Sup Forums BTFO?

What does Sup Forums think of this image..

What exactly is "white" pride.
Is it western pride?

He has a solid point. However, black/asian pride would fall into the same category.
If we disregard these facts and try to tackle the message itself, he's spot on. But, Amerimutts will defend it, as they have no racial identity beside skin color.

What about white American history?

Then that would have to mean that "white people" as a group should not be to blame for the ills of any of these other ethnicities. No white privilege, no white oppression etc...

>What I read into someone elses statement is what that someone actually said.

Robert Gonzalez isn´t the brightest candle on the cake.

They are not claiming White is not a category people use, they are claiming it is a useless category, at least in this context.

Not the first time I've heard this argument.
However, the flaw is that within irish, italian, german cultures, there are still different cultures within them. That, of course, does not mean those cultures do not exist. Same goes for european (or white) culture. It's just a broader way to categorize and there are still differences between european and other cultures. Same applies for asian, african culture...

For americans, this is important because many of white americans have ancestry from several european countries, not just one.

it is a useless category, but under both sides of the standard.

I forgot Western History and Culture is not real

Yet the left wants me, a German-Swedish-Italian mutt, to pay reparations to niggers even though my ancestors came here after slavery was already over. Yet the spics, who enslaved more niggers than white people did, don't have to pay

White privilege... something I have to pay for but never get to use.

They're all about skin tone you're not going to find many asians celebrating black pride or being allowed to celebrate it. Libs would still call it racist if it was european pride.

Are gay people proud that they're not straight?

Then why are Asians allowed asian pride? They know precisely from where their ancestors came from unlike nogs (not that one jungle mudhut is significantly different than another) yet they are allowed and encouraged to practice asian pride and solidarity.

Thats what i think. White pride in its current form is in reaction to constant attacks from jewish media and academia and minority group foot soldiers.

yea but American pride or Canadian pride is racist now too. So... this argument may have been valid 5 years ago., not any more.

Just remove them all from my country. Every last non-white. No appeasing them

How the fuck are blacks, asians etc not a conglomeration of many nationalities and why can't white be a conglomeration of multiple national entities? always with the double standards

Why cant it be european culture and heritage tho? Does the mere thought of all whites liking and celebrating each other bad? Wew

Lets start calling it European pride. I think it would carry more weight and be harder for them to argue against.

Pretty racist of Robert Gonzales to assume all blacks come from the same country.

We used to only need the national identities because they corresponded with ethnic identities. Europeans then founded a racially segregated slave based multicultural empire in the new world causing centuries of racial tension that modern "black" and "white" identities are derived from. The sickness didn't originate in Europe, it came from the colonies and infected Europe. I bet burgers talking about western pride or european pride in burgerland will be dismissed just like if they talk about white pride.

and why is there a mexican one? that's a straight-up nationality, not race.

white=pride in skin tone
black=pride in heritage

How about we start 'European Pride' and celebrate European culture?

or just all european cultures together

Wait, what about American pride?

The country with all the astronauts and shit.

British pride should exist too - more specifically, English pride.

But it is shunned.

American pride moreso - those fuckers have more to be proud of than the rest of the continent combined.

Imagine a bunch of men sitting on the wings of a fucking B2 bomber being driven through a park or something wide enough - drinking and eating beef jerky.

That's pretty much what American pride would look like - but it isn't widely publicised. The white American culture has been forgotten despite the fact that it is just as distinct as any other. Replaced with some "Omg take pride in your roots" - maybe a little bit, but they are their own people.

WHy is a beaner even voicing an opinion they've never accomplished anything as a whole

robert gonzalez the butthurt mexishit btfo

American pride is what the whole MAGA thing was really pointing for. Banding together instead of being segmented into 100 different leftist factions. Cultural Marxism hates a strong populace.

Because punching down is called being a bully

Punching up is called being a hero

American pride supposedly includes blacks, still the tea party was about american pride but was also painted as racist white trash gatherings.

Tbh, racism aside it would be more convenient to have cultural white pride for me, as my family has been in North America for three and a half centuries and I have the blood of 7 northern European ethnic groups in me.

Then why are there no Burmese pride days and Nigerian pride days? People can be proud of anything, who are you to say where the line is drawn? White is just as much a culture as black is. Europe and Africa are both continents.

White pride = enlightenment, industrial Revolution, art, aerospace, aviation etc

He's an idiot. If there's Asian culture/heritage and African culture/heritage, then there's European culture/heritage.

Also, when people say "Asian pride," do you think they mean the fucking Taliban? Lefties are so stupid. White and black aren't even about skin tone.

European pride. Much like there is no Asian or African pride (if there is no "White European" pride, as Asian is not a monolith, it is made up for many countires with distinct pasts. So what of Chinese pride or Vietnamese pride? What of Africa? Do Zimbabweans speak for Egyptians?

Pan-Europeanism is the fear of the future, Whites are the only demographic experiencing a considerable and noticeable decline in net population, yet are the only people undergoing forcible suppression by the world community.

Racism against Whites will go down as the single greatest blunder of the 3rd millennium. It's like beating up the guy doing all the work for your group project because he called you lazy. It hurts to hear, but he's not wrong and shouldn't feel bad for standing up for all the work that has been done, simply put, the world are a bunch of ungrateful little useless pains in the ass that we're forced to deal with. Be thankfully we've stopped our megalomaniacs from roasting you all in the fire, you deserve nothing and demand everything, it's sickening. First you wanted the same rights, now you want to dictate to us the mere acceptability of celebrating one's history. The pendulum swings and the world community has been pulling it further and further back, believing they can hold it forever, if they *just* hold on, the ball will never swing again.

