Why am I still seeing tweets and Facebook posts about white supremacy when Muslims killed dozens of people last week?
Why am I still seeing tweets and Facebook posts about white supremacy when Muslims killed dozens of people last week?
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Because you are on facebook and twitter.
Because white people killed more.
Here's your problem
I get that, but that's not the point.
The point is that a white guy inadvertently killed another white person, while Muslims killed dozens of people, and yet, people are still focused on the former rather than the latter.
Ditch Shillbook, they are making money off you. I did during the election because Shillary was all up in my grill.
Because the joos want you to think that way.
Because these were just copycat attacks. And ISIS are Alt-Right.
CIATV confirmed.
Except none of that actually happened, faggot. Show me where Muslims even killed one person last week. Show me!
>Why am I still seeing tweets and Facebook posts about white supremacy when Muslims killed dozens of people last week?
>The point is that a white guy inadvertently killed another white person, while Muslims killed dozens of people, and yet, people are still focused on the former rather than the latter.
Which one is exceptional? Hint: look at the muslim world.
It being exceptional doesn't matter when liberals give Islam a pass. They literally think it's not their fault when they attack people.
Are you fucking idiot?
>Implying that actually happened
Let's archive it
Because kikes run the media and Amurica is a zog protectorate
Thanks Norway.
because one is the same old thing (muslim terrorists) and the other is a movement for change
Muslims don't kill people
Islam is a religion of peace
The evil violent genocidial white supermacists on the other hand...
You really think it's because liberals are "used to" Muslims terrorist attacks and not the fact that they conveniently overlook anything anyone other than white males do?
>Why am I still seeing tweets and Facebook posts about white supremacy when Muslims killed dozens of people last week?
You answered your own question.
They killed dozens, we're used to that, not news.
White guy plowing down white whale, that's newsworthy.
If we want the media and SJWs to start warming up to us, we're going to need to take a page outta the Jihadist playbook and kill women and children every week.
Once that happens they will stop fearing us and give us sympathy for some reason.
And let's not forget about colonialism, the transatlantic slave trade and the NSDAP, all of which are your fault if you happen to be white.
Now we must repent and welcome "refugees".
>If we want the media and SJWs to start warming up to us, we're going to need to take a page outta the Jihadist playbook and kill women and children every week.
>Once that happens they will stop fearing us and give us sympathy for some reason.
Wrong. These people are extremely racist and have somehow been convinced that "islam" = a race. You're probably non-islamic white so a completely different standard will be applied to you and your actions.
If you think that's all it is, I feel sorry for you.
The Muslims attacks came at an inopportune time for the liberal rhetoric and SHOULD have taken over the discussion, but it didn't. They willingly choose to ignore it because brown skin people get a pass when they do anything.
It's not because acclimatization, it's because it's literally ok when Muslims do it.
Maybe because brown skinned people never, ever hurt people? Any news story about a Muslim, black, or anything else attack is a complete fabrication by the racist and conservative media to make people hate people of color.
>It's not because acclimatization, it's because it's literally ok when Muslims do it.
But it wasn't OK before, and now it is, so I'd say that's acclimatization.
Not that your points aren't also correct though.
because we don't want the same thing to start happening in our countries.
When wasn't it ok before, though? I remember after 9/11 people saying that we had it coming because we were fucking with them.
Please post pictures that are relevant to your post or at least girls who are clearly over 18. I don't want the only good discussion board shut down because of fucking perverts like you putting kiddie porn on a political discussion board.
Fucking shill
Colonialism: the only way Europe was able to colonize so much was they supported oppressed minority's in the colonial country. This would only be possible if there were oppressed minority's already there. Which means they were assholes but europeans were better.
NSDAP or what ever. Antifa started the violence even back then.
Translatlantic slave trade: trans Mediterranean slave trade was the inspiration. Also slavery in the 1500 as normal as fucking your cousin in Saudi arabia
>Islam is a religion of peace.
There offin each other in the middle east bud
Um no those were white supremacists too. Islam is peaceful. :^)
Pick one