Big 5 results, post 'em and discuss!

Other urls found in this thread:

Are you a liberal?

Op here, am on mobile. I would naturally be a liberal in a perfect world, but realistically I am right wing.


Wtf man, get help

you sound like my psychiatrist

Kys FBI data collector


Nice flag OP remove kebab

I see a pattern here
Twat Leaf

You sound like an insufferable cunt OP


I am


Is it posible for jew be too lasy for scheming?


This probably isn't good.

I stress about the fact I'm stressing.
If I walk past a group of men, I'm always preparing myself to fight.

Am I an autist?





Don't check my flag! Ok you just did, anyway.

Do you think this result belongs to this flag?

I never understood what stress or anxiety are supposed to be.

Extraversion - 13th percentile

Agreeableness - 0th percentile

Conscientiousness - 44th percentile

Neuroticism - 10th percentile

Openness - 36th percentile

>sub 5 on everything besides conscientiousness and neuroticism both of which scored around 50
h-help. am I crazy?

This guy fucks

Which one of you faggots answered this in the affirmative?

How'd I do?

Whelp, looks like I belong on /r9k/

You didn't?
I guess it just comes naturally to me...


Whats with all of the fucking neurotics? Lefty brain-damage children?

Enjoying your mental illnesses? Ever considered anti-psychotic medicine?

Mobilefag reporting


R8 mine, also Jesus user

How does it feel never agreeing with anyone on anything? Gotta feel great being a special little snowflake, doesn't it? =3

Oh well, you are probably a retarded rebellious adolescent anyway, so who cares.

At least 1/3 of the questions require you to be delusionally arrogant to be answer affirmatively. And all of them could be retorted with "in what situation"?. How I behave depends largely on the situation. Am I trusting? Depends on the person.
Can I keep my cool in stressful situations? Depends on the situation.
This is why questionnaires like this are garbage. And one of the reasons why I don't take the social sciences very seriously.

Autistic genius, reporting in.

High neuroticism isn't necessarily a bad thing for people who aren't naturally conscientious. Neuroticism just means propensity to experience negative emotion. It's not the same definition of neurotic that's used colloquially.

Here's my IPIP-300, it's incorrect on agreeableness though, I am high in agreeableness

You might be the most autistic person in existence.

This guy would probably be a good artist tbqh

why did you retards use an obvious data mining site?

Social sciences are Astrology 2.0 . It's nonsense in the end of the day and you could never trust your life with it.

how do I into agreeableness

Oh no someone knows how an IP address answered an online questionnaire now they'll be able to hack my neocortex.

Because that data is put forth into the research

am i going to jail now?

don't mind me just tooting my own horn

how will i ever recover?

Soros promised me 50 shekels


Just fuck my shit up.

What you should expect from people who post on Sup Forums is low agreeableness, obviously. Low openness, makes them swing conservative and I imagine, higher Neuroticism makes them worry much more about what is happening politically.

The fact you see it as "delusionally arrogant" is itself part of your personality, user. So is the fact that you see it as nonsense :)

not good
It's not a real test, just a quick thingy. Real testing takes a long time.

What you're seeing is the consequence of us being people instead of mere holes.

>all these high extravert and agreeableness fags

normies get OUT


Look everyone it's Richard Feynman.


also here's some basic info for people interested in the inventory

Extroversion and Neuroticism

low openness makes you a voter, not someone with any notable opinions or insight into policy and ideology

come at me you losers

Are the Russians going to hack me??

funny you'd say that i have a degree in physics

Are you a retarded, depressed leaf?


> you losers
Now we see why your Agreeableness score isn't as high as the others.



Oh, do you?


Because I don't give a fuck?

ouch, that hurt. now neck yourself.

>low neuroticism

goat is not a gender.

Rate my personality bois

This kind of tests are always absurd as fuck.

you can read, so you're obviously not a muslim female

100% NEET living with mommy

From what I've read, Conscientiousness is the only dimension you can actively increase.

Literally normie tier

but you can be a female or male goat

You're seriously arguing with someone this low in Agreeableness? REEE
"Such a view has been used to explain the relationship between specific attitudinal scales and specific personality traits. In research exploring the relationship between these two constructs, the most common personality trait linked to politics has been Openness to Experience and more liberal social/moral issues (Gerber et al. 2010; Jost et al. 2003; McCrae 1996; Mondak and Halperin 2008; Mondak et al. 2010). Specifically, Openness to Experience has been found to be negatively related to a variety of ideological measures, such as conservative political attitudes, right-wing authoritarianism, and social dominance orientation (Adorno et al. 1950; Altemeyer 1996; Carney et al. 2008; Duckitt 1989; Jost et al. 2003; Stenner 2005; Van Hiel, Kossowska, and Mervielde 2000; Van Hiel, Pandelaere, and Duriez 2004). This relationship has been attributed to the “fact” that people who are more open to new experiences are less tied to the conventional ways of doing things, and this “Openness” extends into every facet of a person's life, including political orientations."

More or less, although having a bit of Conscientiousness and a decent IQ helps out.

pee pee poo poo lies on internet test

Not really actually. I'm a student and lives in an shitty apartment but I have almost no friends. I'm on the spectrum though.

i'm basically a cunt

Perhaps. Doesn't change the fact that the social sciences are not scientific.

I don't get why I always get normie-tier results in these tests (last time I did Myers-Briggs, I got ISTJ) but am so autistic and neurotic on real life, on track to wizardry at 30.



There's really not much you can tell from that. You're average in most areas. Slightly lower in Extroversion, which is probably why you are online right now. Average Conscientiousness, which is why you probably aren't working right now, as we speak, lower openness, so more conservative views generally. I guess one surprise is your level of agreeableness, but this isn't a thread that has a lot of fighting or even debate. You have a decent normie personality.

Seriously though, what is the point of this kind of tests. The questions are ambiguous and in case you are taking it for a job or medical reasons you are always going to reply what they want to hear. For example, I had to take one of those for my firearms license and they asked if I agreed an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth, obviously I replied no. If you are aplying a job and they ask you if you are lazy you are obviously going to reply no. What sort of retard came up with this piece garbage?

Looks like I should be a libshit. Why am I not? Am I just not retarded?

can i get a rundown?

> got poor results
> wanted better ones
> launches into tirade
> test results accurate
> personality confirmed

These tests have no point but gather the data to get the average
You could say in the same test that you are very social but also very shy, and the test won't call you an autistic retard

i founded my first company when i was 21, made my first million with 24, retired with 41, never have to work a day in my life but still do it because i love it. married for almost 25 years now, have kids who are pure alphas. never went to college, never gave a fuck about anything except being the best i could be and do the best work i possibly can. got beat don a few times and always got up right away, never gave up on anything in my life even though i not achieved everything i wanted. i don't give a fuck what you think, not everybody is a teenage neet loser on the internet.

Fuck me.

haha same