You may have seen the CNN and NBC Version. Here is the NYTimes. OY VEY. WHERE TO BEGIN.
1. Top Leadership. The following leading roles are held by Jews:
>Chairman & Vice Chairman
>Publisher & Deputy Publisher
>Managing Editor & Deputy Managing Editor
>President/CEO (spouse) & Chief Operating Officer
>*At least* 7 out of 13 Board members are Jewish, and *at least* 7 out of 14 Executive Committee members are Jewish.
2. Editor-in-chief of sub-publications. The Editor-in-chief of the following NYT sub-publications are Jewish:
>NYT Editorial Page, NYT Global Edition, NYT Magazine, NYT Style Magazine, NYT Live Journal, and NYT Biz Day. It appears that the only sub-publication left is the NYT Book Review, whose last editor-in-chief was Jewish (and whose current editor-in-chief may be Jewish, but it’s unclear)
3. Bureau Chiefs. The Bureau Chiefs for the following offices are Jewish:
>Washington DC, Los Angeles, London, Paris, Rome, Berlin, Central & Eastern Europe (Warsaw), Jerusalem, South Asia, and Australia. In other words, the capital of most of the largest Western countries: the USA, the UK, France, Italy, Germany, Poland, and Australia.
4. Chief Correspondents. The following “Chief” correspondents are Jewish:
>Chief National, Chief International, Chief Political, Chief Domestic Affairs, Chief Diplomatic, Chief European Business Correspondents, Chief Mergers & Acquisitions, Chief White House, and Chief Military Correspondent. Only one of the NYT’s current “Chief” Correspondent positions was held by a non-Jew – the Chief Washington Correspondent.
Naming the Jew - the New York Times edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Here is a pic of all three.
The NYT link is:
The NBC link is:
nice, saved
Looks like both of those are for NBC (2 of them because they offer different formatting for the works cited section). Here are both of the links in the picture:
NYT Link:
NBC Link
Good work
need this in under 2mb for other boards plz kind user.
We need to start a database or some way to track these jews to where they live etc. That database must be publicly accessible so any and everyone can confront them about them spreading their vile lies and disgusting filth through the media.
what the hell is that pic? I didnt post that?
Meh. Coincidence.
Paranoid much faggots?
>under 2mb
that's pretty low res
This is the correct link for the New York Times:
mods fucking with you
can you see the pic I posted? What is it you see?
Its not the pic i posted. Spooking out here!
Here is the pic of all three, under 2MB. On a side note, I don't necessarily agree with the idea of keeping a database of *where they live*. That's probably stepping on some uncertain legal area.
if you see a different picture than you posted, its the mods
>if you see a different picture than you posted, its the mods
is that normal for mods to do that? why they do this?
Google says the image is the book of thoth the book of the dead, wtf bro?
>why they do this?
to be dicks, idk
Either one of these links works for NYT:
The second link is the same as the first, except that in the works cited section at the bottom, it only shows the archived version of the links rather than both the normal link and the archived link
It's not mods. It's Sup Forums, your image is posted somewhere else
>to be dicks, idk
why my image? do they use that same replacement image for everyone? gotta go watch eclipse now!
Who's next?
Disney? Fox? Washington Post?
>why my image?
dunno, it seems to happen at random
>do they use that same replacement image for everyone?
no it always seems to be different
CBS and ABC are pretty tempting considering that at both organizations, both the President and the Chairman are Jewish
Fox would be the best IMO.
youve gotta be oy veying me on purpose
Bump. Good job user. You get a gold star!
Kek even the food critic is jewish
ITT: goyim are jealous because Jews raise their children better, demand that they read books instead of wasting time for PC games, they demand results from them, they tell them to dress properly and not to engage in a degenerate lifestyle. All of this results in Jews occupying high positions in the country
wow those joos are good. they must be the master race.
Good effort OP. High quality post. Deserves to be known.
Or, you know, it could be the ol' nepotism.
It's funny how nervous this information makes kikes on Sup Forums. You all nervously shitpost like it matters. Goyim are waking up, prepare your anus.
yes, goy, it's not about goyim being lazy and degenerate, it's da jooz who got to the top of media offices, because they're nepotistic, it's that simple!
Even accounting for factors like growing up in wealthier families on average, having higher levels of education on average, or a higher predisposition to enter the media industry on average, you simply cannot account for these discrepancies.
>jews are superior!!!!
Yes Shlomo, we know you're the master race. Calm down.
I'm an ordinary polish peasant you moron, I'm simply trying to be just and fair. Jews raise their children more efficiently, that's simple
Are you seriously telling me that 2% of the population just happens to always hire their own cousins out of merit?
Get real. Nepotism exists, everyone does it, and Jews probably do more than most.
Jews are a highly literate culture no doubt. But they aren't so much smarter or harder working that they're going to fairly hire 100% other Jews without bias.
Even if whites are all lazy fucks, there are more Asians than Jews, they're plenty smart, and they aren't getting hired by the Jews.
Guys I need a list of alt right, alt lite jews. I'm making a list.
>I'm an ordinary polish peasant
Sure Moishe, don't worry, no one doubts you're superior.
