Why the fuck was abortion ever made legal?

Why the fuck was abortion ever made legal?

How can anyone justify taking a human life because "it's muh body"? No it fucking isn't. You're the one who had sex, without a condom or birth control, deal with the consequences slut.

And even if it was rape, does that justify murder? The murder of some one who didn't even commit the crime? Plus barely anyone ever gets an abortion because of rape (pic related) or because of health concerns. The great majority of abortions have nothing to do with rape or "health of the mother/baby". These fucking MURDERERS think the slaughter of children is justified because of "muh career" or "muh poverty" or plain just because they don't feel like it. This is utterly reprehensible. And the left likes to call the right murderers because one fucking retarded psycho plowed his car into a crowd. Meanwhile these bastards OPENLY AND PROUDLY ADVOCATE FOR THE UNREGULATED MURDER OF BABIES.

Abortion is the most disgusting thing the left has ever pushed for. I can deal with faggots, niggers and trannies. But he murder of children is altogether unacceptable. Make no mistake: this is murder, and the left gleefully supports mass murder while trying to virtue signal about how awesome they are. No, you are not awesome, you are murderous savages.

Life begins at conception. Deal with it.

Because feminists are sick as fuck and think it's the only way they'll ever have equality with men since men don't have to be pregnant for 9 months.

Roe v. Wade was the biggest moral failure in modern American history, and it will be remembered as such by all who are not mentally ill murderers.

Take down the statue of Margaret fucking Sanger too, btw.

>Why the fuck was abortion ever made legal?
It's literally the greatest killer of niggers in history.
If it weren't for Roe v Wade, our Nigger population would be DOUBLE what it is now.

I don't care
>You're the one who had sex, without a condom or birth control, deal with the consequences slut.
>He went outside without sunscreen and got skin cancer, refuse him treatment and let him deal with the consequences
I've already had 1 abortion and if I get pregnant again I'm gonna have another. What're you gonna do about it?

Supporting abortion as a woman also shows how easily a woman will give up her responsibilities for personal gain.

A woman's most important duty as a life form is to bare(bear?) children. Yeah, it may not want to be what some women want to hear, but that's the fucking truth. The future of our species relies on women being able to shoulder the immense responsibility they have to bring new humans into the world, and abortion is nothing other than a way for women to shirk their responsibility as the mothers of our future for frivolous/selfish means.

And the men who support them are just as shameful. Men are supposed to protect and provide for our children, not be complicit in their murder. Fucking disgusting.

Why not? If you don't want a baby you will be not a good parent.

There's not much I can do in our sick society.

And you ought to be ashamed of yourself.

I was with you until you advocated for rape babies.

Imagine looking into the eyes of your child and instead of being filled with joy, youre reminded of the time someone violently raped and defiled you. Every. Single. Day.

the thing aint even alive yet

I had ONE abortion. And have never conceived with or without contraception *before that* or after. I think the hospital lied to me and made me sterile. I only knew about it because I hurt my hand and had to have x-rays.

Of course you can't probably because you're a weak beta male virgin

>He actually wants a larger Nigger population
>He wants to pay more taxes for more gibsmedats for said niggers
>He wants to pay more taxes to imprison said extra niggers
>He wants America to slip into a non White majority even faster
why do you hate whites so much user?

Great argument, dipshit

Why do you hate innocent children?

If you don't like abortion, don't have one. Your body, your business fuckwit.

I..if i call him a virgin he'll feel bad.

Abortion actually helps when it comes to eugenics

It's not just "their body". It's also another, living human's body as well.

Try and refute my point lol my body my choice creep

>I encounter dicks as often as a man encounters the sun
Wow user, you should get a better hobby.

Not only is it a shit argument but it doesn't really have any effect if it's not even true, not like that will stop shitters like that.

They throw around dumb "insults" like that because they know their positions are built on shit foundations and can't stand up to proper scrutiny.

Either that or it's some edgy dumbfuck who thinks "lol i got them gud w/ that one XDXDXD"

Either way, it's pathetic.

Who can't think or feel

If abortion is murder, a miscarriage is manslaughter

So you believe that the government can force childbirth on a pregnant person who does not desire to have a child? You can basically walk across the Mexican border, get a hotel room for 20 bucks and take some pills from a local pharmacy. There is no way to stop it.

It's not just your body anymore when there's another living human in there.

If you think that life doesn't matter than why should I think your life matters? Or anyone else's life?

Read freakanomics. Its a good book.

This, why does nobody mention the fact that abortions are disproportionately requested by black mothers??

A fetus can't sustain itself, grow or reproduce, therefore it isn't alive. It doesn't even think or feel.

Me and my boyfriend fuck twice a day lmao

Either can a 3 month child. Is it not alive ?

Human life and skin cancer aren't equatable.

The crime rate dropped when abortion went up.

Interesting correlation that is missed in the abortion debate.

So? That doesn't stop them from being a living person.

Unless you agree with killing retards and the physically disabled as well then your argument doesn't really hold water.

>cutting a tumor out of your body

You made the mistake, deal with the consequences.
It's only forced if it is rape which is a different matter.

>muh free market

A three month child can eat food if you give it and grows. If you take a fetus out of the womb it just dies.

>No way to stop it so let's sanction it
Are you retarded?

Haha wow this guy is retarded

see everyone? lack of shame. no different from a murderer psycopath who does not empathize with the victim. (often black)

They're not alive lol you're stupid
>If you think that life doesn't matter than why should I think your life matters?
I don't want creeps like you even thinking about me

Absolutely will deal with the consequences by having an abortion. No fascist clown is going to tell me what I am allowed to do with my own body.

But it cannot "sustain" itself like you said. It needs another to take care of it much like a foetus.

