If you're not blue, you're not white.
If you're not blue, you're not white
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Im a de im a da
this isn't Varg's logic at all
he even said that he counts Turks who are blonde haired and blue eyes as his white tribe
Southern Finland, Northern Italy, Austria and way more of France should be included. This is bullshit
sweet dude you changed your proxy.
report and move on
>white tribe
That's some sandnigger-tier oogabooga tribal thinking right there.
>Armenia is brown
nice way to discredit yourself, gook.
This. The guy actually has a hard on for muzzies.
>Literal mongoloids
But that's for real. A lot of Turks that I know personally look European (although they live in a European part of Turkey or Western part of peninsula)
>> Be from South Wales
>> Apparent Black
>> Varg possible special
>> Cannot green text
>> send help
Southern Slavic rapebabies and descendants of converts, probably.
You may be right, won't deny it.
Nothing White about Caucasus, Ukraine, Hungary or Balkans. Lacks Slovenia, German Switzerland, Western Finland, European Russia, Southwestern England and Austria
I prefer to be non-white if picture related are white.
They can look as light as they want, but they are not fully European and never will be. Some Jews and quadroons have blonde hair and blue eyes. Wuz White now?
>Southern Slavic
Unless you speak about Croatia or Slovenia, there are no Slavs in the south - only turkic mutts and cryptogypsies
Good, snowniggers suck
Serbians are Illyrites, Bulgars are Thraks and Romanians are Dakians. Stop being retards and calling yourself "southern-slavs".
The only slavic thing about you is your culture and language, and that's because your ancestors allowed their slaves to take over their culture, which was very Hellenic. In fact, the genome in Bulgaria and Serbia is about 20% Hellenic to begin with!
Why did varg marry a southern french woman?
It's like he doesn't understand haplotypes.
>Serbians are Illyrites
With gypsy and turkish genes
>Bulgars are Thraks
If their own ethnonym doesn't tell you that they are mongrels, nothing will
Such a tribe or bloodline is nowhere to be found today
Why does this Turk's MS Paint art get so many replies?
I'm cool with this. Whites were essentially niggers till Christianity, and Varg wants you to return to the Snow Zulu mentality you faggots had. No surprise he spends so much time sucking Muslim cock.
Love the guy and his videos, though.
he said in his ancestry video that she is of Frankish origin
also she's full white
I probably saw at most 15 black people in my entire life in Slovenia. But jews are even more rare, I've seen them once in the biggest supermarket Slovenia has and I'm 25.
Pretty sure Slovenia is the most comfy white thing any of you can imagine.
Every group of whites is a mongrelized group of whites, outside of isolated populations like the Irish and even they are heavily mixed with Scotts, although that was through Anglo meddling, to be fair.
Take that Semitic cult back, would you? Healthy European man is the best child of evolution out there.Just look at the strongman and the world around you. We have to go to a deeper root of dysgenics and meekness. So what did allow a lot of Lebensunwertes Leben to exist? Let's find out.
Culture is a racial manifestation first and foremost. Long ago Natural Law was integral to the European Culture. It doesn't appear out of nowhere, that's why it's natural. Weak die off from the evolutionary race, strong pass on. Catholic Christian Universalism and jewish cultural marxism destroyed that selection, as well as vaccination, saving half dead newborns and such. Biggest mistake of the colonisation was not to exterminate conquered species to zero. Imagine the world today without negro, jew, pakistanis, chinese, indochines and southwest asian monkeys, central asians, Australian aboriginals, redskins and arabs. You can't claim with a straight face that it would be less prosperous, more environmental and free world.
Catholic Church has been more and way longer cucked
>create universalism
>protect judaism and talmud circulation since 1180s
>prevent genocide of European jewry in 1220s
>oppose Iberian Blood Purity Trials
>demand baptising colonised niggers and amerindians instead of murdering them all
>successfully demand Monarch to throw in prison based Columbus for cleaning the Americas from the filth
>oppose racism since 1800s
Thanks to the Catholic Church and Christians, European jewry, spics, masses of mongoloids and negroes exist.
>not white
are you clinically fucking retarded?
Can confirm. This is the typical Romanian woman.
Whites mixing with Whites centuries ago =\= southern mongrels mixed with nonwhites like (You)
Wouldn't this mean Hitler isn't white?
