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Can't see shit

How did you manage to take a picture without it looking like ?
Whenever I try all I can see is huge light and hurt eyes, even with sunglasses


Dunno, the top left part is probably a reflection off my phone's camera lenses.



To safely view the eclipse, wear 2 (two) pairs of sunglasses at the same time
Worked for me during the 2015 eclipse

>not having a telescope with baader solar continuum filter and a 46mp camera attached to it

nu pic
go manual on your phone, lower brightness to max, ISO 800


Look for the reflective rays, you should find it there and then zoom on them.

shot it through them magic glasses that slow-roast your eyes


Once the Sun was Eclipsed, I think I saw Uranus

i dont fall for jewish tricks sorry.

Carry on wayward sun

eclipse wont be at its max in toronto until like 6:30 PM dude

University of Kansas checking in. Truly a miracle of nature.

At least the glasses kept the rain out of my eyes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Ayyy Midwest is best


This is what I saw

Enjoy it burgerbros
this is a once in a lifetime chance to see cool cosmic shit.
i saw the one in august 1999 in europe. Shit was cool as fuck. just wish i'd have beenn older. not just 12 years old.
also saw the venus transit in 2004 .

Enjoy this day, my dear burgers

I saw a blue moon once in Jamaica

Clear skies my fucking ass

Montana. Got like a 95% eclipse. Got kinda dark, temperature dropped about 10 to 15 degrees, then the sun came out again.

My wife's useless fat NEET son refused to come outside and view it with me because he was playing his 8th hour of minecraft for the day. I believe the boy to be autistic. I fantasize about smothering him in his sleep.

If you weren't looking down you missed the best part.

I watched hale bopp in the 90's with my dad. Shit was pretty cool.

Yea, I'm in west GA and it's cloudy as a motherfucker out here. There's a little bit of a difference right now but shit, I don't see why niggas got hyped up.

Transit of Venus witness as well. That shit was dope. I was in Kentucky then.

Nashville reporting in


bretty gud


Miami reporting in

Los Angeles

my physics teacher forced us to go outside to watch it. i was the only one in my class to be excited. one of my earliest redpills

Louisville kentucky. Just went overhead.


OP here, this was the most it got, 75%


I got all these black dots floating when I look at a bright or white object now. When do they disappear. There's like 50 of them wtf



Is 93% totality not enough to caused darkness? It barely dimmed here.

Indiana reporting in

Theres another in 7 years that goes right over texas.

please burgers...
dont bomb the moon.
it cant help obscure the sun every once in a while and the sun doesnt need freedom and democracy

Ignore. Theres a major airbase near LA and military craft are in and out all the time.

Los Angeles through welding glasses and clouds around 9:50pdt

There's still light refracting into the atmosphere from areas there is more light near you m8


>everyone has their auto white balance on for pictures of the ground
Fucking turn it off, the cameras automatically adjusting the image colours ruins the true colours of the image during an eclipse.
The software isn't made to recognize the strange effects you get from the light.

What the fuck did you do? Go to an opthamologist right NOW before you go blind

Chicago here

based thin clouds

i've got a special treat for you on the day of the rake

KC checking in. Look below the actual brightness. What the fuck is that?

Eclipse was ok not great i rate it 7/10

rgua agur mSE NW VKUBS, KNi


WI, had my phone propped under the pergola pointing up through the sun shade. It wasn't much, but crickets were chirping and the light was really weird. Made me feel a bit nauseous, desu and my eyes hurt a bit from sneaking peeks. Hope I didn't fuck them up lel

I meant to the right of it.

I can't see!!!

Lol my wifes son

Memphis here

Peak eclipse here was 94% at 1:22 PM

It was sunny all day then got cloudy and started raining around 1

I'm pissed, I took off work for this shit

haha :)


But this welding mask works wonders

NASA has a fuck ton of research planes following the totality, including 1950/60's jets. Expect a fuckload of noise if you're in the direct path of totality.

At peak here in NY and it is still pretty bright. Sun just looks like it went behind a cloud.

Took a pic with my cell and it still looks like a round ball.


Denver, barely saw anything.


take it from the king of degeneracy, you degenerate piece of dirt


Dtop ogerwactng, I lojked avd ecerythuc ia f2ne.

Not gonna post a pic since I didn't think to take one, and is exactly what I saw in Chicago anyway

I didn't even look cause I was busy sleeping. I'm not particularly interested in pop-science moon magic.

chemtrailing isn't real goy

Edmonton reporting.

Lensflares. A canera lens is actually multiple pieces of glass, called elements, not a single piece.


Same thing here in toronto. Just felt like sun went behind a cloud. It did feel like it got cooler. The worst part is the temptation to look at the sun. All those autismo glasses were sold out

Atlanta just got kind of dim; as if you were about to faint. A bit odd. But not dark. Taking video of it was light enough to not even notice via the screen.

That's what a partial eclipse looks like. That same shit is in every picture, have you not noticed?

It was almost complete here in Chattanooga. Couldn't get any good shots because I only have a shitty phone. Still fun though.


>even the sun is getting BLACKED
can't make this shit up

That's what I figured. Thanks.

i fuckin looked at the solar eclipse, right with my eyes, now i have super powers, hurry quick, dont listen to the jew, you can look at it, they just dont want you to look at it because you get super powers, it looked so cool, it was like the sun was devil horns

Other kc people so spooky

> people were spending $50 for glasses this morning
> there was thin cloud cover so you could watch it with your naked eye

Fucking kek m8

ayyyy same.

stay safe my black friend

Dayton, Tn. Great here, great Bunger's Bands.

kansas city area- almost had totality but I wanted to avoid the traffic.

North Carolina reporting.

>looking at the fake huge screen

This. I was planning on traveling to SC for this it now that there's one in 8 years I lost motivation

Fun fact, tainted is a synonym for blacken, blacked.

>Once in a lifetime

Assuming you die in the next 7 years, yeah.