Has pol ever been cheated on?

Has pol ever been cheated on?

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Yes. It is what women do. Stop giving a shit, leave the bitch, get more worthless pussy to forget it quicker.

I was the... cheatee? bull? I don't know the term, but I dated a girl, and she had a fiancee but I didn't know she did until afterwards.

honestly not sure, towards the end my girl was spending more time with this guy than me. after we broke up they went out. she promises she didn't leave me for him.

worst part? bitch is an asian

Yes my goverments cheats constantly on me with muslims

I feel like a lot of women don't even give a shit if their man cheats. But when a girl cheats on a man it destroys his ego/confidence and sometimes his whole life

yea. if you're not cheated on by a woman you've actually loved you'll never grow into a true stone cold man.

it builds character, also it's better to get the experience over and done with when you're younger and can deal with it.

Can't be cheated on if KHV. feels bad man

Yes my ex-wife cheated on me right after I fucked her little sister and her brothers wife.

Yes. Fucking blowwwwwws. Worst part is that one chick can ruin your trust for ANY to follow, forever.

Why do these people take pictures of themselves crying? Makes no sense to me.

no because ive never had a girlfriend
victory through defeat

female privilege

>cheated on by a woman you've actually loved you'll never grow into a true stone cold man.
This is actually true. It has to happen to make you realize most women are worthless meme holes with no concept of loyalty and not make you a blubbering bitch. And i say this as a half-Chad.

I know that feel... it's been a year and I still can't trust any girl

Chloe's looking worse by the day holy shit

idk lol but i've done the cheating

Happened to me, she even had the audacity to blame it on me somehow.

I'm having a hard time trusting women since, I think my current gf suffers the consequences. Poor girl, if we manage somehow I'll marry her.

yea my 13 year old boyfriend cheated on my when I was 20.

No. Only normies have girlfriends.

technically yes
>be looking for way out of relationship
>GF talking to guy she met on stormfront
>wants to go up to washington to visit
>wish her safe travels
>she calls me after trip sobbing
>stand firm and say it's over
>use newly single opportunity to hook up with girl I met while staying at friends beach house over summer
>fast forward 12 yrs
now I am married with kids (not to hookup girl) and cheater girl is still living with mom and has bought second cat

Women like to have a hand on the next monkey bar before they let go of the first. A single woman doesn't exist in this day and age

thats what high school is for m8. cunts just get weird when it happens late in life.

Yep, it was ten years ago, can't even understand why I gave so much of a fuck.

OTOH it taught me to not care that much and really helped me building more mature relationship.

You can't be cheated on if you've never been in a relationship

cant get cucked if you dont get into relationships

I got cheated on once. Soon as i figured it out, she got D R O P P E D. If it ever happens to you, do yourself a favor and just cut contact immediately.

Couple months later she texted me again, asked if I wanted to go out for coffee, so I take it the other guy didn't work out so well either.

have the same feel, i think for men it is more humiliating because talk is always about cock size, how good in bed he is and so on so if she cheats your ego is fucked too.

Yea every day i come here and hear Hillary will be indicted, DNC is going down. and it doesn't happen I feel cheated.

I had to learn this the hard way...

It's not a male / female thing it's a matter of which partner has the higher sexual market value. If one partner has a significantly higher SMV, and they cheat, it fucks with the lower SMV partner

she broke up with the cunt shortly after, guess it didn't work out, then came back to 'catch up'. could I be the next monkey bar? hmmmm

fucked a girl from work who had a boyfriend

chick is amazing but hasn't told her boyfriend what happened yet

if she doesn't leave him, i'm gonna let him know

Yes and no. Was with a girl for a while who would send me messages every night, go out on dates with me, come over for cuddles and watching TV with me, fuck me, etc. Thought I'd be laid-back and not put a label on it because we both know that we're committed to each other. She goes on holiday, send me messages the first couple of nights saying how much she misses me, and then I don't hear from her the rest of the holiday. When she gets back she tells me that she'd met an old friend and had slept with him a few times, so it's over between us now. When I flipped out at her she got really defensive and said "Well it's not like we were anything more than fuck buddies. It's not my fault if you got the wrong impression".

