1 out of 3 women are beat, raped, or murdered in their lifetime. that’s 1 billion women. Shits got to stop...

1 out of 3 women are beat, raped, or murdered in their lifetime. that’s 1 billion women. Shits got to stop. No more apathy or indifference, right fellas?

Source: un.org/en/women/endviolence/pdf/VAW.pdf

>1 out of 3 women are beat, raped, or murdered in their lifetime

Only in barbarian shitholes like Papua New Guinea or Africa.

Shoulda dressed modestly to avoid man's eye


Over 2/3rds of the women in the world live in third world countries where it's legal to rape them. That doesn't translate to spoiled white bitches getting special treatment.

Oh please those places still trade albino scrotes for voodoo, rape in the modern world is nothing more than theft.

Sounds like 1 in 3 women should have kept their fucking mouth shut.

>including "beat" to the list to inflate it

Hey I can do that too: 2.5 out of 3 males are beat, raped, or murdered in their lifetime

what's the percentage for WESTERN women?

let's not include north korea where women get beat for breakfast

Stay away from niggers

or India.

>including "abused" to the list to inflate it
3 out of 3 males are beaten, raped, or abused in their lifetime

most people that get raped are raped by people they know.
it's mainly liberal/Democrat/leftist women that get raped.
liberals tend to only hang out with other liberals.
which means that it's leftist men that are doing most of the raping.

If women are tired of being raped, they need to stop being leftists.

not a woman and that happened to me what do?

Or Sweden


respect islam though


Go preach this shit in niggerland

>1 out of 3
ya these bitches need to get their shit together because there's obviously something wrong with them.

One in 4 men Go through it as well where is your out rage for the man thats raped or beaten

1 out of 3 women are annoying cunts that deserve what they get.

So to put in other words, what did they do, take a survey on how many women have been assaulted then throw in (or raped or murdered) on the side so they can make it sound more serious? Because frankly to say 1 in 3 women have been assaulted (or raped or murdered) doesnt sound that bad. I've been victim to minor assault many many times and victim to more severe assault a few times too. Hell I'd say most women I know have been assaulted.

probably 95% of men get beat in their lifetime. What's your point. Life can be shitty for everyone

that's it?

2 out of 3 aren't getting what they deserve.

And the 1/3 that aren't beaten or raped are overwhelmingly western women.
Must be so tough being a woman in the western world.

>1 out of 3 women are beat, raped, or murdered in their lifetime. that’s 1 billion women
90% of them are from 3rd world countries (especially India and Pakistan).
They can stay there with their rapists. My women live carefree life where I live.
Bad culture creates bad people.

>1 in 3 woman are beat, raped, and murdered.

Every man in the world that every lived was beaten. Most murder victims in history are men.

And just what is the role of the negro in this barbarity?

1/5 of American women are expected to have been raped. With most by friends or family members. Barbarian shit hole indeed.

Rapists, as in actual forcing yourself on/drugging women rapists, should be castrated. simple as

There's no hard crime data that come anywhere close to supporting that number

IT's just not true, they expanded the definition to include 'fart rape'. If you just said 'hiya toots' they would consider that rape.

Rape is natural


>believing a women about rape

you know that they lie?

being in jail for rape is though enough when you didn´t do anything.

t. shitskin

Women may lie sometimes, it's true, but all in all a vast majority are legitimate victims.

Even one man castrated for nothing would be to much.

1/5 of american women are liars/drama whores. If 20% of the female population was regularly getting their shit pushed in, they wouldn't be so fucking uppity.

t. Ahmed Trudeau

How many men ate beat atleast once in their lifetime?

Soon they will be free from the white man's oppression lel

>Women get beaten and raped
>White women blame white men for this
>I get to sit back and laugh
Maybe whites should beat and rape their women more often, keeps them in line.

100% of people born will die. we have to fix . much injustice . bad.

10 out of 10 people who drink water die.

5 out of 6 enjoy a gang rape.

How many guys were never beated?

why did the gang of muslims go free after raping the german girl?

she kept saying 9 , we thought she wanted all of us.

How does one get murdered in their lifetime?

Let's cut the hands off of thieves 2


In Germany there is the saying "other countries, other customs".

Who cares? Let the Leftists have their cultural relativism.

100% of people die. Statistics are a mother fucker, ain't they?

which have majority of people...

Well, generally, when it happens, it happens at the end.