How the fuck is it that the moon is the perfect size and distance from the Earth to block out the sun perfectly?
I mean really what are the chances of that? How the fuck could that possibly be just a random occurrence?
How the fuck is it that the moon is the perfect size and distance from the Earth to block out the sun perfectly?
I mean really what are the chances of that? How the fuck could that possibly be just a random occurrence?
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Same reason your thumb is just big enough to block the sun.
I mean really what are the chances of that? How the fuck could that possibly be just a random occurrence?
0.06% for an earth sized planet and yes.
You are unbelievably stupid
The sun is really far away idort
I can change the distance of my thumb from my face to cover the sun perfectly. The moon is not under human control in terms of its location, and yet it PERFECTLY covers the sun, not too much but not too little.
That's not a coincidence.
It's exactly far away for the moon to appear the same size from earth
Wow. I hope thats bait.
Also wondered the same thing most of my life. People on this thread arent understanding what you mean though
Except it's not exactly the same you retahd. In fact, the sun still appears larger
It doesnt block the sun from lighting the whole planrt you fucking retard onky certain places kys
It's not. Total eclipses only occur sometimes. Annular eclipses disprove any sort of god meme you're almost certainly trying to push.
What about all earth's other moons that aren't the perfect size?
the proportion is 3/11.
Read little book of coincidences
Creative design
And ask better:
The Sun rotates (spins), and it takes one MOON (month) to spin (at the location, from where each new sunspot cycle starts)
The Moon is perfectly tuned to Sun spin, and Earth on our orbit pulses in and out in that rate, which recharges our magnetosphere, which should have been already depleted like in Venus and Mars, but by some miracle it is not (and we know that "miracle" is Moon tuning)...
The perfect double resonance with Venus (13:8 on orbits and 12:8 on Venus spin) stabilizes Earth orbit onto exact distance from the Sun, the stabilization effect can be seen on E-V meeting-frequency charts...
It's all too perfect to be random...
usually yes but the moon still varies in size by about 25%
Amber is the color of your energy
It hasn't alvvays been exactly that far avvay moon is slovvly moving avvay from earth
Oh, wait! Strange flag...
>implying I can't do math.
run your own simulation then fuckhead
The moon used to appear larger than the sun. Some day it will appear smaller than the sun. The moon is slowly increasing the size of its orbit. It's just coincidence that you are alive during a time when they are the same size.
come original user
thank god its not the other way around
It's not that perfect when you consider there's trillions of solar systems in the universe and therefore trillions of 'attempts' at creating the perfect conditions for life
>used to
literally weeks ago
If you changed the size of either by a little bit or changed the distances slightly all eclipses would be annular. As the moon gets farther away we won't have total eclipses anymore.
The moon also rotates at exactly the right speed to always show the same face to earth. This is likely to hide the alien base on the side we don't see. There are no coincidences.
But it doesn't there's always a ring around an eclipse.
Unironically this.
You just realized that randomness does not exist and everything is pre-programmed and follows a chain reaction.
Well done
>why is my thumb the perfect size to go in butthole
tiddy lock between the earth and the moon
The moon is slipping away from us at ~1" per year. Over time the perspective has changed. The moon used to do a better job of eclipsing the sun.
That's called tidal locking, you illiterate American moron.
The moon is not a natural satellite. It's orbit is by intelligent design. The moon itself is clearly an intelligent design. There are no coincidences, just opportunities for the smart to be seperated from the stupid.
It totally eclipses the sun...I mean...HELLO. The odds of that happening are flipping STUPIDLY improbable. Add to the fact the moon takes 27.3 days to orbit Earth and just so happens to be 27.3% the comparitive size of the earth!! YES, THAT'S RIGHT. READ IT AGAIN MORONS. I mean...wake up. The earth has 365/366 days to orbit the sun and yet it is 366% larger than our moon! I MEAN.....WTF!!! That's a nail in the flipping coffin for me.
Anyway. I'm done with my rant. Before I go I'd like to say screw NASA and their lies because I've already remoted viewed the surface and yes, some of the craters have tunnels in the bottom of them that flipping spaceships fly out of. I mean, do you REALLY believe HUMANS would go to the moon twice and just lose interest in it. Is that REALLY what HUMANS do? Humans are like RATS. They get EVERYWHERE. They fight over the smallestl bread crumb. Go to WAR over the smalled piece of territory. DO You honestly think HUMANS wouldnt even bother tryna conquer that giant object in the sky and point a flipping laser or something down on to earth if given the chance? GET REAL. Its clearly because the moon is OCCUPIED by OTHERS!
