>Antifas are weak and defensel-
hmm think again sweetie.
>Antifas are weak and defensel-
hmm think again sweetie.
We now know to look for a big red bus. Way to go retards.
It was already proven when they went marching in new Mexico that a lot of their guns were fake / air soft
Cool airsoft guns.
Nothing wrong with hating racists.
But if you done that (((Hammer and Cycle))) (which stands for Secularism) you are literally mentally retarded and should be deported
Your god
post source ?
Hahahahahhaha I'd that a uts 15?
Jesus Christ
>neckbeards and fatties carrying SKS and other carabines
>half of the guns are literally ww2 weapons
nice... did they borrow that from their dad's collection?
OMG, they have...Mausers!
Literal airsoft
Ska is real tho
Back to
For you
I wonder if they'll realize that they can't share ammunition between those rifles
We have pictures of their faces already faggot, and all I'd need is 2 more people with decent rifle skills to run through the whole lot.
I thought exactly the same.
Why would anyone buy that unless they wanna look cool and have no real idea what a trashy shotgun that is.
That's a fuckin riotgun
Even a mossberg can outperform that plastic toy.
Redneck Revolt is literally controlled opposition: their entire purpose is to find disgruntled whites who would be open to a right wing message and convert to them to their shitty left wing organization that has stolen all the aesthetics of a right wing militia.
>LARPing like they're Che Guevara
Hahahaha, they look like such unkempt slobs.
is that one the bog brother
>"Redneck revolt"
>All dressed like hipsters with faggot body language.
>None of them look live they've done a day's work in their life.
Its genuinely pathetic how bad American commies are at trying to court the working class.
Ammo? wats that
The Village People are back!
WTF is wrong with these cripples?
Images of airsoft guns that look like that actually give a very good argument for police when they shoot someone with a toy gun thinking it's real.
I mean, they do look pretty realistic.
In a cops eyes a sandwich looks like a gun
Looks like a /k/ meetup but with a reversed gender ratio and less traps
10 of them would go down before they even knew they were being shot at. 5 would hit the ground. The rest would run, of which half of those would get dropped. The shooter would then shift fire to those on the ground out in the open and finish them off then bug out. 10 min later cops show up to count commi corpses.
That was months ago when it originally happened but pretty much what gave it away were the magazines where you put them in it was the same as a air soft gun and different than a real gun.
Blame the new left from Marcuse. The left abandoned union halls and went to the university to teach bullshit classes on critical theory. We have never recovered from the cancer those French faggots vomited on us.
I'd like to see their reaction if someone threw firecrackers behind them while they were posing like that
>a couple ARs and some antique nuggets
>all brandished by limp wristed numales who probably couldn't survive a hard day's work and a cold beer
I'm a big fan of their stand in a tight group tactics.
I can beat the shit out of anyone in this photo
too bad lifting weights makes you right wing
Lol they already deleted half their content since they found out calling for the overthrow of the gov was a crime
>Its genuinely pathetic how bad American commies are at trying to court the working class
Not the working class, the worthless kids of the working class
Any clips of them crying about it?
show and tell is nice and all, but fun and games stops when a marsoc sniper with years of actual tactical experience gets sick of you shitting on the flag that his brothers died for and puts a L115A1 8.59mm in your chest.
I'd love to hear the racial make-up of where you're from.
I'm going to the rally in Crissy Field next week. Open carry is allowed on the field. Should I be concerned about some commie fagboy opening fire on the crowd of "Nazis"?
>when a marsoc sniper with years of actual tactical experience
Some nutjob with no experience shooting, a bolt action .22 would have the same result. BLM niggers were open carrying when their fellow terrorist opened up on police and them in Dallas last year, every single nigger that wasn't the terrorist or a cop dropped their guns and ran
Then why did you not attack the "nazis" with rifles during Charlottesville?
It's not like you don't believe in violence, the same antifa who bitched about veterans with rifles showing up to pay respect to a Great General and Leader of Men made that very clear.
So what happened?
Stay directly out from the front of them, if you're in an oblique angle, or behind them just work your angles and you will be fine if they open up.
you keep poking the bear it's not going to end well moron
Theyre going to put dog shit on the field because they think thats mature and meaningful
Avoid sudden movement. Maintain eye contact. Slowly back down. Escape while you still can the brown baggers gun club is your neighborhood.
Are jew going to be one of those post and run sliding ShareBlue faggots? I did Nazi that coming.
Can't even take a picture without including your hand bravo
Your ID made me
Let me tell you. I'm just shivering in my boots over here. Plz don't hurt me scary communists. :(
Faggots and fat degenerate whores. *shudder*.
Is this a joke?
