EU Identitarian hate thread

> No dress code, just dress like left wing hipsters
> Membership policy: Everyone welcome lmao
> Everyone is a cuckservative "Dems are the real racists" tier
> Could be confused for ANTIFA if you didn't say they were right wing
- Not feared, no one tries to shut them down
>No screening process for JEWS
>50% of the membership is Jewish
>No ideology or plan to remove subhumans

Other urls found in this thread:


You can tell from the Microsoft startup screen font on their site it's a gov honeypot

You kikes are not even trying anymore with those D&C threads. There was an identical thread a few hours ago

>Membership policy: Everyone welcome lmao
Actually their policy is "only whites" and they screen members pretty well to make sure they aren't retards

>Everyone is a cuckservative "Dems are the real racists" tier
>50% of the membership is Jewish
>No ideology or plan to remove subhumans

These are just straight-up lies. Who the fuck do you expect to buy this garbage?

>no dress code
>everyone welcome
Absolutely false
>could be confused with antifa
Fucking how
>not feared
Malta is basically letting them die in the sea banning them to get water
>all the jew shit
>no ideology or plan to remove subhumans
We have a 30 points plan


egalitarianism is a variant of socialism

fuuuck thats a jew kid. hurry up and fucking slit its throat and bash its head in with a concrete block

Equality is the illusion that got us into this mess, but America's not even ready for white identity politics yet, let alone understanding biodiversity and understanding that "equality" is destruction of everything that makes life meaningful. quite a pickle

I am just saying don't fall for anyone who tells you that everyone has the same value.
Value is always based on the vie of the subject, this kind of socialism which neglects hierarchies and the natural order always leads to degeneration and social unrest in which no civilization can prosper.
I see more value in conservative libertarians than in some cucked up shit from socialist europe.

I'm fairly certain that this is a fuck ass poster made by shills - the idents are openly white nationalists.

But the point is "let them live like niggers in niggerlands".

>the idents are openly white nationalists.
says nothing and means nothing, what is the value of an ethnostate full of white degenerates.

>No dress code, just dress like left wing hipsters

you are just a faggot who has no clue

Identity Evropa:

>Doesn't take applications all the time
>Screens for Jewish heritage
>Won't allow people with a drop of kike blood, ex cons or fatties
>White polo screamer dude was IE

European Identitarians:

>Let in Jewish subhumans
>Literally alt-light tier "Dems are the real racists"
>Everyone is a hipster

How did Americans get European identity better than actual Europeans?

>ethnostate full of white degenerates
Show us your flag, mamser patz

These people are out there on the Mediterranean sea affecting politics and curbing shitskin migration to Europe. You're a LARPing shitposting loser on the internet. What value do YOU have?

Why are you intentionally lying about these people? That seems like a very JEWISH thing to do.

When will Euro cucks have a real white application process like this?

They call Americans cut dick faggots but let in mutilated Jews in their ethno movement

because it's a thread made by subhuman kike piece of shit meant to discredit euros, that's why

Controlled opposition

nobody cares

Literal copy and paste

Shut the fuck up, get the fuck out off here with these shitty threads you stupid motherfucker.

Go outside and do your stupid nazi chants you fucking pussy

We are not equal but we are brothers

>No dress code, just dress like left wing hipsters

yeah they know what they are doing and donĀ“t ruin their entire momentum by wearing swastika flags and shit like that

>No screening process for JEWS
we are not america. there are not many jews left. and most of them are trying to get to Israel

Admit it Eurocuck, you don't ban Jews because you want to watch Chaim fuck your girlfriend

>right-wing popular group is bad
>r-r-reject it guys... it makes us weak...



>- Not feared, no one tries to shut them down
so doing it right then? Most people have a knee-jerk reaction to nazism. GI seems to play the game well enough that antifa retards largely leave them be.

>These people are out there on the Mediterranean sea affecting politics and curbing shitskin migration to Europe
What do you, except shitposting on an animeboard?

Well they are not literally Hitler, but at least they are trying. What have you done for the white race lately, OP?


Identity Evropa:

- Strict dress code, looking elite as fuck.
- No fatties, every member is a Chad.
- Everyone is redpilled on the JQ.
- No Nazi, kkk LARP or anything from the WN 1.0 movements.
- Optics on god mode.
- Feared movement.
- Must prove pure European lineage to join.

European Identitarians:

- No dress code, just dress like left wing hipsters.
- Membership policy: Everyone welcome lmao.
- Alt-light tier cuckservatives.
- Could be confused for ANTIFA if you didn't say they were right wing.
- Not feared, no one takes them seriously or tries to shut them down.
- Mr Shekelberg leads their rallies.

