Alright Sup Forums, earlier this morning a Baltimore City resident who goes by Ty and his friends smashed up the oldest Christopher Columbus monument in our nation. The police are looking for the criminals and might need some help...

Video evidence below.


Other urls found in this thread:



Atleast they are doing something in real life with their hands and not shitposting on the particular imageboard calling for racewar from their basements.

In the words of Sam Hyde:


it's too late, we will burn everything our fathers gave us for our own great leap forward

>one word.


Get is ass and prolapse it

At least I'm not a faggot destroying works of art and history because muh feelings.

Leap off a cliff, cock sucker.

They have the right to be pissed from their perspective. This is their country too, not yours only.

Actually what they did is a criminal offense. So they can rot in jail. We don't want people who think it's virtuous to destroy our civilization. Civil War 2 soon.

>Civil War 2 soon.
The absolute maximum your kind can do is to ask for crowdfunding so you could make a shitty game called Civil war 2 for nazi larpers like you to play in their mother basements.

you seem upset. just giving you the truth. they will never be satisfied. mt rushmoore is coming up.

Fucking niggers

Found the Antifa.

Fuck off, commie. You haven't seen the wrath of us at all yet. Not even 1 percent.

Leap into the abyss you fool because we WILL find you.

You're damn right I'm upset and so is the rest of America. We're getting very close to the flash point. This will not become the norm if we stand up right here, right now.

Will you stand with us, brother?

>recommended books
>nearly every author is a jew
they weren't kidding about jews using the mongrel races as their foot soldiers

you can kys now, youre worthless
maybe somebody will help you with it

The FBI needs to start getting involved, watch these commie groups and stop them from destroying more monuments. We need to make examples of these extremists.

>You haven't seen the wrath of us at all yet. Not even 1 percent.
I'm seeing the full extend of your "wrath" right now, all 100% of it. You can only shitpost and threat people on the internet anonomously but you can't do anything else.

Once the rockets start flying none of us will be shitposting anymore, this I can tell you.

we need to false flag this shit and get these groups labeled as terrorist

> the rockets
Whos rockets? You already switching the responsibility to someone else pussy, that what i was telling you - worthless shit sitting all day in your mama basement, pretending to be tough shit, while actually hoping that some russkies or chinese will do the heavy lifting so you could join in looting and pillaging in lawless land like a white nigger.

I'm in Baltimore and if niggers didn't all look the same to me, I'd be arming up to re-enact the ending of Congo.

Probably commies this time

the question is how much of this shit is already false flag to keep the right divided and mad

Ironically, this poster is an actual false flagger, here to discredit Sup Forums.

Who needs a false flag when they flag themselves as terrorists already?


That boy talks a good treason game. Ya know, it's almost as if we have an entire unberbelly of low IQ ethnics who believe themselves to be oppressed, repeat platitudes until they convince themselves of it and then proceed to partake in vigilante style "justice" (destruction of public property, we've also seen people kidnapped, there are multiple forms of lashing out from ethnic dissidents). What this culminates in is the fact that these people are actively planning and executing violent acts against the state and people of America. They are not terrorists, they are enemies of the nation and should be hunted accordingly.

I fucking hate the left. When will it end.