Fibonacci proportions... now read a fucking book fag...
No, the light we see is the corona, which is basically like the sun's atmosphere. The sun itself is perfectly blocked out.
Could be on one of a million other planets, one of a million other solar configurations.
But I think I'm selling the universe short there.
We could always be in one of the other million universes. Yeah, factor that in, and nah, we're not so special. Smaller than the smallest grain of sand, and much less numerous. It's fine though, live life the best that you can, and hope it improves for you chidren.
and life only happens when the conditions are "perfect", so to us it all seems amazing but if the earth didn't end up where it is, and the moon didn't end up where it is, then life would never have evolved the way it did. if the moon was larger or smaller or a different distance, evolution would have played out completely differently and humans would never have evolved. imagine the tides for example if the moon was larger.
is that supposed to be an important distinction???
Perfect picture to understand. You might be the first to understand OP's question :)
>and yet it PERFECTLY covers the sun
From an extremely limited angle.
This is like you holding your thumb up to cover the sun, moving your head behind your thumb until it covers it, and then being shocked that your thumb is over the sun.
ie, you are genuinely retarded
Was getting mad part of your plan?
wow isnt this supposed to be on /sci/ ?
>therefore trillions of 'attempts' at creating the perfect conditions for life
this is why i don't believe that there must be intelligent life on other planets despite the size of the universe. we might be the only successful "attempt" out of all of those.
You can't move the fucking earth, moon or sun you retard. The fact that a perfect total eclipse occurs anywhere is what is extremely unlikely
Book: Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon
Leave now
Fucking eclipses, how do they work?
And I don't wanna talk to a scientist
Y'all motherfuckers lying, and getting me pissed
omfg you're dumb!
The probability of it being in the right place for that to ever be viewable from the surface is low.
Yes, this is a common false argument.
Although there are trillions of worlds, but only on this one someone intelligently designed the System to support life...
(Or are we just incredibly lucky?)
Then add to this, that DNA bio-computer absolutely could not evolve on this planet, since from _everything_ that evolved here, there are some remains. Reptiles, horsetail trees are now plants, all kinds of fish and bacteria. There is no single prototype surviving of DNA biocomputer (beside procaryotes and eucaryotes), but no middle stages.
IF DNA could evolve in mere few millions of years after getting water on Earth in late heavy bombardment, it could evolve once again since in those billions of years. But it never did, because such a miraculous device does never happen by itself...
Scientists of not so far past (before Paracelsus) claimed, that life (bees and worms) just _happens_ from unalive mud by itself.
Scientists of today just shifted it an octave further, claiming that live happened by itself from unalive "mud" some billions of years ago.
Not seeing how cheeky and stupid this is somehow escapes me...
>The fact that a perfect total eclipse occurs anywhere is what is extremely unlikely
you can say the same thing about the conditions for life being available on a planet. for the creatures that evolve on it they think they're special but it's all a result of random factors. the eclipe is the result of the moon being a certain dimension and distance which was necessary for humans to have evolved the way they did. you are contempating a random phenomenon and thinking it's non-random, but it is a random phenomenon that allowed your species to exist. but it's still random
Shut up you stupid german faggot, the only thing you're used to seeing covered in your muslim country are womens heads.
user provides an answer
angry tards berate him
stay classy, /pol
not when it affects human behavior and changes the course of politics
holy kek this thread
10/10 job op
The moon is a spaceship. Anyone who doesn't get that is domb.
Perspective is really relative. It seems like the moon is in this "perfect spot". But really it could be several thousand miles closer or farther and still cover about the same area of light from the sun. You are forgetting the distance that we really are from the sun. The closer your thumb is to your face the easier it is to block the sun. If it was really perfect the shadow could block out the entire earth instead of a shadow only passing across some parts of the earth.
>the world is deterministic, there is no free will anywhere.
>it's just random chance that the moon is the perfect size and distance from the Earth to block out the sun perfectly.
