Sophie Elise (Norway) is back, leftist

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Knulledukka er tilbake ser jeg

Islam could have prevented this.

Friendly reminder that islam will can save the west from degeneracy

jovla hore

She is teaching me a lot about Norway.

Nothing will save us

I now understand why god needs to reset humanity with floods

What is this trash?

forced meme is a sage of shit

Wasn't she hired by Gahr Store as one of his advisors this election?

A Norwegian-Sami whore
25% Norwegian, 25% Sami and 50% plastic
There is leaked nudes of her if barbie dolls is your thing

This cunt is being pushed by her kike boss.

Norway has anti-tourism commercials?

What kind of psyop shit is this?

To do what? She just does normal girl stuff. Any girl who don't do these things are muslim. Jews don't control every non-muslim girl here.

NORGE Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssss

i love her

look her sucking off that cross!

>nord*ck women

Dont give her views

Norgebot HVOR ER DU

Stop giving this whore attention.


OP here, the whole point is you guys giving YT dislikes. Therefore the link.

Then you're a stupid nigger shill, bad or good its good for her either way giving her attention.

Bad bitch

I dont know if you are a political person, but this is actually good knews for the right wing in Norway.

Then take it up with your local FRP instead of mass promoting whores on Sup Forums

Reported this shill thread

vile whore deserves to be lashed in public

OP here. This is correct. Rumor is the labour party paid for this.

i used to hate islam but after all the shit lefty pull like trans and homo shit i just dont know anymore...maybe a world wide califat isnt so bad after all....

Shut the fuck up you loser

to push degeneracy. thats what. Its all part of the narrative they push in western countries.

Sophie Elise>Ludwig van Beethoven

>Desecrating the Holy Cross
>Using her nigger friend Fetisha to defile said cross

I thought it couldn't get any more degenerate than the previous video. Turns out I was wrong. Vilken jävla hora

>nigger/sand nigger society that's basically from stone age
>degenerates that kill themselves when they turn 30
hard fucking call, but I think I'll stick with degenerates

keep your fingers crossed she disappears
people disappear without a trace never to be heard from again all the time
sort of a fact of life really

They are pushing western culture. This is what we are protecting from the muslim hoards who want to stop sexual freedom, homosexuality and blasphemy. Here in Europe the muslims want us to stop making fun of Jesus and they are as pissed off when we make fun of Jesus as when we make fun of Muhammed. The christians don't care.

Sucking on the cross, cross-dressing, homosexuality and sexual liberation is what makes western culture unique.

fucking faggot

Varg denounced her previous music video. Question is, will he support this one? The message is anti-Christian, after all.

want to "defeat" people like her? ignore her. thats how you do it

slutt å lage tråder om henne, din jævla idiot

Waaaah, so edgy and rebellious.

Tee hee hee I'm edgy.

Are we still seriously caring about some whore sucking a cross? Piss christ and the ensuing outrage pretty much ended this genre of liberal pretension.

Hva nu det her for noget fis?
Forklar jer selv gamle rige.

Go back to Algeria you shitskin sandnigger.You can have your faglifat over there.

Norcuck is obviously worse than Sweden. Maybe you should have stayed out of the EU

I'd dick that nord, if you know what I mean


is Piano dead yet?

no he survived but I think he'll die within the year

Piano is /ourguy/ though, he doesn't like nogs

I mean he really isnt wrong. Islam is better than post democracy atheist anti-white feminist culture. We need a white Sharia


>Pick on Judaism
>"Oy vey, anti-semitic!"
>Pick on Islam
>"Kill the unbeliever!"
>Pick on Christianity

Christ denying kikes ruling over all the media and government positions enable this without any push-back. Any Christian who voices opposition is met with Judiac screeching.

She has a serious kidney infection that's common after analysis to vaginal sex. TOLL STAUS: payment 1 made

Someone linked this thread to her youtube comments, apparently it just got deleted. Good work boys.

How do you know this? If true, that is divine punishment

Some Norwegian posted an article here

ohh that's neat

>unironically believes bodybuilders would smash mma professionals
piano needs a tuning

Here ya go


So much for the superiority of the nordic race.

>>unironically believes bodybuilders would smash mma professionals
Who? Piana?

>Any Christian who voices opposition is met with Judiac screeching.
Suck it up. Heaven forbid you put in effort.

Dette gir go FRP gratis stemmer.

I bet you only read like one verse in the Bible.

what? comments were enabled? they were disabled earlier today

Christians are too busy either licking nigger feet or sucking Israeli dick to "voice opposition," kurwa.

Enabled now but the moderator is deleting comments im beeing told. Need more Sup Forums + others.

What does she sing about?

it`s supposed to be a mockery of the right wing in Norway.

>off by one
And your post is off by a lot more. You just don't know what it's like to live in a homogeneous society le fake flag man.

Oh, I see. Somebody said it is rumored she was paid by the Labour party.

And, what is the view of the average norwegian normie on Christianity? I would bet they do not care when somebody defile the holy cross, no?

You are correct, also the labour party in Norway is leftist and they also have a coaltion with political parties that are even worse.(This is anti right wing propaganda).

Sorry I did not undersrand you. Do Norwegians mind when a cross is disrespected?

Please tell me that isn't real
Her tits looks disgusting, why would she do that to her own body.

Also, I cant understand the men who send her hateful messages, calling her fuckdoll and such.
It's clear to me that on some level you find her sexual attractive, but how? simply how? She's so ugly.

Hvorfor skape blest rundt ho? Jeg kommer aldri til å skjonne meg på dere.

Nope, nobody cares.
The general population here is atheist, however they still baptise their children and marry in the church and have christian funerals.
It has become more of a cultural thing really.

I personally mind since jesus is my bro. Not sure about other people here.


>that blasphemous shit
Go figure

But the music video is completely right.

Me too.

However it's a sign of the times. That harlot got 2.1 millions for being just that, a harlot.

Just waiting for that svovelregn og lavafontene på Aker brygge.


Looks like a botched up tit job desu

No need to go full retard.
All this attention whoring is just because the "wall" is approaching fast. Just let the old thot tire herself out tbqh
It's not like people take it seriously anyway.

Link please?? Cause barbie dolls are my thing.