Jews have inbred for generations, causing them to have the highest IQs, but they also suffer the most mental disorders, and think more like women.
>causing them to have the highest IQs
It's funny that so many around here believe this myth. I wish everyone would try harder to debunk what alt-right gurus say, Kevin MacDonald is wrong on a number of points.
IQ is a useless criterium, doesn't measure anything very significant. You can have low IQ but a good work ethic for instance
>you simply cannot account for these discrepancies
Do you realize that western universities and schools are basically for lazy and stupid people? They are prestigious, but they don't produce well developed mind and independent thinking
The Jews dominate over the goyim, because they're willing to put a little more effort into finishing those easy schools. The goyim are simply very stupid in the West, Jews take advantage of that
WaPo next please.
>use twitter advanced search
>exact phrase: "fellow white people"
>first person I check
pic related
any list of words that are best?
For example, let's suppose that news organizations only hire from Harvard. By looking at the university level (and an elite one in particular) we have already accounted for most of those factors (i.e., education, wealth of family). Jews represent roughly 25% of Harvard's student body.
Thus, even if we assumed that Jews made up 25% of the applicants for media jobs, it is still incredibly unlikely that we would see these discrepancies. For example, the probably of grouping together NYT's Executive Committee and Board of Directors, and ending up with a majority of jews (as is the case in reality), is less than a quarter of one percent.
Relatedly, if your line of reasoning were acceptable under modern day norms (...pushed by the media), then why would we see so much of pic related? Wouldn't these media organizations be disinclined from publishing these kinds of stories, if they felt that other (justified) factors could fully account for racial discrepancies?
>It's not mods. It's Sup Forums, your image is posted somewhere else
where the fug did mah image go bro? Is that replacement image a default one?
It appeared just as the eclipse started where I live. Maybe its a sign? I live here for one reason though that book of the dead isnt it, it is something similar.
Oh, a goy gets suddenly uneasy, because I question his worldview and thus make him uncomfortable and destabilized!
Even Poles can study better than stupid english goyim
I suppose there is some nepotism, but I'm not sure how significant this is
>Even if whites are all lazy fucks, there are more Asians than Jews, they're plenty smart, and they aren't getting hired by the Jews.
Don't Asians aim for STEM stuff though? Asians are pretty boring when it comes to humanities right?
Spreading this shit everywhere I can now.
Fuck off, Jew. No (You) today
and digits! maybe this is the year I can fulfill my duty which is kinda the only reason im here :P
what a time to be alive anons! though that isnt good for everyone else who gonna be deded, gotta break them eggs!
jews taking over media like rats seems most legit, dun care feminism but yea jews use the media to spread those views. Its why we must get the US government to stop sending financial aid to Israel using our taxes to fund these takeovers.
They push feminism through more routes than the media. Academia is a big one. Pic related. Remember....2% of the population...
Will someone expose LAIKA as Jewish filth?
Kurir, Informer, Blic, Politika?
Adolf Hitler — 'Only the Jew knew that by an able and persistent use of propaganda heaven itself can be presented to the people as if it were hell and, vica versa.
More like this plz.
Do other medias too. Other religions as well.
Lets make a map of the power distributions across the medias.
Enhanced that for ya
>Academia is a big one.
This is why we need Trump to sign an exec order that stops the US govt from backing all student loans from those kike bankers, that is fuck tarded and we end up paying for all the failure.
Let me guess, you also think "Reptillians" are real, too? You are all so fucking alike.
The only people that mention "reptilians" around here are kikes once they get triggered over the JQ being discussed. Tell yourself we all believe in reptilians if that helps you cope with your anxiety. Just remember, the goyim are waking up.
>only jews in disguise talk about reptillians
yeah, and reptillian believers
Nope, really just jews. No one else is that cringe except kikes.
There's nothing wrong with being jewish.
Bumping thread.
FACT: In 1955, Steinem received a "Chester Bowles Student Fellowship" to study in India. No one else has ever received this scholarship. In 1958, on return from India, Gloria Steinem began working for the CIA in an official capacity.
Please read before posting here.
Responding to a piece of evidence establishing a link between Jews and feminism with an assertion that the poster must think people are reptiles is an example of several of the fallacies discussed therein.
im not a nazi or anything but is there a logical reason why so many jews work at media companies instead of say muslims, christians, hindus, etc
Bump, doing gods work
>please read
Please look at IDs and stop taking 1/10 bait seriously.
See the following three posts: (1) (2) (3)
Bump bump
>with an assertion that the poster must think people are reptiles
Its just a kike tactic to slide threads they feel are critical of their tribe. One of them brings up "reptilians" even though no one else has, then they try to make the entire thread about reptilians.
What color is the dress?
>What color is the dress?
(((Pitifully control the narrative)))
who hnng
God bless you. These rats need to be out in the open.
>+1 happy merchant
What's the point in doing a gradient fade so I can't read the names of the people on the bottom row in all these?
Nobody cares that you can do a gradient fade in photoshop. It does not add anything to do the infographic. It removes info. Please produce some versions without the fade.
What do you think would happen if Trump eminent domain 1000 homes of rich liberals who were against the ranchers and hate whites and gave them away in a lottery to only poor black families as reparations.
thanks brother