Really pickles my pistachios
earth is flat, motionless and the moon and sun are only 3-4 thousand miles up there.
the ancients knew the truth. the jew freemasons know the truth, only you goyim are lied to about apes on a spinning ball.
stop believing in santa balls goyim.
it's almost like both stellar bodies were formed over time or something and if there were larger variation in the statistics of the pair that they would have collided or separated and that eclipses only happen with years between them even though the moon and sun are always out there
That was like the most anticlimactic shit I've ever seen. There clouds covering up the sun where I live. Blue skies everywhere except where the sun was. Fucking sucked.
uh, guys....
do yourself a favor and read pic related
>hurr durr it's dawkins what a atheist fag hurr durr
it's the best book on evolution you'll get
It's almost as if thousands of desynchronous orbits around the sun, eventually the two line up briefly and one casts a shadow over earth during the day, and only a small part of it at that.
Imagine that.
it's not. there is a spiritual world and a material world. modern man has forgotten the former
Dawkins book is not an argument.
The scientists of just little more far past have been claiming, that Earth is flat (and some continue this LIE despite all evidence that we have).
The scientists of today just shifted it an octave further, claiming that the Universe is flat, they even received a Nobel prize for it recently, so that no one doubts...
It's a same nonsense, just the evidence is far less obvious...
Not far from now you will see the real shape and size of the Universe (which does not have a boundary and yet it is not infinite) and learn, that there could not be any Big Bang, which Einstein called "Biggest Blunder" in a rhyme (this he called adding the wrong "expansion" constant to his equations)...
There could be a hundred such "Dawkins" claiming opposite, and they really are, but they are all plain wrong.
so your argument is "since X years ago we didn't know shit, now we don't know shit, compared to X years in the future" ?
you're legit retarded
For every random coincidence like this there are thousands we don't have.
>What are the chances our plant has the perfect rings to allow radio communication with the other side of the world by bouncing waves off them. Could you imagine if our planet didn't have rings? We'd need to make artificial satellites. I can't imagine how life would evolve on a planet like that.
>What are the chances of us evolving on a moon orbiting a large planet? Could you imagine living on a planet itself? The gravity would make it almost impossible to get into space and we wouldn't be able to use our space elevator technology. I can't imagine life like that.
>What are the chances of us evolving on a planet with a giant moon that acts as a shield from meteors? And as an added coincidence it's about 1/400th the size of our sun, but 400 times closer so it can perfectly eclipse the sun occasionally.
It isn't always perfect, the moon has an elliptical orbit, sometimes the moon will be farther away and only partially block the sun
Watch the NASA info video please
No, I'm talking about weeks ahead, not a distant future...
Here I'm not giving an argument yet...
I've given arguments about intelligent design above, while (((they))) are actively censoring the Venus resonances, and when it finally made it into wiki, there is "no dynamic significance" written beside, which is an obvious lie...
Here on picture, chart of Earth-Venus 8-year meet-point time distance. Note the irregularities, which anyway get soon damped into original pace. This is a clear example of stabilisation of Earth's orbit by Venus support...
While it could be a chance, there are too many chances here (you could say - otherwise we would not be here, so this is nothing special), and add to it an impossibility of random evolution of DNA, even without any traces of prototypes...
You just cannot tell from the evidence, WHO was the designed, whether a God and his angels from 4th spacial dimension, or some sort of aliens, or it could be a remnant of some former civilization which arrived here on asteroids, that brought here water...
we actually have an extremely unusual moon for the size of our planet. it's too large to be a captured object. most likely it's a piece of the earth after a large collision billions of years ago that managed to fall into a fixed orbit.
it's not always gonna be the same size. it was larger in the past and will be smaller in the future as it slowly moves away from earth. we just happened to live in the right time span (millions of years) for it to be.
> WHO was the designed
WHO was the designer
>impossibility of random evolution of DNA,
you CLEARLY don't understand evolution.
pls read
>How the fuck is the moon able to block out the sun entirely
It isn't. Even in the small small small location you get the Corona effect in which the planet Earth is still lit by the sun, and even so this only happens for a couple of minutes every couple of hundred years.
This isn't a daily thing, this is a once in a lifetime event.
You wanna ask smart boy questions, why did the eclipse come so shortly after flat Earth talk?
>Venus gif related
neat huh?