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Is this (((professor))) right?

I have been saying that you can defend white interests without sucking Hitler's ass.

He's so close to realize the Holocaust is an hoax but misses it and goes "wow Hitler must have been absolute evil to make up this plan that make no sense."

a.they did use jews and others as slave labour
b. even if they didn't kill jews I doubt that would helped them win the wars in any significant way

Peterson tries to simultaneously advocate traditional Christian worldview while entertaining the anti-mythology of World War Two, with Hitler being the Anti-Christ and the Holocaust being the anti-miracle. Someone needs to rip him a new one BADLY in front of an audience during one of his lectures because these two ideologies are absolutely irreconcilable.


>He's so close to realize the Holocaust is an hoax
No he isn't. He's been thinking about it constantly since the 80s and it plays a central part in his worldview.

Close as in he has a lot of the facts but makes the wrong conclusion.

As a myth. Jordan Peterson takes on board many mythological stories and fairy tales and looks deep into them.

he can't support hitler or else he would be in danger.
lurk more homo, he even says the GULAG camps were WAY WORSE than the hitler ones.
sage because you are probably a jew shill

What I'm saying is he is so emotionally invested in it that narrative that it's completely consumed a large part of his life. He's not going to let go of it easily.

I already fucking know that. The problem is that the Holocaust-as-reverse-miracle is INCONSISTENT with the traditional Christian worldview, it leads to the inversion of traditional virtue (Liberalism) which turns every good into a vice and every vice into a good.

If someone confronted him in a public QnA with hard facts like jewish population numbers, he could only out of that situation with emotional arguments or linguistical buttfuck.

*get out of that situation

That's not the way to go at it. It won't change his mind at all.Fundamentally the Holocaust is important because it is a symbolic act, not an empirically verifiable reality. Same thing for Christ in Peterson's mind: he doesn't give a single shit about whether it literally happened.

The core feature of Liberalism is denial of access to first principles. Since a positive thesis is forbidden from the outset, Peterson makes EVIL the center of his morality: just don't be evil, and avoid making the mistake of forwarding a positive thesis. This inevitably leads to the nihilism of the Last Man, not daring to stand for anything, caring only to alleviate suffering, rejecting all radicalism ('radical meaning 'root') in favor of muh cummies. Anyone who chooses a higher purpose is a fascist threat, including Peterson's "fellow Christians" who reject secularism.

Liberalism is a degraded parasite feeding on the corpse of Christianity, exactly how Peterson accuses Marxists of doing the very same thing.

I admit me saying "soon" was a bit of wishful thinking although i think Peterson is at least able to contemplate these facts rationally if presented appropriately. He is very deep in the rabbit hole but so was i not so long ago, thus i have more empathy/hope that highly intelligent minds can be challenged more responsively. I turned in a year and a half from Socialist(can't we all get along)>nihilist>determinist>Capitalist>libertarian>to this mixed heap of ideas i call my mind.

Do you think maybe he's playing 4d chess and tryig to subtly redpill normies? Cause he always recommends people read Gulag Archipelago and the writer of that is known anti semite.

He knows Hitler was right, JP dog whistles us all the time by constantly name dropping solzhenitsyn.

He can be reasoned with, but now he has such a huge following that it insulates him from being challenged in any way from the right. He has every incentive one could imagine: social, psychological, economic, and political, to continue to be a liberal "centrist" (aka Nominalist) even if he is proven wrong.

He doesn't understand Solzhenitsyn at all either. He thinks Solzhenitsyn is an individualist when he's not. He is a humanist in that typically collectivist Russian sense: the fraternity of Man and supported the Orthodox faith and traditionalism, monarchism, etc. Dostoyevsky also had this same communistic sort of humanism, very different from that of Nietzche's.

Seeing that half his fans don't even understand his points and Peterson having the ability to make bullshit arguments look articulate, i doubt they would care about the little details. Until he stops preaching free speech and anti sjw rhetoric he'll be fine from fans turning.

What a fucking idiot.

>bullshit arguments sound articulate

Mind giving us an example? You can't make a claim like that without at least providing something to support it.