Happened 5 years ago and I haven't had sex since desu. Just lost the willpower to go after girls, hope it comes back one day.



Oh, I knew. I'm not above playing dumb to steal someone's girl and I never will be.

Don't be a faggot bro you just have to discard your childish concept of what "trust" is, don't make it the hook-securing-point of a big weight (your ego) being held aloft by a crane, to be sent plummeting to the ground to shatter if it's broken

they're pathetic betas. I'm sorry, I understand if you're suffering after a cheating cunt, but you have no right to publicly humiliate yourself like a little bitch

I buy shit for my government and they give it away to niggers

No never but I also dump women for making annoying noises while sleeping or fouling the lavatory. Every woman I have dumped married the next man she dated and all have drunk dialed me 2-3 years into the marriage complaining about fiscal fights and gaining weight and wondering what happened to me because I NC ruthlessly. Evidently 99% of men are also premature ejaculators because they complain about that as well.

It's humiliating for women too, it's just that masculinity places a much higher premium on not getting humiliated / dominated than femininity does

Yeah, hurts a really fucking lot. I've developed paranoia, massive insecurities and lost the capability to wholly trust them. The next few relationships I've had after being cheated on, I was pretty much a control freak and very possessive.

Where do you guys even find proper girls who are worth getting into a commitment with? Its 2017 and pretty much everyone is an impure used up ex-cum-dumpster thot.

This. Women play a minor part in your life. When you've accomplished your goals and gotten fame for yourself, you'll be surrounded by them.

You should. Be a bro and just tell him already.

Attention whoring and the delusion that posting such pics would make the other party feel guilt and return to them. Its truly pathetic. Absolute betas.

All of modern society is founded, that is foundationalally built, upon lies and misrepresentations. Sadly we are socialized to believe it all the way its been constructed for us. Even the concept of love itself has been perverted by the luciferian bastards that rule over us all. Your pain is real but you have to recognize that no one can make you feel anything; only you can feel things. What is love? Baby don't hurt me? People tend to cause trouble. Should we not then tend to forgive them or else let ourselves guide ourselves into negative feelings? It's our selfish misunderstanding of love that does this to us. They know what they do. The language itself is the biggest shackle we wear. I will pray for you my friend as I ever do.

That's not cheating, she openly showed you what she was doing. You got cuckholded. Also

this could be the reason.
anyways most humans cheat in their life and still it is so humiliating for the partner.

i had one girl that cheated on her bf with me and she had fun with it, even before i knew how women could be (after some beta years), but this showed me how easily they lie to you, you believe all this unprobable bullshit because she looks so cute and tells you that she could never cheat on you.
i know how they lie and how easy it is to find replacement, so they need some time to know what they really lost.

It is near impossible to treat women like the slime they are, these days.

All I do now is fuck them, use their holes as receptacles for my man goo waste.

American girls are fucking retarded, but all they want is money, and if you're a regular guy you've got a step up up above 90% of males in the US.

All the girls that ever cheated on me, I always let them know that I usually had about 4-5 other girls on the side, so I technically (at least in my mind) have never lost the game.

>Attention whoring and the delusion that posting such pics would make the other party feel guilt and return to them.

Yep, she later literally became a full on prostitute for 4 or 5 years, had multiple abortion and a heavy cocaine addiction. Heard she turned her alive around by now and is studying some kind of social nonsense now, which is just as sad.

Yes. My husband has cheated on me at least 3 times that I know of.


Fuckbuddies do not go out on dates.

Women will always blame you if they cheat.

Yep, was my first redpill desu. Looking for the why, found it, not satisfied but at least it's the truth. I needed it to be shaken out of my goy cave.

