How many of my fellow brits regret voting for brexit?
I wish we could go back
How many of my fellow brits regret voting for brexit?
I wish we could go back
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>Among all those who expressed a preference, 52% of voters now say they would vote to Remain as opposed to 48% who would vote to Leave.
second referendum when
>I wish we could go back
What do you miss the most?
I regret nothing about it, and would do it again. Why do *you* supposedly regret it (impying you even did it in the first place, inb4 1pbtid)?.
>I regret nothing about it, and would do it again.
why tho
Everything that has happened I am either fine with or I anticipated and accounted for it before I voted.
I couldn't vote as I was out of the country at the time, I would have voted for remain probably.
If it was re-done tomorrow, I'd vote to leave. Fuck the EU.
Stop being a faggot.
Now I asked you.
You made a thread crying that you wish to go back, and instead of explaining your reasoning you are demanding others explain why they're okay with staying out. It seems like you're just a fag whose entire existence revolves around what your peers think of you.
>muh food, the globalists' ONE "argument".
breaking up with the central EU bank and it's dictated policies COULD be a good thing... in the long run
EU central bank rulers are NOT to be trusted at all, you are better off outside their reach, I wish my country didn't join the EU, like 500%.
My only regret is not voting leave with more convicition.
Instead of going to the polling station and voting without fuss, I should have massacred any and all in my path while shouting "Death to the EU!"
Since Brxit.
I made over £20.000 when Arms Holdings got took over by soft bank.
The exchange rate of my euros to £ is great . And makes working in germany great and worth while.
My share ISA went through the roof with the stock market.
I have lots better job opportunities if I return to the uk from germany now with higher pay.
I manged buy British beer in germany for €0.99 and British gin and whisky for €9.99.
There's lots more British goods in german shops now.
Brxit has been great so far
>Why do *you* supposedly regret it
>Household incomes falling
>Banks headquarters leaving London for Dublin and other EU capitals, no more financal passport
>Value of pound dropping
>No more easy travel within EU once brexit is finalised
>Implications for science reseach, UK scientists will have harder time cooperating with Europe
>wont even make a dent on immigration
>Won't help NHS funding despite what leave campaign promised
>New internet censorship laws Tories wish to put through after Brexit would be illegal in EU
off the top of my head so far
btw, rothchild bitched about brexit, you might get punished for it, but if he whines, that means that's actually a good thing for you, even if it might imply high fucking danger for you of retalliation from them
Half of remain voters want to go ahead. So 3/4 of voters want Brexit. Go fuck yourself OP
Not true. I'm sick of leave lies. Always lying.
>>Household incomes falling
The up-down simultor does that. We'll live.
>>Banks headquarters leaving London for Dublin and other EU capitals, no more financal passport
Multinationals come and go. London will remain the financial capital of Europe, as it has been since long before the EU.
>>Value of pound dropping
An even more meaningless up-down simulator
>>No more easy travel within EU once brexit is finalised
You'll have to fill out a form at some point. Oh no.
>>Implications for science reseach, UK scientists will have harder time cooperating with Europe
Bullshit. The EU has nothing to do with that. Unless you are suggesting we somehow have any issues cooperating with people from all over, like say America, despite them not being inside our customs union.
>>wont even make a dent on immigration
Several hundred million people not having free unfettered access to our shores will have an effect. Yes it is not the end of all problems, but that it will do something is certain.
Always lies
>Muh fuggin en hach ess
We should at this point I think just do away with Westminster and all the rest and just rename ourselves the The Great National Caliphate of the Health Service.
>Being misled
>Regretting voting Brexit
Pick one, shill. "I thought the money would go towards healthcare" is not the same as saying "I ultimately think staying in the EU is better." You disingenuous piece of shit.
>hey guys we could use this money for the NHS
doesn't mean
>hey guys we will use this money for the NHS
no promises were made.
>I thought the money would go towards healthcare
Thats one thing they claimed
>I ultimately think staying in the EU is better
I think this is true now too
>value of pound dropping means less British scum when you go on Holiday; especially those with kids.
