Imagine if the folowing happened back in February:
>Steve Bannon is fired from White House, due to "Nazi association" and false "Wizard of Oz" narratives pushed by Jewish writers like Joshua Green (author of Devil's Bargain "expose")
RIP Sup Forums. (((They))) oust Bannon, then brag "Goy, Bye" -- Sup Forums whimpers
Other urls found in this thread:
Insult to injury, the Huffpost changes their "Goy, bye" headline to
>White Flight
And their editor-in-chief's name is literally
>Lydia Polgreen
>Jewish Sup Forums
This cunt must be destroyed.
It was merely a prank.
This is the weekend the (((MSM))) called whites "niggers" to our faces, and no one blinked. Another HuffPost staffer on the anti-goy train...
What was a prank?
Of course, Ivanka has her PR team working to deny any involvement in Bannon's ouster. And I'd bet Bannon himself also told Breitbart to cool it.
This completely ignores six+ months of Jared Kushner x Steve Bannon dogfighting in the media, clearly a narrative of "cosmo lib Jew hipster elite" vs "bloated alky white old guard" and so it just so happens Ivanka pulled the trigger, like she did with Syria intervention.
The kikes never forgot how fast Sup Forums made #FireKushner trend during the proposed Syria strike. Kushner went underground after that, even Ivanka was shook. But they waited patiently and now Bannon is out, and the neocon agenda is priority, for Israel. Enjoy watching Kushner cut it up with Conan O'Brien on their upcoming Israel tour.
Bannon is a zionist you retard.
Of course no one blinked. It was nothing out of the ordinary. This is why under 5% of the US tunes into that garbage, since late 2016. Even less now. Probably under 2%, more recently.
Don't let them fool you into thinking they have any power over the people. The only people that believe them now are the unstable pseudo intellectuals. Despite popular belief, there aren't many of those. Look at the protests. How many of those people actually hold jobs? How many of them actually voted? Can you even tell? Only 40% of the US voted, in 2016, and that was celebrated as a great success. An "Amazing" turnout. The fact is, MOST Americans are tired of this bullshit and do NOT want another pointless war; same as always.
No, you're a shill retard. I've seen you in other Bannon threads pushing the exact same
>doy, Bannon is a Zio-cuck dontchaknow?!
Jared Kushner is one of the biggest Zionists in America, look at his family, look into what Bibi says about him. But sure lad, Bannon was the true Israeli plant. This board has seen better days.
I bet Jared and Ivanka had an intimate mingling on their Shabbot mountain vacay this weekend. Orgasming in the defeat of the unwashed white threat.
>left wing media has that kind of power
What kind of power does Bannon have as head of Breitbart?
Did he died?
Level up?
Stay the same?
lmao talking points is all u jews have. you arent smart enough to say anything else.
Typical kikes
>Kike calling others kike
Typical leftypol shillpost. You need to find new tactics because these aren't working so well, anymore. There are people smarter than you realized - some are even smarter than you! I know, that must be so difficult for your vast liberal mind to understand...
The fact is Bannon was pressured to leave by Ivanka, who is staunchly pro-Israel, and felt he brought anti-Jewish vibes into the White House. Ivanka is an Orthodox Jew convert and received a letter from her Rabbi, regarding Bannon being a "racist bigot" among other things.
Fuck israel you kike
the fact is no matter how many times you retards copy and paste this narrative it wont work.
Imagine for a second that when the Obama administration cut loose someone, Van Jones for example, anyone pushed a headline that said "NIGGER, RUN!"
It's amazing the kind of world we live in and the filth we've forced ourselves to share it with.
They were forced to take down the headline after massive backlash
I can't imagine Chinese or Japanese being insulted this way by a parasitic outsider race. It's just fucking surreal that white people ended up like this.
does jew temple offer midnight basketball for goy?
Because the ADL kvetched about it. Doesn't matter, Sup Forums got its poke in the eye and nothing will happen.
The psyop is real. You posted an image you've been spreading, you're using a memeflag typical of leftypol, you even talk like one of their shills. I typed out everything I said and can back up every word. You can search the information yourself.
I wasn't even going to point out all the kikes you cited.
You claimed the other guy only had "talking points" but your meme was nothing more than cherrypicking. Still think I'm copying and pasting this shit, faggot? Fuck you and your handler.