Is he wrong on that one?
>The * in Switzerland indicates that the three populations available from this country have variable estimates: Swiss-Germans show no evidence of African mixture, Swiss-French 0.5±0.2% and Swiss-Italians 1.6±0.2%. The ‘+’ sign in Italy indicates that multiple samples were available but all show evidence of African mixture.
Cornish BTFO. How will they ever recover?
Looking at his accomplishments, he was probably black below his belt.
Rome during republic - empire was better than any christians kingdom, even christian rome was better. So whites were better even before christians.
But if you were talking about snowniggers yeah Jesús truly save those poor barbarians ( and rome helped too )
Whatever helps you justify not standing with your brothers against the coming tide.
Apparently the Cornish, South Wales, and Devon...the whitest places in England...are niggers.
The place with the oldest still spoken languages in Europe....is black.
That man is a fucking retard.
During the Middle Ages sizeable populations of Slavs were present in what is currently Greece, Bulgaria, FYROM, and especially Serbia. (probably in an ascending order percentage-wise)
It stands to reason that a lot of them would have converted to Islam in the empire. Pomaks in Bulgaria are the only group of people that actually consistently resemble other Slavs - and they have been largely avoiding interbreeding with Bulgarian Christians and Turks for centuries.
Here have a piece of Negroid civilisation
Lol okay XD
Have another pic of negroid civilisation
>Don't know whether to consider this a compliment or propagation of the myth of BBC
>varg shitting on slavs
>his country is blacker than all slav countries put together
Those """""brothers""""" are the coming tide. Med and other mongrel diasporas is something many nationalists want to remove altogether with shitskins from outside of Europe
>still carries gypsy and Turkic DNA
Science and purity > Bulgarian ramblings
take another
>unironically being a nationalist and saying that
Interesting post (((you))) got there.
Christian morality is Pagan morality.
>Source: my wife's past lives regression
That's not what he believes though
In his latest videos he calls both Finns and Italians Europeans, if he truly believed what's in pic related, then why would he call them European?
Here's a statue of the first black monarch of England, King Arthur.
You mean to say sucky fucky five dorah
Western Ukraine is like 90% blonde and blue eyed though
sage every thread about this loser
>Mongoloid (ASIAN)
Your bantz are weak lately Japan
Finnish carelia is white but finland isn't? Seems fake. Source? cause i'm 99% sure this is made by some basement dweller on Sup Forums not Varg.
Not an argument. The Italian spaghetti guinea spics have the highest frequency of sub-Saharan African ancestry informative markers in Europe (9.2%) and even Asian DNA (Brisighelli et al. 2012), are the most genetically related to Jews (Atzmon et al. 2010, Behar et al. 2010, Zoossmann-Diskin et al. 2010), have the highest Middle Eastern ancestry (Shriner et al. 2014, Pardo-Seco et al. 2014) because Africans and Middle Easterners migrated in masses to Italy during Roman times. Even many of their "Roman" rulers were from those places!
Italians belong to death camps. Modern Italians and Meds are mongrels. Nothing good out of that region except for few Northern Italian nobles and artists (god knows Roman enrichment legacy wasn't that spread in 16th century) with their works in art during Enlightenment. Not a single Med insectoid today can match the bloodline of Classical Italics, Ancient Greeks and Northern Italians of 16-17th century fully
those are ethnic Poles or ethnic Russians, often mix of both.
ethnic Ukrainians are nonwhite mongrels. Their home is Central Asia.
Ethnic Russians are European White though (Northern Germanic, Baltic Slavic and sometimes Finnic)
Ukrainians are bunch of try-hard-to-be-European mongrels resulted from Circassians, Pechenegs, Tatars, Armenians and Jews starting speaking Slavic for the sake of convenience
«Укpaїнцi – цe cтapoдaвнi тюpки, якi poзмoвляють cлoв’янcькoю мoвoю»
"Ukrainian are turkics that use the Slavic language" Omelyan Pricak, Harvard University Professor, founder and first director of Harvard Institute for Ukrainian Studies.
Ukrainians (ethnic) are literally more Turkic than Turks.
