What is prison really like? i'm going to be sent there for a long time and I have no idea what to expect

What is prison really like? i'm going to be sent there for a long time and I have no idea what to expect

Has anyone here done hard time? I need serious advice. help

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115 years user.


It's like school except you live there and the only thing you learn is how to fashion a shiv out of a paperclip

Escape to south america.

Prison in america is like a forced gay club you cant escape from

What did you do?

Start doing excercises to widen your butthole now.

It's not too bad.

Depends on the severity. Anything that isnt max security is basically free housing. Expect to gain a LOT of criminal connections.

Learn to take it up the ass, try to enjoy it.

What circumstances allow someone convicted of murder the opportunity to go on Sup Forums and ask such questions

its shit. you can have a lot of fun in there if you are a bad guy so have at it. just dont get stabbed or turned out.

Depends on the type of prison.

In the UK, keep your head down, don't be a dickhead, don't be a faggot. and you will be just fine.

It's just the boredom and missing things like driving, for example, if you are into cars.


Op is being RAILROADED by the justice system. This is an honourable young man who has merely been charged with 87 counts of first degree murder.

I can only speak about Arizona, but if you don't bring something with you, you're gonna get your shit pushed in.

I had to sneak in 2 lb of tobacco with apparatus to smoke it and some lighters

Watch the first season of prison break. Be tbag.

snake eyes...........that's a 5 and a 1

What is this shit? Some kind of shill psyop designed to implant the idea of based user in a rape camp? God is gonna absolutely fuck you cunts ups.

The prison copy pasta again?

>What is prison really like?
Lots of sex, user. Lots of it.

good advice... he could also turn prag

You don't happen to own a Challenger do you?

3 square meals a day, a bed, and all the sex you can handle.

The more important question is what are you trying to hide with this slide thread?

you're going to get raped

it fucking sucks no matter who you are. no women, no drugs, no booze. they've even stopped allowing prisoners to have cigarettes in many prisons. if you dont have someone putting money in your canteen account you eat disgusting food as you should. otherwise you can sustain off of chips and shit like that. its a lot of rape, a lot of pain, and lots of nothing to do.

so many little antifa faggots are going to get to enjoy it firsthand. i was in for 8 years and stupid little idiots like them are going to put on some tough facade then get beaten the fuck up the morning of the 2nd day, then raped for a few months until they choose a side, then get raped by that side until they are out or until they bulk up and start fucking people up. if they are white and antifa they are going to get it so fucking bad, as the supremacist groups are going to absolutely destroy them.

Did 10 years in a S.C. prison for attempted murder, mind your business and keep to yourself until you get a feel for block mates. Remember it's prison, not a social club you ain't there to make friends of you do then cool but it's not a requirement. Try to act like a badass and you're gonna have a bad time. Seen some fucked up shit and I wasn't even in a Max Sec prison.

What if I'm not interested in women, drugs, or booze and just want to stare at chiseled abs while lifting weights all day?

Where were you at, drugs and booze were both readily available when I was inside and if you had outside connections or had friends inside with outside connections pussy was even available.



1 post from this ID. Smells like a shill thread. Saged

Any idea what facility you're likely to be sent to? I worked for years in a Medium/Minimum security facility. It was still a prison of course but not at all what people assume them to be like. Dorm type housing and pretty much open movement except during counts.

the charge is first degree murder but it's basically a misunderstanding

you get snagged up by a group to stare at abs all day while you suck dick with a mouth missing most of your teeth from daily beatings unless you are in medical while your intestines get pushed back in your ass from the daily rape

anyone who was fit and immediately went to a group was OK. anyone who admitted being mixed got abused. if you were some weak little faggot, you got turned out to be used by the group. 8 years and you will rape these little antifa faggots. the best part was knowing what the person supported and doing it out of spite while laughing. they all broke and turned into little trannies or would try to kill themselves every time they were being moved back into circulation from medical

you think that shit is widely available in prison to everyone? get the fuck out of here with your stupid hbo garbage. it cost a fortune to get pills, a little weed, or hooch, since any smell of fermentation was a tossed cell

Mass prison rape is a Hollywood and government meme meant to scare people.

Most people are not gay and do not like faggots. It's the same in prison.

Then go and tell the judge "It was a prank bro!"

first day: get jacked
second day: beat up a guard and wear his uniform, make a plastic copy of his key. You need a lighter, a comb, a tube of toothpaste and talcum powder
Then leave the prison at night. Easy peasy.