Oh wow. I didn't believe this
But this really made me think! Undeniable evidence that Bannon is def the shill kikemaster! Oy vey! I'm convinced!
you didnt back up anything you moron. You literally haven't cited shit.
Read this article and think again kike
>"Goy, Bye" nothing out of the ordinary, dont sweat it
It's not a matter of their reach. They dont need to influence normies when they have Zionist shitlib plants in JaVanka. Trump has been totally isolated. Pence, who was chosen by JaVanka if you recall, sits in the wings. Fat chance Debbie W (((Schultz))) sees any prison time, with Bannon gone, and Chelsea Clinton's brunch buddies in daddy's ear. The "Goy, bye" headline isn't meant for normies, it's a supremacist dog whistle among themselves, and their laughing at us, sneering. We gotta get Kushner tf out.
>they were "forced" to change the headline
See above, they changed it from Goy Bye to
>White Flight
Which arguably is worse, whites represented by Bannon on the run, no where to hide, and from a Jewish supremacist slant all the same.
A narrative against Trumps daughter is never going to work you know that right?
Here, since you're too lazy to search for what I said in
And unlike your OPINION article, mine cites factual evidence.
That was exactly my point. They have always had such a large grasp over us. It's been this way since the Federal Reserve.
And no, I'm not fine with them being bigots, after claiming white people are bigots. That's hypocritical and racist. If they're going to demand we adhere to higher and frankly inhuman standards, they should hold themselves to the same standards. That's the only problem I have with the left. No matter how irrational they get, if they would actually adhere to their own higher standards that they claim to have, there wouldn't be much issue from them. They'd actually be respectful of opinions, tolerant of opposing views, and be loving people - but they're not. The left is falling apart, day after day, and the daily autistic screeching is more than enough evidence.
>he hasn't taken the blackpill
It would because the left and the right BOTH dislike her now. The Presidency isn't "Bring Your Daughter to Work Day".
That's not even true. This is why this narrative isn't gonna work moron. You aren't going to convince anyone that's a Trump supporter that for some reason his daughter is the actual evil one.
You do realize even Ivanka and Jared go through Gen. Kelly right?
we need to be doing more to get rid of the Jews
notice how im the only person in this thread that provided actual direct evidence to the claims im making.
You're a fucking retard
It's obvious your on the zionist agenda.
I bet you're gonna call me muslim next.
You posted ad hominem insults and rumors, mister merchant.You're also saging, for some reason. I wonder why? Maybe OP struck a nerve? Drop the meme flag.
I actually havent saged once. I've been bumping your thread retard.
Wow, I'm honored. You were here to farm (You)s and you're giving me your spares? How generous.
I'd also point out your total derail of the original argument.
This is how terrible you are at shilling dude. Do you even know what saging is? Listen. This narrative isn't going to work. Think of something more creative.
>Thinks I'm OP
Now I know you're a shill.
That storyline is never going to work.
Something more interesting like the original topic of the thread? That would be nice.
You're fine with Huffington Post calling white people names publicly? You don't think that's racist at all?
We have a wait and see method of doing things.
We're not stupid. We'll tale our revenge when it most benefits us to do so.
You're only saying that but offering no reasons why it wouldn't work. I disagree and think the left and right would come together to pressure the President to removing her and her husband from his cabinet.
Face it, neither the left, nor the right was confident in them being there in the first place. Why are you defending Ivanka? What does she provide other than support to Israel? She needs to go.
And now you're behaving like a cancer ledditor. What level is your tism?
Enjoy the new state of Palestine, because Trump is going to get rid of ur Kike haven.
>This is the weekend the (((MSM))) called whites "niggers" to our faces, and no one blinked. Another HuffPost staffer on the anti-goy train...
Yes, and the head of ADL was fine with it after they made it an attack against whites only, instead of everyone but Jews.
What's the matter, Leftypol? Off to sage a different thread? Use up all your super triggering insults? Accidentally triggered yourself? Maybe you should whip yourself to atone for all those sins you just committed against the Matriarchy. Confess to your rabbi, I'm sure he'll understand.
I will and we'll bomb those sand people like we do the rest. Israel would crumble tomorrow, if we withdrew funds today. Nice new flag!
They have zero self awareness because they think everything they do is justified. They're mentally ill and lack introspection. The left has become nothing more than a cult. All the good lefties have since vacated and become centrists, since they're getting called Nazi Bigots too.