Black propaganda. Telling mostly truth with some lies to it
hey chill akimura, we gave you bread, faggot
That would be true if I was referring to eastern Ukraine, however in this case it's only western Ukraine that the map shows
ikr here is augustus the first roman emperor he was black
>this wall o' text
Stop watching too much Varg, lad.
Doesn't matter to me, I'm from the west and that's all I care about. The other side can fall into the ocean for all I care
I'm not saying I don't have Turkic and gypsy DNA, just that there are indeed Slavs in the Balkans and it is possible that they have been the cause of what appears to be an abundance of pale Turks.
Yours are the posts that resemble vaguely racist inebriated ramblings.
I'm sorry, I'm a product of the worst school system of the Asian world.
Taking (((divide and conquer))) posts seriously.
what about Armenia?
You know what I see when I look at those antifa pics and protests you see Amerifats posting here? Whites. Whites behaving like whiny bitches, shaming their ancestors and being completely out of touch with reality. If we were face to face I'd ask you to look me in the eye and tell me whom would you rather have at your side during a fight: one of those disgusting moral weaklings or a man with the heart in the right place even if he happens to be a shitskin. I know my answer.
Europe is what it is because of Christianity. Without it we'd be nothing but hindus, or worse, niggers. Catholicism is the soul of Europe and, in my opinion, the problem of Europe is not a matter of race, but of disbelief. We all want our countries to be like Poland, yet we refuse to understand that we can't be Poland without being united by our religion.
Feel free to do as Varg says and call brother to a blond antifa, I'll shake hands with south-american catholics and prepare for the upcoming Reconquista.
What *about* Armenia?
A Turk made a couple of threads with the pic and then it has circulated this board for months. It's pretty embrassing.
Why is southwest Britain not included? Not some butthurt bong I just don't know anything about the area
you belong to the gas chambers
He's literally fucking yellow, he's /ourguy/, not yours, disgusting nigger frog.
Just leave him be, man. He's autism incarnate. You can smell his self-hate and various complexes from a mile away.
Slovenes are no whiter than other South Slavs.
See Zizek, he looks like some Serbian chetnik or some shit.
This is all fucking stupid.
Rape was rare to mean a shit. Even if some girl was impregnatiod by a turk the rapebaby would moat likely be killed as no humanism was more important than nation/blood back then. If a serbian women wanted to marry a turk she had to become muslim therefore turkish. There is shitton of I2a (main haplo for bosniaks, serbs and croats) in modern day Western Ukraine (serbs emigrated in balkans from western ukraine).
AYO HOL UP * smacks lips * SO WE BE NIGGAZ N'SHIT ?
message from khan to snowniggers and regular niggers: tribute or death
Shit, her ancestors got MONGOL'd hard.
1st degree team
So not exterminating nonwhites and Catholics opposing racism since the beginning is what made Europe great? Maybe hadn't the Pope opposed the Iberian Blood Trials, you wouldn't be 4% nigger today
Never been White you west asain kurd-admixed inbred.
White = British Isles, Netherlands, Belgium, Northern France, Germany, Austria, German Switzerland, Slovenia, Croatia, European Russia, Belarus, Baltic States, Finland and Scandinavia
I don't watch Varg
>he looks
So do many Germans, Austrians and others. Yet their bloodline are pure
Swarthy purebred > fair mongrel
>tfw half Irish
>tfw half Italian
>tfw half Filipino
and the last half?
>Swarthy purebred > fair mongrel
Ask me how I know you are retarded.
>When dealing with such a race as Slavic - inferior and barbarian - we must not pursue the carrot, but the stick policy.... We should not be afraid of new victims.... The Italian border should run across the Brenner Pass, Monte Nevoso and the Dinaric Alps.... I would say we can easily sacrifice 500,000 barbaric Slavs for 50,000 Italians....
Fascist, can't you read flags?
Varg is a retard, who the fucks believes him.
Fuck off Indoshits, we are not like you. Praise Tengri ok
That map is incorrect as can be. just some examples:
switzerland has literally been germanic for more than 2000 years (just look at the swiss guard - they are literally a continuation of the german guard of the roman emperors), living in some areas, cornwall is purely celto-germanic, just like the rest of great britain. Germany has areas that have been sorbic (mongoloid) since the franks. Finally, poland is about as far from germanic as can be seeing how they literally genocided germanics for multiple decades in the 20th century.
I want that as wife, where can I bought one?