Cultural Marxism, just like regular marxism, requires the destruction of all forms of power except for the Communist Party.

Which will then, when given absolute power, over every facet of life - drive towards a "utopia"

Problem is, be careful what you wish for.

Cultural Marxism - people focus on the Cultural aspect and try to dismantle it. It isn't separate from Marxism itself - both are the same beast, it's a part of that larger, umbrella ideology - Marxism.

Sexual marxism existed at one point too - which was that men were actually given cards to say they could have sex with three women whenever he wanted. Women who were Communist Party members (which was required in the 20s to live a normal life, because you needed that to get healthcare, a job, food - everything) had to fuck different men every day whenever they wanted. This is all you need to destroy Marxism at its core - tell people what Communism actually is.

Stalin put an end to it (lmao purges? Out of all the Communist shits in the world, Stalin was the LEAST dangerous)

Yet it still persists based on this.

The current step (which has been taking place in every country pozzed enough with this virus) is to remove all national boundaries between white nations - and to conflate racism with culture inherently.

It's already happened - gone. Maybe by accident - but in the UK, now, they still say "white supremacist" - which is an inherently American phrase because there are atleast four different races which are native to the UK. According to our legal system.

That's why they say "White nationalist" or "White supremacist" btw

None of them are ok

an intelligent answer and Sup Forums is silent. not a single fucking reply.
this place is a honeypot psyop cuckshead

People of color are encouraged to be tribal collectively—no one dares police them for having pride that extends beyond the borders of their ancestors' countries.
Furthermore, the "tolerance" for Irish/French/Celtic pride ends the moment that it becomes actually about:
Ethnicity (e.g. excluding non-ethnic Irish/French people)
Promoting collective interests (e.g. "this influx of black people into our neighborhood is having a negative social impact on the Celtic community")

On top of that:

Culture, especially the Anglo-Saxon cultures, are some of the strongest on Earth when put into hard times.

The reason it needs to be destroyed boils down to - it competes with the State.

Marxism requires the state to be the ONLY provider. They need to destroy familial bonds - they need to destroy cultural bonds - racial bonds - anything which would make you trust a stranger more than another stranger must be destroyed.

It requires you to boil your existence down to a binary choice - to alienate yourself from any support network which is different from the state.

It's why qualifications became a thing - reputation used to be a much heavier indicator.

But with the idea of qualifications, and nothing but qualifications, there is nothing beyond control of a few individuals.

Typical leftist semantics
European=white=racist any other day of the week but the bitch needs to pull a split hair out of her ass because op had a good point.

No he doesn't.

White pride isn't pride, it's kinship. It's a brotherhood, not a pride. I'm not proud to be Canadian, because I'm not fucking Canadian. But if some Pakis attacked Canadians, they'd suddenly have the entirity of the USA, Australia, New Zealand, the UK and Ireland immediately after their blood.

classical music
oil painting
the very fucking idea of culture and heritage

Except I'm Irish/German/Spanish/Italian/Sicilian/Finnish/Swedish/Norweigian/Russian/English/Irish/Scottish/Welsh/Dutch/Polish so i can't just celebrate a specific pride. Also Asians have many different countries yet Asian pride isn't considered racist.

What if you have an american who is a mutt and like 20% of 5 various "white" cultures?

100% agree with this i think it would be a good move. I will personally do this.



Whitey, your time is up.

Black is oke and not related to skin colour
White is not oke because it is related to skin colour.

Ffs America fix your education system.

This is retarded on so many levels

black power is derrived from white power

the more powerful white americans are, the more powerful black americans are

we are on each others team, dumbass

American pride is white pride.

The founding fathers wanted this nation to be a white majority nation.

Niggers, spics, chinks and kikes need not apply.

This guy is a fucking ignoramus
>claims that you can't group together whites/Europeans culturally
>proceeds to group all of Africa together as one culture
He contradicted himself on the only point he tried to make, therefore his argument is essentially worthless conjecture

That's not true actually.

That's absolutely true. Several of the founding fathers specifically stated that the future of America should be white.

Exactly. They don't care if your German/Irish/Swede/or anything European in heritage, because you still look whiter than them.

It's petty really.

Makes sense to me, have this reply

I think it's also important to note that this argument is specifically meant to divide whites.
>you can't have pride for the whole white race, but you can be proud of a specific branch of it
This only serves to neglect the other white ethnicities.

Sounds like a good idea Jaan but in Europe this could easily be hijacked by the EU-fanatics who want to abolish nation states..

By this logic when they say "black pride" they mean they are glad they aren't white?

>Black pride = African culture & heritage
Literally implying that black people only come from Africa and that Africa has some homogenous culture and heritage.
Same applies to the asian and even the muslim parts. Just shows how ignorant towards cultures these people are. Why can't white pride be european culture and heritage?

excuse me burgerman but have you forgotten that the greeks where doing the most important and influential discoveries in mathematics and generaly science, roughly 2000 years before your country even existed?

so asian pride and muslim pride is a religion and one a grouping, this guy is a fucking brainwashed kike lover and should be put down like the dog he is along with the jews who made him think that way,.

>Implying White Culture & Heritage does not exist
>Implying brown culture means only Mexican culture.

Is this yet another example of the Mexican Intellectualism?

>white = skin tone
>black = heritage

maybe that was his intention, to bring up the philosophical question. is black a color, or simply an absence of any color? or all colors combined?


>Japanese pride is the same as Chinese pride
>Iranian pride is the same as Egyptian pride

This guy is a fucking racist

Don't forget the Sandniggers and merchant ship owning Kikes

Not him but how are they doing paying what they owe you lot?


I'm pretty sure reparations is only supported by a fringe of leftists.