How do I know this? You see it everywhere, if you're not an offensive assturd. Just talk with some people civilly, outside of the liberal cities, and you'll be surprised. I should know, I voted for Obama twice, and voted for Sanders in the primary. It took the DNC rigging the primary for me to realize how fucked the left had become. I even tried marching with BLM but they denied me and my friends for being white. They even threatened to kill us, if we didn't leave and mind our own business. The left is sick and that's why I voted for Trump
NOT Ivanka. No one fucking voted for Ivanka.
with so much brainwashing in the US, I finally woke up to the jew problem. The goyim label really helped me to see the light.
The arrogance of those kikes... it's astounding... imagine the apocalypse that would be caused if there was a 'Nigger, bye!' headline last November. And then those kikes wonder why Nazis tried to wipe them out, or at least wanted to if you don't believe in the holohoax. The tide is turning and those dirty hook-nosed kikes are trembling in their boots, they know the people are waking up.
The revolution will not be televised.
wtf is goyim? helps the naïve wake up, try it.
it worked on me and Ive explained it to a few people.
I was trying to help a Jewish customer find some pickles. I didn't know he was Jewish, at a glance, because you don't pay attention to those things. You only try to help the customer as quickly as possible. He didn't ask for anything specific, so I figured anything was fine. I brought two jars, a big one and a smaller one. He got very upset and announced "these awnt koshah!!" I didn't understand what I did wrong, since I couldn't really understand him. He got so mad, he called me a goyim. I didn't know what it meant, so I asked. He said "Non-Jew". I said OH so you're Jewish then. My mistake. I didn't realize. I walked away. My manager let me off easy because apparently, that guy had been stealing shit from the store.
That's why the shills have been so active lately. They're terrified of losing their grasp over the people. If that happens, they could all get kicked out of their seat of power. All those years of hard work and manipulating would be for nothing.
and to think being goyim you can't go to jew temple. I wonder why the media is not outraged.
Does jew temple not offer goyim mid night basketball?
Oh, you can find a way.
Shills like to claim Trump is a Jew. He's not. He's much more than that. He's a non-Jew that must be treated with the same respect as a Jew. This was an outrage to the Jewish community because it meant they would have to lay off calling him a racist bigot. But as you can tell, the Media operates outside of the Jewish meta. This is how we know they're untrustworthy.
>That font
Is this b8?
It's whoever took the screenshot and uploaded to twitter.
Saved. Thanks bongbro.
In case anyone else might think Trump is in the Jew pocket (because he went to Israel to negotiate peace, oy vey!)
Trumps CIA gunning hard for Sup Forums support
>use a racist term unironically
They did the same thing here.
>British MP Charges ‘Jewish Cabal’ Is Guiding Tony Blair
>Labour 'sent out search parties for immigrants', (((Lord Mandelson))) admits
>Immigration Minister (((Barbara Roche))) is alleged in the book to have taken extraordinary steps to increase net migration, going above and beyond even that requested by Mr. Blair. Another civil servant remarked of Ms. Roche’s personal mission at the ministry: “It was clear that Roche wanted more immigrants to come to Britain. She didn’t see her job as controlling entry into Britain, but by looking at the wider picture in a "holistic way" she wanted us to see the benefit of a multicultural society”.
>The programme's producer (((Martin Rosenbaum))) said: "What we show is there is an English backlash but also self-doubt about England's identity. Home Secretary (((Jack Straw))) is worried that nationalism will manifest itself in violence and wants a positive English identity created which will beat off the unpleasant side."
>In 1995, a new blind trust, known as the Labour Leader Office Fund, was set up by Mr Blair's friend (((Michael (now Lord) Levy))).
What if we archive it
>haaretz com/british-mp-charges-jewish-cabal-is-guiding-tony-blair-1.11028
And Sweden.
mfw im a NEET drinking coffee making memes so powerful you think im CIA
The CIA and FBI are very split right now. There's a huge power struggle going on, behind the curtain. People don't realize how big it was, for Trump to win. The left is claiming he's "another billionaire" after making fun of his failed investments. They claim he's "just another politician" after pushing the narrative "he doesn't have the political experience!"
The truth is, he's one of us and always has been.
just because you're not getting paychecks, doesn't mean you're not working for the CIA
hey man if it's against Zionism I'm game. I did the research on my own.
This thread has been turned into shite by derailers. It's my entire point. We've been defeated and don't even care. Bannon being fired and called a Goy, while JaVanka smirks and handrubs, this was everything the board fought against.
