Sup Forums causing psychological break

/pol has literally caused a good portion of the united states population to go insane.

Observe the video for evidence.

Other urls found in this thread:

So this is the face of /leftypol/

Sweating like a madman.

All according to keikaku.

This is what happens when you plug horse tranquilizer in your anus

good, all according to kekkaku
>[translator's note: kekkaku means 'gas the australians']

liberals were always insane, remember the WTO protests or no blood for oil

they have mental illness

Good stuff. I hope the world continues to get worse and worse and more and more confusing.

>this is the faggot that creates blacked porn threads on here

>guy browses Sup Forums


>I go to Sup Forums too

Lmao I bet he posts on Sup Forums

/leftpol/ vs /ptg/ civ-nat

Yes, the sweaty, disgusting, pathetic weasel face.

>tfw when an entire nation is trolled

*also a barebacking faggot.

LOL I watched the whole video, I've never seen one man so triggered.

I don't know why you guys hate on Kekistanis, that shit was priceless.

They just keep button mashing 'virtue signal' don't they?

Also can button mashing virtue signal pls become a meme?

My day has been made.

This is making me do an about face about it. If I had known that Kekistan triggers normies and libtards to this extent I would never have disowned it.

That video actually makes me reconsider seeing how butthurt they all got over something that's considered reddit-tier here, it's like the ultimate troll meme since it triggers the fuck out of everyone

carry around a button that says 'virtue signal' that activates a sound byte played through an attached speaker that says "LOOK AT HOW VIRTUOUS I AM" whenever its pressed, to one of these rallies
whenever someone virtue signals, smash dat muhfuggin virtue signal button like it's real cuck hours

kek these fucking idiots

This guy gets it.

Eh. I guess I can tolerate kekistani bullshit until the environment literally gets so dire that it's clear that simple anti-communism isn't enough.

I dig their style more than the American NS groups. Who looks better? The flag-covered lads laughing at the serious, inflexible, black bloc? Or fat fucks in all black screeching at skeletons in all black?

Fuck dude I gonna stop judging the Kekistan faggots. I still think it's cringy as hell, but as long as it keeps doing this to people I'm happy to see it stick around.

>nobody cares who you are
>turn the camera on yourself
>pick one

Wtf love kekistan now
Not being ironic
I never knew it triggered these marshmallows so much

The thing I love about these videos is the possibility of these people seeing themselves later on and realizing how horrible they appear to be

We should post the best gore on all of these faggot threads

Infowars giving the the important updates. Meme updates.

>half mexican

>/pol has literally caused a good portion of the united states population to go insane.
Isn't it great? This is the power of meme magic

Top Kek! This goy is triggered!

Dude seems fixated like he's on drugs. Based black man urging unity, love it!

Yeah, I just ordered a flag because that guy was so triggered

You're a nazi because I say you are.
Look at that Kekistan patch, it's totally a white supremacist symbol. I go to Sup Forums too I'm totally an expert. HEY EVERYONE GET A LOAD OF THESE EVIL NAZI BASTARDS WHO ARE ALSO COWARDS AND I HATE THEM!
>Literally nothing to do with nazi germany or white supremacy.

It's fucking painful to watch

>You're a nazi because I say you are.

Wow. Those people acted like they were in a cult.


Kekistan uber alles!

That one guy was even like "They're just gonna post this video online later to make fun of you."


>Indeed user

Why didn't the camera man punch this faggot in the face? What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Newfags getting triggered by seeing their memes irl. Oldfags are way past the point of being triggered by stuff like that

>I'm 18
>and I have an iphone
>I know what that means

technology =/= knowledge

The guy isnt wrong though, Sup Forums is a nazi cesspool.

Newfag here, where is /leftypol/ located? because I can't see it in the Sup Forums main page.

Sup Forums is a board of peace and always has been. I don't know where you've been hanging out...
I've only ever seen people protesting for peace (anti-war) on Sup Forums, i've never seen any evidence of racism or violence. I heard on CNN it was the antifa that were actually violent and now they don't hang out with BLM, are they racist?