It was the greatest choice just for this; significantly less UK trash when i went to California 3 months ago.
I doubt you ever did, if this weak shit is your justification.
>Not rising to the challenge of self-governance
>"L...l..leaving the German dominated trade union that's about to implode caused this!"
>"M...m..muh gibbs mo'fugga"
(starts @ 3:18)
I was optimistic, not anymore. I can change my mind and admit I was wrong.
>inb4 shill
>Illegal in the EU
Oh really?
Thats not what I'm talking about
>Yesterday, during her speech describing the current Tory Manifesto, Theresa May revealed that she plans to build a “new Internet,” over which the government has complete control. The goal in the Tory internet plan is to become “the global leader in the regulation of the use of personal data and the internet.” The manifesto states:
>Survey says
Is this one of the many survey people who said Remoaners would win by a landslide?
I think shilling is exactly what you're doing, Momentum.
It is. If you had read that you would see that the EU has no issues with, and indeed supports heavy censorship.
You had your vote, now deal with the co sequemces
What the Tories are planning post-brexit is worse
From America I think that the UK should've renegotiated it's stance in the EU to distance itself, but outright threatening to leave got everyone against you. Y'all are separate in a lot of ways from continental Europe and deserve to be treated as such but it was always beneficial that Europe was safe and secure. There is a reason the only time your armies set foot on the continent were when you were needed most. That's essentially what I think the UK should've done.
It's pretty bad and they should stop, yes, however that's an issue with Mrs May personally, rather than Brexit, and the EU is no better for it.
Where are my 350 million, Boris?
>He voted for TTIP
>Out of my arse so far
I regret nothing. I would vote the same way again. I would vote the same way a thousand times.
>He thinks May and Hammond were leavers.
fucks sake man,lets at least leave before all the remainers start crying.shit hasnt even been announced about trade etc and spineless cunts are already crying.fuck the e.u you see how fucked all those cunts are.
you don't want to fund the NHS?
I want to be friends with Europeans again
I hate Europeans and they hate us so no. Just fucking get on with it,
The hordes of illegal immigrants are not getting a free pass to here.
They aren't going to m8
Yes I really wish we could remain in the cuck union, being told what to do by G*rmany and funneling money to ungrateful eastern European shitholes. Sounds great.
the 350 million meme
Fuck off you socialist globalist cuck
>trading foods and beverage with your neighbors
i always wonder why our governments hate funding healthcare. it's as if they don't really care about us or something...
They also said that remain would win on the morning of the vote. Why do you still trust these people who have been consistently wrong?
>and they hate us
The only reason we "hate" you is because out of fucking nowhere your nation started insulting us for no reason while we were very friendly to you and considered you brothers
I regret nothing. Fuck off, shills.
That's right as long as remainers are in charge.
Yes, international free trade is pretty much the very core of it.
Do I regret it? Like fuck do I.
I waited over 10 years for the chance to vote on Brexit (a chance I never thought I would get) and since I voted to leave my resolve has only strengthened.
And don't forget all the lying and shilling they did to try and keep us in. "project Fear" the media called it. They predicted total economic collapse of the UK. Every single lie has already been proven wrong. NEVER FORGET THIS.
Oxygen thief.
More like
"One in four remain voters think that leave voters were manipulated, and the eu and uk government are so salty they are making all of their previously existing problems being exacerbated by shitty government look as if it was brexits fault
What a load of shit.
The only reason you want us to cross the English channel is so we spend our coin in Europe.
You hate every single trait a British person has so what's the fucking point, just let us leave without hassle and we can both go our own ways.
>I regret nothing about it, and would do it again
same, and i voted no for scottish independence, suck my anglo cock niggers
The Leave campaign never promised it, and the Tory party didn't elect a Leaver
Also more NHS spending is the last thing we need. Cut NHS services for the rich and middle class, they can afford their own healthcare.
>Every single lie has already been proven wrong. NEVER FORGET THIS.
