>Sup Forums now hates lesbians
What the fuck? lesbians are usually redpilled bro teir
Is it because a lesbian snatched your girlfriend from you?
Sup Forums now hates lesbians
Wrong thread
>lesbians are usually redpilled bro teir
Are you fucking retarded? Their the bluest of blue pilled faggots.
a deliberate rejection of the gift of life in favor of sexual hedonism isn't redpilled
>women are normally right-leaning, logical, and efficient
Nobody cares about dykes
>The only purpose of life is repoduction
Fuck off
Lesbians are leading feminazi cancerous cunts.
Sage goes in all fields
Only those fat men hating feminist types
Never met a lesbian who wasn't an insane feminist. Weirdly, I've also never known one who didn't grope other (uninterested) women. Lesbians are not "bro tier" anything. Lesbians are by far worse than male homos.
This is basically it. Shit contribution from OP. Bring more to the party. Slide thread.
Digits against OP
Now fuck off faggot.
>Lesbians are leading feminazi cancerous cunts.
I know lesbians who avoid those types
You known a lot of fake dykes then. Don't forget only 0.5% of women are actually gay. The rest are just damaged goods who think a woman will look after their neuroses and won't ask them to shave their legs
> lesbian
> red pilled
Pick one
Trannies hate lesbians, so Sup Forums should like them.
I want to impregnate ruby rose
This is a fundamental truth. Your genes have spent billions of years trying to figure out a way to replicate themselves and spread. That is their purpose. From an evolutionary standpoint, your sole reason for existing is to be a carrying vehicle for your genetic code. That's it. You either breed and pass on your genetic structure, or you don't and iterally billions of years of cumulative evolution dies with you. Your consciousness that allows you to have opinions and "free will" and shit? Nothing more than an evolutionary construct trying to get you to sent your genetic code forward into the future. And I say this as someone who will likely die childless. In 100 years no one will remember you or or care that you lived. If you have children, a piece of you will go on. If not, you, and everything you ever were, dies when you die. Tell me again how homosexuality isn't a malfunction in the base operating system of your brain.
Yeah, no, I've known a lot of lesbians and they have tried to either jump me or other women I know because they've got the crazy gay brain.
BWAAAHAHAAHAHHAAA... lebos are just another genetic dead end trap
Well I mean...no but if we all stopped breeding there would be no life