The kikes timing was great. They used Charlottesville as a smoke screen to 1) destroy the alt-right in normies minds by exploiting poor blacks and equating any white cause with KKK Nazis 2) get Bannon tf out, consolidate Zionist cabal while Kushner flies to Israel in a VICTORY LAP 3) issue info that Ivanka and her religion were the reason, then retract, but have everyone wondering and tightlipped about kikes 4) mass removal of Southern heritage, while Soros minions are bussed in 5) use plants like Richard Spencer to splinter movement
It's time to wage total war against JaVanka. Kidding yourselves if this is the Trump admin we voted for. The movement fell asleep and got rekt, hat tip to David Brock, who def returned with a vengeance this weekend.
The alt-right has nothing left to fight for, Kushner made us his bitch. Tiki torches crushed by his faggy menorah
Thanks nordbr- Who the fuck.
What are you talking about? Sup Forums whimpers? Where were you on Friday? I get it...lets rehash that conversation because your worthless ass wasn't here for it. Fucking idiot.
Someone changed the font on their phone.
While it's possible for black people to not be niggers, it seems impossible for Jews to not be kikes.
It's hard not to believe the JQ when you see OP's post.
I was here, it was light backlash. No alt-right videos were made about "Goy, bye" except Tara McCarthy:
Very few Sup Forumsaks are gunning for Kushner anymore, instead we get shills saying Bannon's a zionist. Id like a new #FireKushner movement, its time to call out these NONGOYS in the admin, including his daughter. HuffPost called us GOYIM, well, use it, embrace it, Goyim vs Kushner, til the end. Or wait for the next Syria/Iran campaign.
Lmao they changed it so it's non-whites the whites. Dumb kikes got cocky and exposed themselves.
We should meme the shit out of it
>In case you thought the Jewish supremacy wasn't real, here they are exposing themselves. They changed it to remain under your radar.
>The Alt-Right
But the Alt-Right doesn't exist. It's a conglomeration of centrists, right wingers, classic liberals, and former leftists. It's literally just a group of people fed up with the left, at this point. It's not even an official group. The only people trying to make such a movement "official" are the shills. They can't defeat something unless they label it first. They're trying to marginalize and compartmentalize the unified rage of a nation into one little meme group. It's not going to work.
Meanwhile, the left has Antifa, which is made up of almost nothing but Anarchists, Commies, BLM, and other terrorist organizations.
>It's time to wage war
I've been on the front lines since July 2016. The left has only been crumbling more and more by the day. They can't keep this up much longer. Just don't let up, don't go easy, because this beast still refuses to go down without a fight. It will fight tooth and nail until the bitter end, because it wants nothing more than total power and total destruction.
>Tiki torches
Only the delusional leftists actually believe that is the alt-right. If anything, the Alt-Left has been put in the spotlight, recently. That's something that has needed to happen for a long time. I have been trying to hold on, keep the faith, that not all leftists are extremists and anti-american. It gets harder for me every day, with the kikes shilling and spreading their narrative. They're trying to get us to hate one another but the truth is, those extremists only make up a small percentage of them. Mostly everyone just wants to chill. It's the media that we should continue to fight. The media and their beloved alt-left.
We've seen how they favor them. They paint them as heroes. They dismiss any negative... The people are waking up. They know the Alt-Left is violent and evil. They're just having trouble deciding between commies and "literal nazis", since they've been indoctrinated in that narrative for years now.
>entire media and deep state undermining presidency
>its ivanka's fault
Do you people literally not know a D&C psy-op when you see one?
>Implying anyone ever thought it was all Ivanka
>Please don't remove Ivanka, it won't change anything! :(
Another one of these.
1. the fact that "official" group is headed by known + PROVEN shills is a WIN for "US". Never Forget.
2. the Black Sun Rises. this is just the begining. document every 'Proud Jew" comment and JUST replace "jew" with "white" and see how they trip over THEIR OWN WORDS! kvetching all the way until the next election.
Never Back Down, Maintain the TRUTH.
3.Vampire can't survive in the Sunlight, and kikes can't stand to be outed as "Literal Nazis" even when they brag about it and mock any who bring up their deliberate hypocracy.
"No Handouts For Lying Jews, No Welfare State For KIkes!!!" (free slogan if you wanna use it)
just my 2cent observations.