience with psychedelics as a degenerate high schooler, I came up with these epiphanies on my own. Its the closest thing I've had to being one with God. To be one with God is to be one with the universe. They must be the same

You sure seem butthurt. I guess you really didn't know how eclipses work, or maybe it's just autism, or your first day on the internet.,_2099


> muh science

>But a God in realistic terms would exist in a no physical form in a higher dimension that we can not perceive or even comprehend. God could very well be the concept of existence itself. God could be an entity that manifests itself in the form of time. God could be each and every thing in the entire universe simultaneously.

Well, yeah. That's pretty much the size of it. He did say "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end." And there's plenty of mentions in Scripture about God's form being incomprehensible to mortal minds and eyes. There's nothing narrow about the Bible's descriptions of God.


Same but ive never touched drugs, or will (in fact if i told you me age the mods would rape me and ban me) and i still have around 85% of my life ahead of me, thank god

Take notes, anons, this is what it looks like when someone can't defend their position.

Hey dumby in order for the moon to be red it needs to be the harvest moon. That prophecy is for when the world famine occurs.

To say in chronological order how everything panned out and that we were made in his image (which we weren't, unless they're referring to Atoms resembling that of the observable universe)

Its too specific and too objective.

The end won't come until the Word has reached every inhabited land - which it damn near has. Missionaries have been handing those people Bibles forever now. It's sort of like if you start a new job, and you were stacking pallets incorrectly according to their standards, you're not going to get written up for it because nobody told you. It's when you know better and proceed, anyway, that you're held accountable.

Yes, listen to OP. It's not too late to repent, unclean ones. Trust me on this.

Why are they wearing dresses?

Everyone knows satan is the one true lord

or maybe Yellowstone will blow when the eclipse is over it all we can do is wait

I still don't understand the motive behind the alleged concept of a god creating the universe to last only for a short span of time, leaving 75% of the world to an eternity in hell while the other 25% gets to reside in an eternity in heaven.

It doesn't make sense at all.

> a
> god damned
> leaf

He's alright.

Pleading to the crowd now, are you? High levels of assblastedness have been reached. Now you know a little bit more about eclipses though! Nothing personnel, kiddo.

what if there isnt an earthquake today?


It's not a numbers game.

Now does it make sense?

Of Canada, sure.

Why not?
Life on earth is a test. If you live well you get to ascend, if you don't you descend.

Nobody who can experience the universe has an excuse not to know God.


i think this is just a testing ground to see what we will do say and think basically how we treat each other whats 100 years when you compare it to eternity

And what of the other lifeforms? There's so many other living organisms with consciousness compared to humans. We're just one species sharing the earth - and were seemingly outnumbered greatly by other living things sharing existence alongside us. Why does this only apply to humans?

For His glory.

Also how do you know there is only one universe?

The bowls are the seventh.

And we have not even had the first seal unbroken yet. The eschatology of these people is severely lacking in truth and understanding.

God made animals on earth; I have a sneaky suspicion He or we can make animals in heaven.

Animals, unlike how you were taught, lack souls and are finite beings. You, having a soul, are an eternal being.

The only way to live well is to know that you cannot live well and beg God for mercy.

Where is the antichrist?

Exactly. As the first seal, the Antichrist would already be riding. He's not. He's still plotting and planning.

The one who restrains is still with us.

How can you say that animals lack souls when they show clear signs of emotions ? Just because they have lower intelligence does not mean they lack souls. There's animals out there that probably have higher IQ than Australian aboriginies but that doesn't mean the Australian aboriginie lacks a soul.

Because I know how God made them, and I know how God made humans, and I can tell the difference.

If you love animals, why don't you love the God who made the animals you love?

No it's not, stop with this nonsense! There will be no mistaking the opening of the seals when it's happening, the world will be ending before your very eyes.

Eclipses have been happening since forever. You know, people like you are not going to have it very easy when face to face with God.

"Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly."
(James 3:1)

Let that verse sink in, and re-consider spreading misinformation the next time.

You think all the anti-semitic trash on this website in the name of Christ who is a Jew, is going unnoticed by God? Woe to you Sup Forums, be very afraid.

As a human, we are limited to what we can truly love. Other life forms? Yes. Being Pantheistic, I believe God is a non physical entity that is manifested in the form of existence/divine reality/ and the universe as a whole.

How can you love a higher dimensional entity in which you cannot comprehend or imagine?

tens of thousands of years of nothing going on, just surviving like the other animals, suddenly some retards get together and tell people bad shit is going to happen because they do 'bad' shit that our biology compels us to do.

more recently, almost two thousand years waiting for some histrionic narcissist to come down from the sky who is going to save us from doing what we have always been doing.

> emotions =/ soul

Can an animal tell right from wrong?

Aye, when the bible says the sun is going to go dark, it means dark. Out. Gone. Dead.

Not momentarily blocked.

"Created us in His image" means as He is, with love, compassion, mercy, etc. Seeing as how He's omnipotent, God can take any form He pleases - which He has, and does - but I imagine His figure, itself, is akin to man's.

Humans couldn't tell right from wrong until we evolved throughout many years to adopt customs and traditions and created a code of morals to decide what is objectively right or wrong.

It's actually your autism that causes you to think of God like that, and not like a person.

Why didn't other animals evolve in the same way?

Being created in God's image means that God can look at Adam and see himself. The Holy Spirit of God was breathed into Adam, and Adam became a living being.

Adam and Eve only had children in their dead, fallen image, not in the image of God. God did not look at Cain and see Himself in Cain.

Humans have known knowledge of good and evil where animals do not God ordered animals bugs fish and fowls to go and multiply ask yourself this why do we humans have laws against incest and cannibalism and animals do not

His figure is not physical. It is the universe itself. It is existence itself. It is on a higher dimension in which we cannot perceive. God is neither a man nor a woman, for God isn't a physical being. God is infinite and eternal.

You're applying human notions of physics and reality (some of which we know are problematic) to God, and telling other people their view is limited?


Natural selection. Animals didnt need to evolve that way. We evolved from animalistic primitive cave men to where we are today through evolution.