8 values test

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You're a pretty good guy, OP

>Capitalist fascism
That's not even a thing.

The social part of fascism together with a capitalist economic system

Imperialist Russia was obviously on a fascist level of statism, yet it had the lowest levels of taxation in Europe, and even lower than America at the time.

send help

Help me first

Stop responding to datamining threads.


Yep, seems about right. No regrets.



Godzilla tier.



I'm a filthy centrist, sorry Sup Forums

I feel as though some of the questions trick you.
Like "Chasing progress at all costs is dangerous."
It is dangerous but that doesn't mean I don't support it, so what the fuck do I answer?
I felt that on a couple of questions which is probably why it put me as a neo-lib.

I guess I'm truly shit tier


Yeah, the questions have hardly any clarification, so I did get confused on occasion

>It tricked me!
No, you just have the reading comprehension of a third grader.

No wonder it said I'm liberal. I'm going to go off to /b then.

liberalism is not leftism. liberalism is for liberty and freedom. leftism is socialism, marxism and communism in all it's forms. leftism is cancer. liberalism isn't. liberalism is what lead to many of the great things we have today, leftism is an invention of the jew, the russian, the german and the chinese. together they are the enemies of liberty. they must be stopped.

Oh, you sure got me, I feel like such a dummy poop head now!

Fuck me. How bad is this?

>From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.
Can anyone explain what this means?

It's Marx's famous saying

I deciphered it as "you strong back, you work, my back weak, I rest"
"you gibs now"

The best result

That just means you are a normal and balanced person



My long-lost son, I've finally found you!


I am America.

If you get anything vaguely lefty, then just kys.

>this is what liberals actually believe


Radical Centrist Terrorism

note to newfags liberal is synonym for anything you dislike nowadays



> Fence sitting centrist

> literally hitler

Pretty accurate stuff.

oh no


C'mon, Abuhadbudabha, there's no way you're that lefty.


i failed you Sup Forums


I just want to be left alone tbqh



Me too!

>all these capitalist cucks
god = good
capitalism = judeo usury

>Markets and equality in opposite ends of the spectrum
It's shit.


>gov't meddling in free market to force equal outcomes isn't the opposite of gov't allowing the market to operate on its own





>there are people in here arguing that NatCap doesn't exist


r8 m8

what the hell is a neo-liberal? sounds kinda cool

Cheney speaking.

Yo, it's W.

What website is the IQ test on?

shit tier quiz with shit tier statements with shit tier wording.
needs more autism.

Shit, it's been so long, I don't remember.


honestly i agree. its not shit tier but needs more literal wording

Oh shit guys, I think I'm unironically a centrist.


You can do better on online IQ tests.

>simplifying political-economics to loaded binary questions

Bitches leave.




I'm no social justice warrior, though at the same time I guess I'm not too surprised at being labelled a moderate. I don't blindly trust any political party, I question and mistrust the lot.
Still, I'd sooner call myself right wing than let myself go anywhere near the fucking lefties of today.



Picking an Extreme instantly makes you go into a war which no one wins.
If there is too much nationalism there is no co operation.
If there is no sovereignty there is a probability of the wrong person going into power.

>Oppression by corporations is more of a concern than oppression by governments.

What are we relating to here? Our own government? If so then you would be stupid to say that the government oppresses more than corporations, as bad as our government is. This shit isn't even capitalism, it is just a bunch of monopolies.

666-1 fuk ye?

>social liberatism
>libertarian socialism

what the fuck is this shit

Personally, I'd rather be oppressed by neither, but sooner by government than by corporations.
Dunno if that makes me odd or wrong, but I do live in the UK and want to die after all.

nice try pajeet


>Capitalist Fascist

I got that too. Isn't that basically Paleo-Libertarianism?

I got fucking Neoliberal. Stupid shitty ass quiz.

Some of the questions don't even relate to this planet anymore, they are so outdated, we already know the answer to some of them, and it becomes more of a what you think vs what actually is going on. These would be questions to ask maybe 20 years ago, but not now.

Examples, please.


I would consider myself moderate, except I'm not an ant-science christcuck

Right here is a man of taste.

Most of us are LARPers I see.

r8 no h8

Stupid loaded questions