Eclipse a cover for second sun?

What the fuck, Pic related.

That's Mercury.

2nd moon

fuck it
there are 20 suns
they tell you not to look at it cause it's a portal

no you dip thats a reflection

It's called a sun dog.

>Second Sun

Nibiru confirmed.

Nibiru has been confirmed and has tons of evidence it exists, you can even see it in certain parts of the sky on certain days. Not sure how people are still so retarded and think its not true.

Nibiriu/the star will gorge itself on clay

Internal orb created by holding your glass so flat against the lens. Tilt your glass, does it move? Of course it does.

>Lens artifacts are proof
The only "proof" are the obviously censored SOHO pictures and that could just as well be solar warden.

its a Solar Bear

You've been visited by the Solar Bear

Type "May we bask is His rays!" for solar flares to increase the heat on our North Pole

>solar flares increase heat at the poles
>the sun heats up the poles at all
holy shit, wow. i know pol is dumb but goddamn.

The Sun is RA the God of Gods,


It's just glare from your camera, mine does that too. Fuck off LARPer.

somebody call alex jones

your camera is gonna go blind

>hurr durr we are the only planet in the solar system so it must be a second sun!

It might be venus or something else nearby that we can't make out due to the extra light normally at daytime.

It's not a glare, because those are only caused when you're inside a car.

Stop trying to hide this you cabal freaks.

>only caused when you're inside a car.

Dude weed is the only explanation.

The type of glare you showed would only be created by a sufficiently dense and volume wise spread out piece of glass. It's geometrically impossible to be created from a camera lense in such a wide range.

FUCK I looked at it, do I have AIDS now?

I see this duplicate images through my car windshield all the time. Like, every time I drive. I'm the only one who can see them, somehow. Maybe because I'm tall and tend to look at the upper part of the windshield? I dunno.

Anyway, there are three suns. I don't know why you'd think there are only two.

Retard. It's a lens flare. Get fucked

Unless you looked for around twenty seconds your eyes should be fine
Even if you did it wouldn't blind you completely. You'll have a tiny hole in your retinas tho