Were there any nazis or Wermarcht soldiers honored by the Allies like the Red Baron (Manfred von Richthofen)?

Were there any nazis or Wermarcht soldiers honored by the Allies like the Red Baron (Manfred von Richthofen)?

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Have you ever read a history book in your life? There's plenty of stuff praising Nazis, most prominently Rommel. There were others like Erich Hartmann.

>von Richthofen
choose one


>reading comprehension


Hey leave your moms basement you fucking alt left loser.

>Red Baron
Wrong war, burger.


Are you really expecting a burger to know the difference? Calling the forces of capitalism "the Allies" gives it away.

Is there enough evidence in favor of Rommel's character that would persuade a normie?

There is Rommel, but I'm assuming a lot of Sup Forums would view him as a duplicitous weakling who wasn't fully committed to Hitler's grand vision.

Are jews the closest thing we have to orcs?

They are the lizard people, they keep showing up. They keep getting expelled, nobody likes them, and they are the eternal villain to the world. They believe in something alien to our natural order and they keep spreading out all around the world.

Let's face it, the jews are the orcs.

a ton of normies love rommel

Everybody loves Rommel.

During the Gulf War, American tank crews kept a picture of Rommel in their tanks.

Can you guys recommend some reading on him? I guess I don't know enough about Rommel


Guderian I think.
Graf von Stauffenberg obviously.

Grandma tier meme

Claus von Stauffenberg

Rommel i Think, and Stauffenberg

Please refrain from the use of homophobic language. We don't want it anywhere on this site.

Start with wikipedia. The main reasons are how he treated POVs and that he knew about the Stauffenberg conspiracy.

heinz guderian went to allied VA get togethers

Rommel was the most respected German. The British and Americans admired him and were even saddened to hear he was executed.

rommel had only the knowledge that a conspiracy existed, i dont think he knew any specifics whatsoever

Rommel was a truly good Nazi. He was better and much more intelligent than hitler in my opinion.

Rommel wasn't a Nazi

Rommel was only hyped because he kicked the shit out of the anglo forces at first. Same thing with SS Hitlerjugend. Make your enemy look great to make yourself look even better.

This guy deserves more respect than he gets.

I don't think we really know how much he knew.

>Have your own triplane built to make the enemy shit their pants

This guy was the original don

Degrelle did nothing wrong.

>Quick Rundown
He was a Generalfeldmarschall (General-Field Marshal or Five Star General in Burger) and was respected by the Allies because he always tried to fight a "clean" War, including acts of Humanity, like treating Prisoners of War like his own Soldiers, give them the same Food.
He was against War Crimes and always left a chance for his Enemy to give up.

first he was in a Cavalry Unit in WW1, then in a Shock Troop /Sturmtruppe.

He got very popular on both sides after the war in France, where he commanded the 7th Tank Division, what soon got called "The Ghost Division" by the French and Britbongs, because they Hit&Run fucking Everywhere.
He was loved by his Soldiers for fighting besides them, and not standing 20 miles behind the Front.

After that, he commanded the whole Axis Front in North Africa, where he got his Nickname, The "Füstenfuchs"/Desert Fox for his Hit&Run tactics.
His Nemesis was Montgomery, who beat him in El Alamein, Egypt

He got in trouble after Stauffenbergs Attemp to Kill Hitler, because Rommel knew about the Plans of Stauffenbergs Group, but didntdonuffin to stop them.
Historicans still argue about how much Rommel knew.

He got forced to do an Hero, so his Son and Wife dont get killed by the SS and Gestapo too.
They spread the Lie he died by an old Wound he got back in Normandy.


Car crash

Oh i flipped something, ty

>Everybody loves Rommel
Sitcom when?

At the time, soldier to soldier, general to general? Yes, whether it was Montgomery dueling Rommel in the deserts of North Africa, or Chuikov facing off against Paulus in Stalingrad, respect was earned without a doubt.

Now? No, all Nazis = evil



>self-loathing kraut/10

yeah fuck off Hans


I agree, maybe jews should just be turned into catfood instead.

>Were there any nazis or Wermarcht soldiers honored by the Allies like the Red Baron (Manfred von Richthofen)?

>red baron

american education.

Try telling that to an liberal here and see what happens.

Reading comp dipshit.

Galland and Skorzeny spring to mind. Galland more in the honorable foe way, with Skorzeny being flatout very, very dangerous to be up against.

Yeah, read Infanterie Greift An too it's a phenomenal first hand account of WW1. He always gives the enemy the opportunity to surrender and acts honorably even toward POW. For example, he was escorting Italian POWs while fording a river when one of the POWs lines snapped and he started to drown. Rather then letting him drown, Rommel rushed down the river on horse to save him. Also, the amount of prisoners he took is comical. It just goes to show you that a confident demeanor goes a long way when you're trying to get a numerically superior enemy to surrender.

Even Norman Schwarzkopf admired him.
>"Rommel had a feel for the battlefield like no other man."

He wasn't a nazi and he was in the Luftwaffe you dumb fucking ignorant burger

Also, lads, I'm 90% positive that's bait