Yup, became a coke whore a few months later, I think it's why I have trust issues with women. I've cheated on every girlfriend I've had since and fiancé. Maybe it's because I want to do it to them before they do it to me? Hell idk

Yeah, no, I know that sounds like a cover, but it's not. I really hadn't figured it out until I tried to add her on facebook. This was years ago btw, I've long since ditched that shit.

My philosophy is if you cheat make sure it's about sex, only once and make sure I don't find out...cool. I'll do you the same courtesy. Sometimes you just gotta fuck another brawd.

Trevor Noah lookin like a lil BITCH

Was 15, first girlfriend. She was extremely emotionally manipulative as well constantly threatening suicide and shit which innocent naive 15yo me believed. It completely crushed me and contributed to my depression in my late teens. We all have to swallow the women pill at some point and I'm glad I did it so early. 7 years on now and haven't had emotional connections with females since.

broke up with my sjw gf recently, and i am sad even though i rationalise it and say it's a good thing that it happened

now i basically want to hold every cute girl i see

That's what I thought too, but clearly I just don't know how relationships work in this day and age.

lol no

In 7th grade my gf at the time cheated on me with a 9th grader. I then befriended this kid and two years later I fucked her in his bed while he watched. Then at a party a year after that I fucked his friend in his car.


This. You gotta get cucked at least once to learn how to be the bull.

my wife. were currently going through a divorce. my kids hate it. shes begging for me to take her back, but i just dont know if i can. sure i want my kids to have their family back, i just dont know if i can trust her.

Someone at work told me before we went out because you fuckers were all reading my Tin Can messages and I was already too far in at that point to care about the consequences. Given that I'm big and crazy as fuck I was pretty sure he wouldn't do shit about it and I was right.

Can never be cheated on if you've never had a girlfriend.

>you are not a real man until you get cucked

She cucked you, user. You are now officially a cuckold. If you don't step up and follow through, you'll be a walking, talking meme forever.

If you take her back she will lose the last bit of respect she had for you and cheat on you again. Don't do it, find a nice redpilled step mom for your kids

i think im being cheated on right now, feels good man.

You're sure they're your kids?

When I was 17, I was pic related on a moderately attractive girl I'd dated for a couple of months. Last year I broke up with a multiple year Ltr I was incredibly attracted to and wasn't as depressed as when I was 19.

I kind of miss having emotions. Am I broken now or was I then?

>Women will always blame you if they cheat.
this guy, this guy got it.
Women will never admit its their fault for their actions. It will always be your fault.

In their mind they are completely justified 100% of the time. No matter how illogical that truly is, they will argue it to their grave.
But instead of being defeated by that realization you can use it to become a man. Realize that women are ok being dominated and in fact want to be dominated. They naturally do not want responsibility over themselves no matter how much they say they do.
The second they enter any relationship you are now responsible for them and any fuck ups they have are your fault. In their mind a good man wouldnt let them fuck up so much.

So just step up and be the authority they expect you to be. If you are too beta for that then order a sex doll and be done with it.

I've fucked someones girlfriend and someones wife. Am i the degenerate or are they?

Yes. Stop crying like a faggot none of those cunts are worth it.


This guy gets it.

There is nothing wrong with being the bull. It's only degenerate if you're the one getting cucked.


First girlfriend I ever had cheated on me. Turns out apple doesn't fall far from the tree; last I heard from her, her parents divorced because her dad was cheating as well.
She was also cheating with my best friend behind my back for a month before she broke up with me. Only found that out years later when hanging out with him. He apologized profusely, plus this was all in high school, so I'm not broken up about it these days. He's still my best friend, but I cut the bitch out of my life.

Get out early is my advice.

I usually wait til the relationship is going great, and we're both happy, then I just go ghost and sever all contact.

Better to be out early with pride intact.

No but I did. Don't do the same mistake anons, karma is shitting on me every day since.

My girlfriend kissed some little ginger fuck back in the second grade. Broke his fucking collarbone in P.E. when I "accidentally" took him out at the knees with one of these bad boys.

You can always fuck them later in life at different intervals with this strategy but it is only fruitful for attractive /fit/ males.