Wow Sup Forums BTFO
Wow Sup Forums BTFO
Other urls found in this thread:
>I don't think
that's all she needed to write
>your skin color makes your opinion irrelevant says sjw
Wtf i love racism now
sometimes i wonder what it'd really be like to really think like this.
I don't think she quite grasps it either
Wait that's not a guy is it?
You really can't. Leftists are mindless zombies
"I donĀ“t think" - and that sums it up pretty well.
Replace white guy with any other race
>not a single refutation to OP's pic
wow, Sup Forums indeed BTFO
I hate coffee
Cis = Normal
>refuting baseless opinion
this is all i could expect of a larping commie
She sure likes to complain about us though. White man must have fucked her in the arse too hard.
what is there to refute? it's not like she made an actual meaningful claim, it's clearly bullshit
Big if true
>opinions being unoriginal is wrong
why does everyone have to be a special snowflake
Refutation of what? Her idiotic compulsion to discount anything developed by sane, white men, simply because they're sane, white men?
The really sad part is that this piece of trash probably claims to read and be an intellectual, yet fails to understand grammar when listing.
>one white guy runs over one white woman because of political wrongthink
>Muslims kill like 15 and injure hundreds over the last week
See which of these stories got the most airtime and get back with me on how irrelevant and BO-RING everyone thinks white men are, skank
Edgy teen want to be special...
By the way, this is another good example of how prejudice against whites is socially accepted. Twitter niggers do this all the time.
Take your unshallow insights and integrate them into your commie anus
>retard flag
>thinks there's an actual argument to refute
I'm not surprised.
>winning every argument that no one is having.
will it breed?
Well, as a white male, I agree. Always winning seems to offer no challenge.
>better make a thread on Sup Forums
replace white cismale with women of color to see what a bigot you are. disguesting
There's nothing to refute. She's just saying she thinks white guys are boring. It's just some retard with a dumb opinion.
Well they don't think.
So, you wouldn't feel anything.
You know how empty their eyes look with the fluoride stare? That's how it is on the inside too.
Put me in the screenshot
Wanna have a free ride?
Wow, being called unoriginal by a dime a dozen Tumblrette who's so quirky for loving coffee and pop culture. I'm literally shaking
Oy vey.
Show your flag, leaf
Damn guess I'm going to kill myself now
sjw's always project
Dunning Kruger effect is real and every leftist twat on Twitter suffers from it.
>w-we're not anti-white, I swear.
Seriously, read Sarah Silvermann's tweet about the alt-right after this. "Multiculturalism is the side of love", my ass.
(( All fake ))
>every single time
and lo the mountains and the creeks,
and from clouds themselves,
and in all manner of things did proclaim,
Sup Forums was right again
>some fucking nobody on twitter calling someone unremarkable
Irony much?
Shut up and make my coffee, bitch.
(((Coffee Spoonie)))
Of course
Are opinions supposed to be original?
I've been settling for well founded.
ah /thread closed
>gay commie disabled jew
Lol proud of being a kike but clearly hiding her bulbous jewsnout
>giving a shit what a woman thinks
Space travel, completely unremarkable.
considering she's a kike her race actually has the capital to say that. kike women and kike men are on average above white men. if there was as many kikes alive as white men then kikes would dominate the world and completely enslave white men.
>Jew in a wheelchair
I...I got nothing...
Why do I have to be remarkable or original? What matters is that I'm right.
I don't think this bitch understands that the whitemale is the greatest being on this tiny planet.
Every fucking time.
They help being filthy shit-stirrers and hate mongers
/wow/ so much /btfo/
>take that, dad!
apparently it's a cripple
who the fuck cares?
>drinking coffee instead of superior covfefe in the current year
except its literally all anyone talks about 24/7. white cis that white cis this
I, as a white cis man, don't give a shit. This bitch should have been married off long ago and should be on her sixth child by now. She's a disgrace to her existence and deserves to be beaten.
Women should be seen, not heard.
oh, god. there's no better aphrodisiac. i can't wait for my white cis male husband to get home so i can feed him an amazing dinner than try to make another remarkably beautiful white child.
these hags... they only wish.
Why do these people always have to throw the word "cis" in front of people who accept who they are to give them a negative connotation? I'm a traditional woman with enough of a brain to understand that women are the caretakers while men are the ones who build and kill. Been that way since the beginning of time. Society has progressed a fuck ton with each sex making use of their innate set of traits and skills. What great expedition was lead by a woman and if there were any, was there any success? I've yet to hear of any or even be taught about any during my schooling. These millennial ingrates who never got love in the form of a hug make me want to recreate another Jonestown for commie snowflakes who feel the need to fuck up society for the rest of us. There's no need to fix what isn't broken.
This, it is completely moronic that all they do is spout buzzwords.
History proves her wrong.
>I don't think white cis men fully grasp how unremarkable they are
>meanwhile here's a picture of me drinking coffee, just like 95% of people like me have
+1 upboat!!!11!
Anyone else happy that animals like this will never breed?
Like the worst of the worst SJW's will never have kids, although many will go into (((academia))) and destroy the minds of normal peoples kids
and yet we're so dangerous they need to attack us nonstop
Post tits
Top kuk
>starbucks sipping fucktard has zero self-awareness
I'm really really shocked OP
Literally ALL great philosophers and scientists who've discovered major shit were 'cis white males'. I think their opinions mattered. Commie faggot.
Yeah she's right
I only get my opinions from mentally ill black people #woke
This truth is sometimes boring, yes.
Here you go. (((Confirmed)))
They have to add "cis" so that idiot women who got themselves spayed won't get mad.
>only demographic with net tax contribution
>carrying the entire country ourselves
You know what else is gonna be shallow bitch? The graves of antifa when the rice war begins.
>You're so awful, we decided it wasn't worth thanking you for literally saving us from the gas chambers
Someone tweet her pic related.
>obvious b8
>entire thread replies
fuck you all, leddit trash
Is there just of group of 10,000 sjws who espouse this shit and like/retweet each other on twitter? Or is this legit mainstream millennial?
How does that make you as an individual remarkable? (It doesn't.)
posting with a retard flag should come with permanent ban and autodoxxing for being subhumanly retarded
This is the Jew mentality
And being suicidal tranny activist #347378 who also hates white men is individually remarkable?
Moreso than whatever you guys are.
>i'm white and that's pretty much it! heil trump xD
How much do you want to bet she's claiming disability because she has autism or aspbergers, or even ADHD/ADD? Fucking special snowflake cunt.
She addressed the demographic, not me
That's a pretty unremarkable white Jewess. Coffee Spoonie? Very original lol
Thought she would need a second wheelchair for that massive bulbous hook nose she's got there.