Beware the booty warriors.

t. booty warrior

Depends where you are being sent...

Juvenile detention is a shit show. Pretty much everyone gets sent to the same place regardless of the severity of your crime (unless you got tried as an adult obviously). Some idiot that bot pot off of an undercover cop will end up in a cell with a 17 year old that raped and beat up his ex gf because of anger issues. Pretty much no telling how bad it'll be...

Other than that it depends what you are in for. If you killed someone you'll end up with a bunch of killers and you'll probably have a rough time. If your in for jaywalking, you'll most likely spend your days chatting with drunk hobos that got locked up for stealing snickers one too many times...

Best advice is to simply act like a normal human being, treat people with respect, and avoid associating yourself with anyone locked up for a sexual crime... You'll be bored out of your mind so find a hobby, or read books or some shit.

My understanding is that it is mostly very boring and the food is bad.

do you happen to drive a meme car?

Would you rather live in a gay club or in hell on earth ?

it's going to be like warm apple pie to some big buck nigger named Raspberry.

In reality, just do your own time. Hope you go to a one man cell. Cellies suck.

Best advice, get on the kitchen crew. best food.

Run. Flee the country. Nothing matters anymore. The worst they can do is send you to prison. Do you want to die in a jail cell?

Yeah get to meet real nazis, and kkk members

There are tons of documentaries on prisons. Watch some so you have a good idea. You will probably be sharing a cell with another dude. He will probably show you around which areas you can go to and which areas to avoid. Stick with your race. Work out and buff up.

those documentaries are all hyped up and only show a violent aspect of prison life

id recommend going to youtube and searching for the fresh out series, they do a good job on answering questions about this subject,

also there is an article on phrack.org in issue 67 on how to make it in prison

ill give you ONE nugget of advice.

if you are going in, put a few hundred bucks aside and tell the guard who is taking your info down that all you have in this world is a few hundred bucks and he can have it, you just want a bunk with someone of your race. you will have a friend drop it off and make arrangements. if you fuck the guard over, expect to see solitary confinement and get your ass beat, or the guard to arrange to put you on laundry with some people who hate your race

i'm pretty racist so that's the least of my concern


you will most likely be charged with attempting to bribe a state official

Do you lift?

fuck off

this is fucking dumb. first off, you'll be placed in a cell with your own race. they never bunk niggers with anyone other than a nigger.

if you act scared coming in, or are a little bitch, you could end up in a dorm. that's like faggotville.

when I went in they put me third tier section 11. basically the hardest place in prison. first day in the yard I ran into tons of familiar faces of people that I hadn't seen around for awhile. they were all impressed with where I was placed. it was like instant cred.

Since I'm closed in my basement all day long It woulnt make much difference as long as they gave me internet access

Romainain user here got 8 years appealed got a reduction to 5,got out after 3 years for good behaviour i was locked from 2005-2008.I was 19 when i went to prison.
Used to do kick boxing so i thoought i was though but in prison without friends you will get stomped 9/10 times.
Prison in the eastern bloc is like a hell in it of itself there are to few guards and they are paid shit,so if anyone want sto really kill your ass you are dead.I went in for assualt with a white weapon(knife).
To be honest its really boring we sat like 19-20 dudes in common rooms for 12.Fights borke over for a bed.In winter we did not have heating and the food was shit.Fights were everyday ordinary but rarely someone got seriously hurt and i only heard of 2 guys dying in my time spent there.
TLdr its shit a waste of time,boring af and you get your ass beat at least 4 times per year.Nobody raped anybody since we hate faggots.I was in "penitenciarul Jilava" i've made requests for "poarta alba" since theinmates there are in for lighter crimes but it was full so no dice.
I do not reccomend,most of the retards on this board would not last a full week in common roooms like the ones we have in the eastern bloc.

go back to your faggot hbo garbage. roleplayers are the fucking worst and should be permabanned

Also we smoke,drank alot,also the only actual fun you had besides walking in the court watching tv in the chow common room was gambling,reading or chess.For some fights were also fun because fights would come off anything over gambling,over the remote for the TV over which footbal team is better etc.
If you are even a semi-civilized person it will be hell.

Learn to enjoy dungeons and dragons. Use decks of cards instead of dice.

The years will fly by.

turn yourself into na alpha as fast as you can

if you already are, good. nothing to be scared of

if you can't, i have bad News for uranus