>get destroyed by antifa

This thread is trying to cause s schecism between Identity Evropa and Generation Identitare. Wow OP you're really not fooling anyone.

Identity Evropa organized the torch march and did more for white nationalism last week than Identiarian Europeans in their entire existence

Their activism is a "boat" where they take pictures for Instagram while Chaim Noseberg fucks their aryan female members because he was allowed in by eurocucks


>Not feared, no one takes them seriously or tries to shut them down.

Yeah except how countless organizations/governments tried to shut down the Defend Europe mission. Seriously who the fuck do you think you're convincing here? You D & C people are some of the most incompetent shills I've seen in a long time. I'm embarrassed for you.

EU Identitarians: Who you think you're talking to

Who you're actually talking to

Not a fan of him, but he is not one of them at least not biologically.

Guys OP is trying to cause division be sure to SAGE.

>Second thread I have seen about this today
>Continues to hid behind a White Supremacist flag

You go get em champ, just remember to be off before bedtime.

Well most of them come from France so what the fuck do you expect.

They can't be as hard line because of retarded hate speech laws.

STFU shill. G.I. has done more to the Identitarian movement than almost anyone else in Europe.

>muh nazi org is better than your nazi org

*yawn* You're all a bunch of losers.

I've known many identitarians, you're saying complete bullshit.
Also this.Hard line when no journalists are around only.

I remember seeing a comment on a Golden One video by this guy who was rejected from IE for being roughly 1/16 Jewish. Oy Vey!

> Shilling divide and conquer bullshit
They are good for PR. Fuck off Antifa!

I've seen Jews screeching on this board for not being allowed in IE too

Eurocucks will never do this. They love Chaim Noseberg fucking their aryan girls on boats in the mediterannean

I'm actual alt right faggot not a cuckservative

You let Jews infiltrate your ethnic movement

Why are you behaving like a literal fucking jew while pretending to be anti-semitic? You're lying about GI, you're lying about Sellner. Lying is a jewish trait.

wierdest overwatch bread ever

Forgot to mention that naming the jew is a immediate and lifetime ban.

Yurotrash nationalists are ALL jew lovers/zionists.

I didn't say Martin is a Jew but his membership is Jewish

Americans can't trust European organizations because you've been infiltrated by the enemy

Why are they so cucked?

Is this the new flavor of the month for the divide and conquer chapter of the shill manual?

They sincerely believe that lying in bed with kikes will somehow help them vanquish the islamic menace.
They praise Israel all day long despite being laughed at by high-ranking Jews and threatened by jew-owned anti-racist organizations with lawsuits.

You lied about several things in your OP.

>Membership policy: Everyone welcome lmao
>Everyone is a cuckservative "Dems are the real racists" tier
>Not feared, no one tries to shut them down
>50% of the membership is Jewish
>No ideology or plan to remove subhumans

These are all straight-up lies. Why should anyone believe what you say when you lie so shamelessly?

This is a D&C thread. Not the first time someone post this

OP is a lying faggot


I'm sure there are non-cucked euros here who could start a clean movement and screen Semitic kikes out

You can't let JEWS join a European movement

What if they come to power? Are you going to let Noseberg make decisions about the future of Europe? Because you invited him in the first place.

This is the first time we made white nationalism look cool and these eurocucks blow it by letting sucking Jewish dick.

>No non-whites allowed
>(((Whites))) allowed though

Who are you kidding kike?

I don't knwo what you're talking about.

Your points are all verifiably lies.

The Identitarians are top notch, along with the Nordic Resistance Movement.

And National Action in the UK.

>only requires 56% white blood

t. Shlomo Kikestein, president of European Identitarie, 100% pure European blood

Yeah, good one, my dear Watermelondrea, you really got me good.

t. degenerate 54% american (((white supremacist)))

>Americans are better at being Europeans than actual Europeans themselves
what a fucking world we live in

Message to Identiterian cucks:

No ethnic barriers = no movement.

You are cucked, it's like your movement never existed.

Take all the kewl pictures you want and flash them on Instagram, ship all the niggers off the Lybian coast back with your epic boat.

Your movement has no future because it never had an ideology to begin with. You allow the enemy to subvert you and you WILL be subverted. How can you lead anything when you're this incompetent, fearful and unprincipled?

What movement are you a part of? Clearly not Identity Evropa because they would never spread blatant lies about their European brethren.

Suck my dick, they do have principles and discipline.
You are clearly making an unskilled d&c attempt here.

an actual white supremacist wouldn't talk shit on white nationalists.

fuck off shill