Baby scraping is the number one nigga killa. Neccasary evil. It is basically murder-lite though

women detected, tits or gtfu bitch

As the late great Bill Hicks once said:

"You arent a human being until you are in my phone book."

It's not alive dumbass

It's not your body though.
It is also important to set a moral standard within society about responsibility and this is an effective means.

Taking a fetus out of the womb would be the same as living a child in the wilderness with no support. Why don't we let regretful parents put their infants and toddlers in the woods?

>can't form an argument without referencing pop-culture

I was pro-abortion. Until I met my Mother-in-Law whose parents thought it would be cool to tell her that she was a failed abortion. That bitch is alright man. Also, the same arguments used to justify aborting children in utero can be used to argue for killing children up to 1 year old.

>Life begins at conception. Deal with it.
Life ends at death.
deal with it.

literally nobody gives a flying fuck about some baby that doesn't even have a name.

[[This is what Christians actually believe in.]]

Because the Jews are pushing all forms of degeneracy, and push even more as we are forced to accept more.

Go read Judith Jarvis Thomson: A Defense of Abortion, and get back to me OP.

Give proof, it can move of it's own accord so it has some degree of sentience.

>Unless you agree with killing retards and the physically disabled as well
Well they're living grown humans so no
Fetus' are just cells

we should

Bill Hicks is pop culture?

Are you retard?

Hitler really was an underachiever.

So is every human at a base level too.

My morals are my business, not the business of government. You can take whatever hypocritical "standards" you want to define and shove them up your ass.

>Also, the same arguments used to justify aborting children in utero can be used to argue for killing children up to 1 year old.

yes, they can.

there's no reason why abortions should be performed, when you can just give birth to it and then kill it.

>literally nobody gives a flying fuck about some baby that doesn't even have a name

literally nobody gives a flying fuck about what meme flags have to say

same as how:
niggers aren't human
fetus aren't human

The creator of Abortion was a hardcore Eugenicist. I think we should ban it only for whites while increasing it for nonwhites. The people who want to ban it outright are boomers who want more niggers to work for them after they retire.

I'm a female I'm superior to you nerd I can do whatever I want

>a popular comedian
>not pop-culture

No they can't, a born child is capable of living outside of a host body.

It was made legal to remove illegal abortion cliniques. And sometimes some women would try to kill the baby on their own, eating sulfur for example, wich often killed them and the baby

Literally every living thing is "just cells".


people DO care.

a lot more than they care about babies, too.

9 posts and still no tits

Ew gross only my boyfriend and gay friends get to see my tits

We don't need more people and it should be mandatory for all women for the next 5 years, to even out our overgrown population.

No, morals are societies business setting a good strong foundation to build upon, leading to higher social trust and promoting a family unit.
Why do you think every religion promotes mostly a similar message ?
In order to continue and progress society through stable means.
If you create your own morals you can justify anything.

>forgetting the classic

YOU are a lump of cells too

the creator of abortion...women have been aborting pregnancies for literally thousands of years.

Good. If they are willing to kill a baby they ought to die themselves.

Because it can't reproduce

nonwhites are the population problem, no one else.

the solution is to use biological weapons on 3rd world countries, destroy their food supply and water, and just seal them off until humans go extinct in those regions.

Neither can children pre-puberty. Give me a well defined reason.

Reagan sold us out and gave amnesty to 3 million nonwhites. Nobody should be quoting him at all.

I mean modern day abortion, not like stabbing babies.

Well they're different

a girl until at least for 9 years cant reproduce

A fetus may or may not have a fully developed digestive system and organs. A fetus is like a parasite, without a host it will die no matter what. Not to say that children are parasites, but similar to them.

I wanna see

They literally made abortion legal frigging TODAY here m8s... The degenerates won, I don't think they'll stop until they see the whole of humanity dancing and festering on their own feces, that's what these hateful fucks want: the destruction of everything noble and valuable because they know they're no better than pigs themselves and secretly can't stand their own depravity...

If there's anyone who deserves to die in these fucked up craphole of a world it's not innocent unborn kids, it's the degenerates fucks responsible for the miserable state we're currently in.

Seriously, fuck this gay earth, may nuclear holocaust take us soon.

When you allow self appointed religious "leaders" to define morals you end up with clowns like the American religious right. They have abandoned Christianity for wealth and authority. Most can't wait to line up and suck Trump's cock.

How ? I'm no expert on biology but me and a foetus both have the same type of cells.

you should have been aborted too
your parents were stupid enough to let this parasite live

Pop culture is nsync, Brittany Spears, cnn, pepsi, believing what dinosaur media has to say about the world or people.

Bill Hicks spoke out against these things. He was a truthseeker. Pop culture aimed to silence him. You're pop culture lol.

I hope you are trolling.

Family unit is stupid lol prove me wrong

>a libtard falls flat on her (his) face trying to make an analogy.

Oh God, I love this shit. I've seen so much of this lately. Please, more. Analogies don't work when you're on the losing side of a debate. They make you look so retarded and fill my day with keks, though.

Sorry to hear they're getting to your country too, amigo. That's a damn shame.

Women who have abortions are mentally fucked. Deep down they know what they did. They know they're murderers. No amount of "muh body" protestations will ever change that.

Thing is, women are so fucking evil that even though they know how shit they feel for life about it they still will talk other women into abortions. Basically they make sure other women make the same mistake so they feel better about their own horrors.

At least your Haitian problem will be solved

The leaders are not self-appointed though.
Look at the catholic church the are selected from a pool of arch-bishops(i think) to represent the faith.

No, it's capable of breathing outside the host body. There's plenty of monkey-shine stuff online about blacks that leave newborn babies lying about. They don't live long.

I can think and feel