"Nazis are bad" - Sargon of Akkad


defend yourselves
you can't because your just like SJWs

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No. I don't have to defend shit to you or your eceleb idols.

Carl just wants his MAGA-bux. Saged, cuck.

Sargon is literanally a nigger. You can just see on his face that he has been guzzling cum morning, noon and night for decades. He craves it like a crack man thirsts for rock.

The thing is that most people here know nazis are bad, but role playing as them is so much fun especially when we see how triggered alt-left gets.

What's his definition of a "nazi"?

Another "redpilled bro" who hit the subscribers wall long time ago. Echo chamber guy.

This nazi thing is only a little over a week old, and it became stale 3 days ago.

Dunno, but he is either delusional or idiot. Basically everything he opposes is taking stance closer to NatSoc, but now he is all " hurr durr nazis are bad"
I fucking hate civic nationalists.

what is a nazi for $200 please.

He is right.
Radical Centrism is the future prove me wrong.
>Pro tip: you can't

Sargon is literally correct though.

When you think about it Nazis aren't far off SJWs, both of them don't appreciate ration and logic, just "muh feelz" ideologies.

Sup Forums needs to go back to its libertarian, anti-statist roots instead of falling into the statist trap of nazism/communism.

Nazism, kkk, only hurts the alt-right, though
Everyone with a brain knows that.
You can totally defend white interest without them

>'member when Sarcuck was a hardcore MGTOW and used to post edgy shit on kikebook only to be banned from it?
>'member when he bragged about it and called out bitches and whores for being bitches and whores?
I 'member

>socialism would work if we were a white nation
Fuck nazis they're retarded

Bad for niggers like him.

Sargon is a cuck

It will all end in mass immigration from the turd world anyway. Your "radical centrism" will always lean to the left, and everybody will be a nigger.

He is an ethnic minority any attempts by Europeans at creating ethnic solidarity will get him mad sage and ignore

Nationalist socialist is for your own people. It's hard for an american to understand, you'd never experienced it!

>thinks national (((socialism))) would work

No surprise here

>cuckon "my wife's son" of cukkad
>my wife's nationalism

*demonetizes his videos for being a nazi*

>average sargon fan

Nobody cares what nazis have to say in their defense. There is indeed a day of the rope coming, but it's you who will swinging.

i'm glad sargon can read jesus christ this guy sucks


This really challenged my preconceived notions.

>neo nazis never mention the t4 euthanasia program which sterilized and euthanized unfit whites

Do white nationalists who sympathize with the nazis believe in killing the unfit?

Nazism is centrist.
>citizens can vote but the votes are nonbinding
>authoritarian leader for an indefinite term but no hereditary succession

kinda cringy but true if you actually watch Sargon's video

First bit he talks about fascists/nazis and how they hate ration and logic just like leftists. They are essentially leftists.

Yes, why would anyone not support that?

>you can't because your just like SJWs
lol it's soooooooooo cringe

Magic Dirt Theory

Not an argument.

National (((socialists))) get the fuck off my board.

NatSoc is radical centrism you fucking idiot. Lurk more.

No it fucking isnt

The reason you think that is you don't understand what left and right are.

You're right my snake. Left and rightists must be exterminated to allow for the True Center to emerge.

>radical centrism
What fresh hell of a meme is this? How can one be a radical centrist?

Lmao no it isn't. Far right social policies

protip: sargon, you, and every other dumb faggot also hates logic and reason as well.

if you actually accepted logic and reason then wouldn't try and argue from the veiled authority of it since you aren't logical or rational and neither is any movement.

>implying Reason isn't flawed.

Lrn2Incompleteness Theorem you subhuman trash.

Not being a cuck to ideology. Believing there is a flaw in the current system and it requires reform BUT taking good ideas from both sides instead of adhering to a failed dogma. Using your own brain to fix problems instead of theory.

radicalism does not instantly equal being 'serious'

sometimes being on the fringe is a bad thing

Put simply,

Left wing: collectivism and by extension, statism and authoritarianism. "Government will fix it!" mentality

Right wing: Individualism, freedom, small or no government, property rights and support for free markets

Nazism by name is a form of socialism, whats more is it completely fits into the definition of left wing. Not centrist at all.