But brexit hasn't even happened yet, its still the very beginning of it all
Reminder that a confederacy doesnt make for a good govt. Europe really needs a blessed leader to unite the tribes under one flag and identity for good, that limits govt and secures freedoms. Never gunn happen by the sheer amount of semen slurpers over there kek
The majority of the UK electorate voting Leave is one of the best things to happen this generation as it was one of the first stepping stones that showed normies how petulant and childish the modern left are.
I was sat in a pub watching the news on the TV the Saturday they were marching through London with signs calling Leave voters stupid and racist and we were all pissing ourselves at how they were crying and screaming over a politicised trading bloc.
Pls dont fight
Fuck off shill, go start a pro communism thread or something. Fucking labour voting scum.
Lmao typical britcuck
You are still in eu and wont leave anytime soon
>believing anything the MSM says
Germany wanted peace with Britain, Churchill wanted war.
Now Germany runs the EU and is getting revenge on Britain for Churchill's warmongering.
That argument also applies to your own - My arguments are valid because Brexit has done something, yours are not because we haven't done anything yet. You can't have it both ways.
lol wtf is this shit, jews trying be like let us decide for you.
This. No one regrets voting leave. We just want them to follow through with our will without fucking about and we want remoaners to stfu.
Don't you already get arrested for "offensive" posts?
I voted leave really because I knew that we would never ever be asked again.
I am still faily convinced that Brexit won't happen.
I believe that the "the powers that be" don't want Brexit and they manipulate the system to get what they want. They wanted us in, they don't want us out.
If Brexit actually happens it kinda blows my conspiracy theory out the water as the public would have had direct influence over the country's future.
"social protection"
Is that the money you pay peaceful refugees to not run over citizens?
Why don't normies understand that pretty much every consequence of Brexit is a retaliation?
Leaving the EU itself doesn't cause problems (other than bureaucratic red tape).
The consequences are simply the EU being butthurt and wanting to fuck over Britain
>be statistically proven to be total bullshit
>keep peddling stories about muh bregret
Absolute state.
>There's lots more British goods in german shops now.
Really? That's very good.
Corbyn did nothing wrong
Yes. Though those that are are especially careless, so it's not absolute - yet.
th fuk
That's money we pay "disabled" people to vote Labour, and elderly people to vote Tory
I don't know about the other Europeans but I personally have never thought of a british person in a different way than a french or a spaniard before the Brexit. I considered you as equal friends who have joined the same union and share similar values, and then out of fucking nowhere you unsheathed a katana and started being edgy for no reason whatsoever
Stop blaming us for things that only you are responsible for
wtf I'm concerned now.
Wtf I love world government and left wing Jewish leaders who lower the boarders now!
I love mass migration now!
Really made me think OP.
He only does that because muh brown muslim palestinians top the jews on opression points in his warped sjw worldview. He needs to fuck off and die as do all labour scum. An a entire party of traitors. I hope they all hang.
Funny how Germany was the one most against brexit, huh?
I voted remain
I didn't complain about the results
I think Leave is a mistake though, our politicians are incapable of delivering it.
fite me
You feel this way because you were raised in a CCTV, radio license,nanny state. You guys have the strongest military and economy in western Europe, what do you have to worry about? Why does an American have to tell you to be more proud of your country?
rly ? havent seen a single one
You lost and you accepted defeat graciously. Nothing to fite about m8
I wish I could smash that leave box again every single fucking.
Smash it, smash that leave box, smash it right now, smash it, smash it, smash it.
Also KYS Cunt boil.l
voted remain.
but watching Europe from the outside now I'm glad we will leave.
we are going to hell in a hand basket, but we will be able to watch Europe burn from our hallowed shore before its our turn.
>i have an idea guys
>let's give this money to the nhs
>i'm not in charge or anything, so we'll have to really push the leader for it
>"okay, that sounds like a better way to spend our money"
>"let's leave the eu so we can ask the leader to do this for us"
>still not be out the eu yet, things take time in reality
The money is still flowing to the Sprout, you inbred poofters.
>70% of brits think that brexit must be enacted
>I wish we could go back
"Think what you wish for"
You voted for it, face the consequences faggot