/leftypol/ is just a word for Sup Forums because it's full of leftys

its at a place called

I support kekistan if it makes liberals do this

I didn't think people were this retarded

I bet this is you...

Haha, shills actually buy Sup Forums passes, nice

he's just a kid

I'm glad he didn't get hurt

I bet you're the guy in OP's video lmao

Holy shit the guy in the video came to the thread!

Lurk mor

bc thats nigger tactics and we're not niggers

the kek fag must be from /k/ with all that larp shit


>blaming basket weaving forums for other people's social behaviour
Sure thing bud.
Sort yourself out.


this is worse then pepe is a white supremacist symbol
what a freakshow

>"I browse Sup Forums too, man"
Normie purge when?

these are adults?

they work and vote and shit?

>This is what happens when you plug horse tranquilizer in your anus

How do get a prescription for that?

you look like a fat greasy beady eyed anglokike, toobie oness famalamajampai
i bet i can accurate gauge how many children you've abused vua access to them granted to you by your kike virtue signaling kult konnektions
spend less time diddling kiddles and more time cleaning up your disgusting mug

I thought I was the only one that recogkiked him

They've always been this way, even when Bush won. They were saying that Bush was Hitler and every republican is a evil nazi wanting to destroy humanity.

I never renounced my Kekistani heritage.

kekistani pride, worldwide

>good portion
I think you over estimate the size of pol's audience.

i think you severely underestimate it

The flag of kekistan is actually mocking the nazi flag, through association that their ideology is similar to that of Islamic extremists, reason for the "istan" at the end. It'd a joke used to make fun of the nazi party as a whole, because they followed their leader like a bunch of retards unironically believing in magical frogs.

Anyone who doesn't know this needs to lurk more. And for those of you who never understood the origins of the flag, well, now you know. Use what I said to defend the memes brothers.

When someone accuses you, you have to destroy their accusation with knowledge proving to them why they are wrong, instead of just telling them that they're wrong flat out. That shit doesn't work, you need to make them feel like a dumbass.

wtf i hate kekistan now
natsoc now

Fucking liberal leftist piece of shit. This fucking liberal doesn't understand that kekastanis are peaceful people who are trying to save the world from normies by shitposting and representing our lord kek. He doesn't understand that we are the good guys and kekisim is a religion of peace.

This desu senpai

Kek did literally nothing wrong

>faggot getting off to causing cognitive dissonance in a retard

You're an idiot dude. I remember how it happened and you're overthinking it. Also Sargon did NOT come up with it. Now get out newfag

Kekistan isn't even based on a Nazi flag.

It's based on the war flag of Imperial Germany.

Really makes you think

Boston put it in perspective for me, you had 40-45 thousand people against a paki and 20 of his mates. They where that pissed they ended up having to fight each other instead.
I can't wait to see the bottom of this shit pile looks like.

The left is currently displaying all the traits i used to associate with bullies
These are genuinely evil people

Sargon is kekistan, though. Stop claiming his meme, retards.

Kek smiles on your post user

The truth does that wheb you have believed and lived a lie for 50 years.

> tfw you find out your kids and grandkids will be raised and force fed lies so they are subservient workforce cattlemen
>tfw you find out (((who))) is doing it.

It didn't take much effort. The most insane thing is that these people think we should vote for them because they are stable, smart, and fair.

why do you post this?
is it just to make me suffer?

>dem niggas laughing LOL

8 tckhan

Honestly I feel bad for men who have voices like this. Must be hard to be taken seriously



that's nothing, child games really

Literally the perfect pussy


man i can't wait for when actual full on mindblowing shit hits them at one point. this is babby pleb tier shit, the knowledge for example on how jews run literally fucking everything and fuck everyone would absolutely destroy the ever living shit out of these people to the point of driving the fools comatose, not even remove people, just cold hard facts would break them in half, it would destroy over half a century of cognitive blindness and it would overwhelm all they are.

why so serious?


Sup Forums is just the catalyst, the psychosis was already present when you got there. because you can't make a schizo board without schizo people.

the usa is a nuch of fags without moral standards where every american is against every american, according to based yuri and consorts. you lost your marbles over there, as putin called it. and he's fucking right.