Non-whites are trying hard to eliminate pro-whiteness even in the right-wing movement. Then you have homosexual cuck traitors like Davis Aurini supporting them.


i'm increasignly hating that guy
i dont know who annoys me more than him, frankly

>muh flossafee

>Quadroon of Blackdad
Only retards care about ecelebs, faggot

The problem is Sargon promotes the idea that far left and far right are bad, trying to create a new centrist movement. He uses the same damonization against the right and left, as the left has been using against the right and center. He also plays along with the idea invented by leftists that the Nazis are far right. it serves his purpose too.

>Sup Forums needs to go back to its libertarian, anti-statist roots instead of falling into the statist trap of nazism/communism.
you mean the one that got trump erected

this is only proof that the left right dichotomy doesnt have any meaning today

>This brainlet still hasn't ascended past the left-right false dichotomy.

White people opposing the disenfranchisement and extermination of white people. White people refusing to march to the slaughterhouse.

Youre such a bluepilled retard just read more you meme fuck.

Sargon is useful, I like his videos enough and I can know when he's wrong.

>Says Swedenistan

Oh look, the faggot commie shills are out in full force today.

Reminder you will all be thrown from helicopters.

The first precept of liberalism is that human beings have no access to first principles. To advocate for any positive morality is a sin: you are too totalitarian, too collectivist, too orderly, too compassionate, see Jordan Peterson. Thus in order to avoid nihilism, you must have a negative mythology. Liberalism has such a mythology, and it's called World War II. Hitler is the anti-Christ, totalitarianism is Hell, and the Holocaust is the reverse-miracle. Anyone who dares to be radical enough to have principles and stick by them is a Fascist, hence Marxists are fascists, Nazis are fascists, Muslims are fascists. Meanwhile cucks like Sargon are 100% okay with us sliding into a socialistic, technocratic World State which monitors and manages our every move for the public good.


>defend white interest without them
That is the new leftist definition of racism and white supremacy. They believe white people are evil, and their interests are evil. They accuse all white people wanting to exterminate blacks/others. I think they know very well that we (average white people) dont want to exterminate them, but by making up false accusations of hate against them, they can scam us into stop resisting their hateful assaults.
They idolize black interests, and demonize white interests. This duplicity has to be exposed the most.

>t. "I want faggot niggers to protect their weed with guns"

Gives you a general idea who exactly watches sargons videos.

Moar youtu.be/-i886pP5klo


It's complete solipsism. None of these points are actually logical deconstructions. Just a bunch of doctrinaire talking-points that amount to accusations of illiberalism.

Because most of Sup Forums falls under that criteria.

He's right, but honestly who cares? I've fully swallowed the blackpill.

There is no conceivable future in which the right wing wins, we have been losing for hundreds of years, and we have lost with people far more capable than we have now with far better odds. Even if by some miracle "we" do win, the winners will just be a bunch of psychopathic Nazis who will slaughter half of this board in a night of the long knives. Either way, I'm executed, and the west goes to shit under a totalitarian regime which collapses into complete and utter chaos. It would be easy enough to ignore all of this and focus on my own personal life if not for the fact that this madness has infected everyone. Everywhere I turn I see people infected with it, some not yet in the terminal stage, others completely devoured. It raises the impossibility of forming genuine social connections with other people. Your family? Corrupted. Your would be future wife? Corrupted. You're not making friends, all of your peers? Corrupted. Your coworkers? Corrupted. Even people here on Sup Forums, half of them are corrupted. We have the alt-light cuckservative types who are recovering from one strain and falling victim to the other strain, national socialism. Then we have the national socialists, who are functionally the same as the communists except if you're white you may get to live long enough to see fascist economics and a totalitarian state ruin everything. At the very least the AnCaps and NRx types (what I view myself as) are not corrupt, but we are the minority.

But Sup Forums is not the real world, and all around me are sick corrupted people. The only thing I can do is flee to a place the virus has not yet spread. This is a less than ideal life, but preferable to death. Honestly, If I were the kind of person that was high in neuroticism, I would have killed myself by now. I can't do that though, so I suppose I'm destined to suffer as the world collapses around me.


He's right, memes aside anyone who's unironically a fascist is mentally ill, they're the same exact type of people who become radical leftists. It all stems from the same thing, fear of the true self and spiritual immaturity

>thinks this board belongs to ankikes
Lurk moar newfriend.

