


>using a Mac

I presume this is some libtards mac you are shooting? No one would be as stupid as to use a mac on 4 chan right?





whats wrong with mac?

>fucking Mac


You might as well pull the fucking trigger

I make music and use a mac with logic and an apogee ensemble. Macs are also great for developers, Xcode ftw

Big if true


A fucking Mac

>SJW browser
>Trashy dock
This midget faggot isn't even using his mac correctly lol. You'l put your eye out with that BSD kernel, kiddo.

is that a Kimber too?

ive got all apple products, never had a problem. prior to mac i burned up a half dozen pcs.

not an argument.

>what's wrong with mac

>when your post is not an argument


how does this work?!

>I'm not trying to argue. I'm trying to tell you to kill yourself


where's your argument?

>expecting real arguments and not shitposts in a shitpost bread

Wew lad at this rate I'm gonna run out of smuggies

error caused by gookmoot, formerly known as moot


>muh botnet
There is literally nothing wrong with Macs, unless you plan on gayming on them.

>arguments > smug anime girls

well done user


I'm arguing that you should jump off a bridge

>error caused by gookmoot, formerly known as moot

I think you mean the Artist Formerly Known As Moot.


Macs are gay

This fucking guy. Also checked.




the virgin windows vs the chad mac


Literally tasteless


It's like you fell of the shittaste tree and hit every fucking meme branch on your way down.

gotta love them wannabe tough guys.
Also, a 1911? do you need to compensate for something?