Does anybody have the backstory to this picture? also, more

does anybody have the backstory to this picture? also, more.

Other urls found in this thread:

she goes to uk
she gets blacked dot com
nigger leaves her with this abomination

Polish whore fucked a nigger and now she is a single mom.

A youtuber Polish woman vlogger fucks a nig and he bailed on her. She made a video about single motherhood, with the infamous thumbnail.


>a dumb "fitness and nutrition" youtuber from Bolan goes to Londonistan
>fucks a nigger
>youtubes about being pregnant with a nigger in the background
>youtubes about being a single mom with a mutant niglet in the background
>someone posts it on 4chin
>meme status


zug zug

>le 52% face

What an ugly kid.



Magdalena pegowska







Some broad had a video channel with her nig boyfriend. It was like about pregnancy. One video he's in it, then she has another video talking about being a single mother.

56% memed in to life.




Burn the coal... pay the toll



pole + african = american?

damnit she couldve spared me some jaw

Magda the mudshark Pole
Gave a dindu access to her hole
So what else is news
She was brainwashed by Jews
For a life of burning coal

who says the mom is pretty


still cracks me up

I lost it


Holy shit. This is an abomination.
I mean she could easily have had children like pic related.

this is the guy that called trump a mutt
was he expecting a reprisal at his kids so he could play victim?

"The age of Men is over. The time of the Orc has come!"

Not even close, she would still have square kids but only whiter.

This shit cracks me up.

Why is the babe american? I thought it was polish

Can you imagine how much pussy that kid is slaying?

Someone post the warrior tutorial img.



>black in the usa
>son of a famous actor
lmfao, he is swimming in white pussy

Backstory: "Haha! I'm a coal burner and I'm burning coal. Great news everybody, I'm bringing a niglet into the world and there is nothing that pesky chaos god Pepe can do about it. Oh sheeeiiittttt!!!"

Something need dinduing?


>Oh sheeeiiittttt!!!
did she regret having the niglet? give me a quick bog pill on this.



orc boy is starting to look even whiter

it's a girl

I don't give a fuck about the shit she took I'm just miring that jawline

Meanwhile Clint Eastwoods son just has the one wife. She gets the best male genetics in the entire USA.
What do the goldigging skanks fucking DeNegros son get?

the age of men is really over.

and it only looks "white" cus all babies are born with blue eyes

The mom's jawline can make even Dolph Lungren look like a bitch.


This shit is sad as fuck

10/10 chin, lurking in all orc kid threads

bloody hell this fits so good

It's another win for Pepe. He touched her in the womb and named her Adrianne. Her destiny is clear. She is the white niglet of the apocalypse. The one foretold to lead /pol to final victory. Hail Adrianne! Bride of Pepe. Hail victory!


People need to be more 'aware' about race-mixing. I'm not trying to be cruel but you should try to breed within your group.
You need to be fair to the child. Give the child a proper identity. Give the child two similar sets of genes. Doing this is reasonable and fair.

There are niggers here making fun of the kid.
It's not her fault, its her shit-for-brains mothers fault.


Jesus fucking Christ that's even worse than the polish thing

id (hor u do u) confirms

I can't breathe. Please never stop this meme.



Does anyone have the picture where the creature is made to look like a regular white baby?
It really show's the difference between keeping it in the race and coalburning.

>I warned you about racemixing bro!!!!
>I told you dog!
It keeps happening
>I told you man
>I TOLD you about racemixing

White according to Varg



this version is actually more cute btw

post the one with anglin photoshopped on the baby
that one has to be my favorite


Im giving you guys the (you)s you deserve for making me laugh

>bitch is becoming an elf


Are you be sayan that race mixin be elves'n shiet?

How does the kid have blue eyes when its parents have brown?

all newborns have blue eyes at first, even nig nogs

Why did faceapp remove this, it was fun



Try this



we white now



Well this meme peaked fast