Hahahaha check out the way the fat ass in the denim jacket is standing, I used to bully guys like this in high school this is the best you antifa PUSSIES got. I'd be confident standing 50 yards away and letting these guys shoot they'd hurt themselves more than they'd hurt me.
Love those meme guns.
thats what you get when everyone can buy a gun at the local hardware store
Atleast they know to keep the triggerfinger properly, but i'd still be able to take a lazy group like that down with ease. Still isn't that going a bit too far to go around with rifles for a "peaceful demonstration"?
By the power of my superior ID, faggot Op will die from a bleeding anal fissure on a public restroom floor if he doesn't reply.
sure buddy
This is how it starts isn't some dudes with airsoft rifles spooks a dude with a concealed carry and shoots the poor commie then we just have open revolt and its trumps fault blah blah
i reckon their so spun out on their lefty ways they wanna be martyrs
>This is how it starts isn't
meant to say This is how it starts isn't it
This isnt phoenix
>comments disabled
Armed Battle thrall race traitors... nothing new here my future little soilent green
These are all fake a /k/fag did a detailed rundown
>Daily reminder that NatSoc is an American tradition prior to Jewish infestation
Killing commies is a fundamental American right.
Mfw captcha was a big red bus
>i reckon their so spun out on their lefty ways they wanna be martyrs
Slavemorality taken to the extreme.
"we are beacefull" "we are beacefull brotestors sir" "BLEASE SIR WE ARE BEACEFULL PROTETORS"
Oh no he ran us over. Did not see that coming, we are VICTIMS!
So weak they have to use metal guns
lol pepe posters to shoot at
one of them is communist as well lol yet their hand in hand with antifa
i think redneck revolt doesn't know who they've sided with
also lots of nice easily identifiable shots of people in that video nice op-sec
probably infiltrated by some fbi fellow guiding them along
>toting old milsurp rifles borrowed from their parents
Commie guns are trash. The mosin was outdated trash by the 30's; The sks is mediocre but still viable; and the AK series is outdated now.
That was in the recommendations, they have pretty hands, kek.
The low res almost makes him look like a bogdanoff
dose arent real comarades
She would be a nice pow to keep around and rape.
88 ad88888ba 8888888888 ad8888ba, 88 ad88888ba ,d8 8888888888 ad888888b, ,a8888a, 88 888888888888
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888888 Y8a a8P 88 ____ d8 888888 8P 88 ,d8" 88 88 ____ a8P ,8P Y8, 888888 d8"
88 "Y8aaa8P" 88a8PPPP8b, 88,dd888bb, 88 Y8, ,d88 ,d8" 88 88a8PPPP8b, ,d8P" 88 88 88 ,8P'
88 ,d8"""8b, PP" `8b 88P' `8b 88 "PPPPPP"88 ,d8" 88 PP" `8b a8P" 88 88 88 d8"
88 d8" "8b d8 88 d8 aaa 88 8P 8888888888888 d8 aaa a8P' `8b d8' 88 ,8P'
88 Y8a a8P Y8a a8P 88a a8P "88 88 8b, a8P 88 Y8a a8P "88 d8" `8ba, ,ad8' 88 d8"
88 "Y88888P" "Y88888P" "Y88888P" d8' 88 `"Y8888P' 88 "Y88888P" d8' 88888888888 "Y8888P" 88 8P'
8" 8"
Not very enthusiastic or intimidating.
Study this and get back to us.
Try puffing your chests up a little bit, and if you get some other Hogwarts Houses in there you might get bumped up to a 40.
__ _____ _______ ______
/ \ / ___ \ ( ____ \ / ____ \
\/) ) ( (___) )| ( \/( ( \/
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| | / ___ \ (_____ \ | ___ \
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__) (_( (___) )/\____) )( (___) )
\____/ \_____/ \______/ \_____/
Enjoy prsion... and possibly death.
i think your bot's algorithms are corrupted
I can't wait until these guys go to prison
You just proved it yourself.
Only weaklings use guns.
Real men settle fights with either fist or sword, one on one.
"the AltRight are just a bunch of fat NEET lar--"
>White Nationalists
same autistic brownie neckbeards that browse /k/
You guys are the fringes of society, nobody gives a fuck about this shit. Now go home.
Like those fat faggots could actually do battle
You would fall on the back of your head if you tried to fire an SKS.
wtf? igor confirmed antifa!!!!
hahahahha how do these faggots still look silly while acting tough with guns n shit.
>Gun Club
Four mosin nagants
Literal airsoft
Pretending those chubby fucks could run more than 30 yards without getting winded, I love how all these wannabes pretend that picking up a gun suddenly makes you a Spetsnaz.
And these are the flagship examples of lefty firepower.
Because they're autistic.