Don't give up hope yet. The way warfare is conducted has dramatically changed. Technology is a giant equalizer, you don't need an enormous amount of manpower, capital or organization to win anymore. The only thing we need are technically capable people.

Hey Carl, when are you going to do a video on Harmful Opinions getting banned on Twitter?
Or does your rage against censorship only apply to others who don't call you out on your bullshit?

does he explain how centrism will solve demographic and political polarisation

nope okay this is just posturing then

>I didn't watch the video
I watched the whole thing because I want to know why nazis are bad. I kept waiting for what differentiates nazis from other groups that follow all the same "bad" principles he lists. The punchline is at the end, the leftists are the real nazis you see.

>psychopathic Nazis who will slaughter half of this board in a night of the long knives. Either way, I'm executed, and the west goes to shit
Why would we slaughter you, are you gay or trans? Did you really believe the "genocide" meme? How new are you, and why didn't you lurk moar?

Right wing has already won in the short term, Trump has set the new paradigm that young people are growing into. Of course nobody wins in the long term because western civilization is inevitably declining and falling, just like every other civilization. You just have to accept it in the same way you accept your own death

What a brave statement by this groundbreaking intellectual. Surely he will face censure and economic repurcussions for this

Nazis are long since dead, who cares.

>One of the best men in history is bad.


A Nazi is anyone who believes in anything other than avoiding pain and seeking pleasure.

You telling me to get off the board violates the NAP

Well, the left is acting a lot more like Nazis than people waving the actual Nazi flags.

Why don't you outline a scenario in which we win, in a greentext story?
You'd slaughter me because I'm an individual, not a group. All it would take, is one difference in opinion.

>I don't think we should kill ALL of the Jews
>I don't think we should kill ALL of the minorities.
>I don't think we should ban speech.
>I don't like national socialist economics.

Bang, I'm dead. Go take a look at 8ch's Sup Forums, this is what people inevitably will become. if you suggest any of these things there you are replied to

So even me, the person that thinks we should kill most of the Jews, just not all of them, isn't good enough. There's historical precedent, again, Night of the Long Knives. Bang I'm dead.
I am grateful for a Trump victory as it has given me enough time to get my degree and hopefully find a girl to marry and flee the country with. But Trump is barely right wing, and the best utility he has is ensuring that someone far to the left of him is not in power actively fucking things up.

>acting like a nazi.
don't be stupid. this is typical commie behavior.

Huh some of that post got eaten. If you suggest any of these things there on 8ch you are replied to:

>Fuck off shill, your turn will come on the day of the rope.
>Cucks like you are getting gassed too
>Fuck off national socialism is perfect, we have no need for you.

So this is what all far right movements will devolve into.

Are we actually pro Social Justice though?

Tell my wife "hello": the ideology

8ch went radically insane hugbox in 2016 due to mods steering the discussion and dedicated autists cooperating in Discord/IMs. After they doxxed TRS they've totally alienated themselves from most of the far right.

What's wrong with trade unions?

Yeah but American public doesn't know that since there's never been communism in US, thanks to Cold War fear. All they know is that Nazis were bad guys, but commies got left out.

I was sympathetic to the right wing at first just because I hate the left and their insanity, problem is I'm half Jewish. I can already see what they'll do to me if they win coming from miles away.

I love this country and want to see it continue to thrive, but if I stay here I'll be deported or slaughtered no matter who wins.

Anyone who calls themselves a 'classical liberal' or a centrist secretly wants slow leftism

>e celeb trash.
>muh horshoe theory
>enlightened centrist.
>civic nationalist

>Being a minority in a Democratic state or nation that hates you passionately and voted against you when you were the majority, isn't a bad thing.

Look at Jews in World War 2, Blacks in America before 1980. Look at Christians in the Middle East. Why would you EVER want to be a minority anywhere or not fear that?

Hitler practiced a forced eugenics program that called for the execution of whites deemed to be "unfit", and he viewed Americans as mongrelized Untermensch. Tell me how much of this board would probably fall under one of those categories.


i didnt see the natsocs and soviets blasting nigger music for extra shekels you bankiong ((kike))

>nazis are bad because they're romanticists
>am a romanticist

Wow nazis are bad.