"America isn't the best country in the world"

"America isn't the best country in the world"
>a dozen eggs is literally $0.26
>literally impossible to starve in US

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Fake news.
Bought 18 eggs for 2.50 an hour ago

I've been waiting years to use this image

I can only imagine the quality of an egg worth 4.3 cents

Oh wait, it's half those since its an entire dozen


Any non-american shit posting in this thread is 100% jelly

the sad this is- homeless people and fucking pet cats (shit- i feed a few neighborhood cats, so maybe them as well) eat better than the average person living under mid- to late-stage socialism
when will people learn? honestly- how much suffering does it take?


now that your life is fulfilled, do you mate and die next?


>implying those eggs aren't trash

fake news.

Your life is now complete. Time to an hero and stream it.

You live in a city don't you?
I get my eggs for about half that.

i picked up a ready-to-eat rotisserie chicken - a full bird - after work today for $4.99
the white man has done something magical with chickens and we should get way more credit

>literally impossible to starve in US

You're right

Spotted the faggot who shops at Whole Foods.

I don't even know what a "low quality" or "high quality" egg tastes like. Thank god I don't live in your shithole of a country.

Go beg on a corner for a quarter, go get some fire wood and a steel pan, and you've got food for an entire fucking day.

Implying the "2" for $2.26 didn't fall off

First I must swim upstream to place of my ancestors

2.15 centavos estadounidenses, sí
still better than whatever socialist bullshit you've got over en espain, amiguito


Nice one. You can combat your diseases by eating cheap meat later on.

very seriously- and i'm not kidding- people digging through the garbage for food in the US are well-fed when compared to the average citizen of a country like VZ

>he doesn't drive an hour out into the countryside to buy eggs from some farmer's driveway

lets be Communist so no one can have eggs

>be American
>pay 6 times more for apples than Poles
>your food is basically ((gmo)) that causes autism

we feed the chickens with the old dead chickens so it's like a chicken matrix, very efficient.

>I don't even know what a "low quality" or "high quality" egg tastes like
one tastes like an egg, the other tastes like water


this is what I always say to all my commie friends

no matter what other problems the U.S. has, the extreme abundance of food signifies you have achieved another civilizational state, it's so fucking unreal

The walmart by my house sells a gallon of milk, even chocolate for .86 and the store next to it sells gallons for .85 cents

i bet those underpaid farmers and illegal workers you want to get rid of so badly are happy about those prices.
>>being this retarded.
U S A!

Wait cunt, were you in aldies about 20 minutes ago and fucking with the signs so the manager threw you out and you threw a tantrum? Was that you user?

You don't have to tell me where you got that picture, but you do have to eat all of them.

>be polish
>pay 6 times less for food
>pay 14 times more for eveything else because your shit country has to import everything.

you're a nigger.


Shop at Kroger and Walmart, both sell eggs for more than 25 cents.

If I am right there should be a 2 at the start of that

I walk 5mins down the road to a self serving egg stand. I usually put in $4 for 12 eggs. Completely grown free range and shit. You can see all the chickens from the stand. I love being white and living in a white area in the country.

same here with this one

>paying membership fees to get "cheap" food

Lmao sure kid

They arn't, I live on a border town and I buy my eggs and milk in america, its $1 for a flat of 36, as well as $1 for a gallon of milk, they are not shit quality, and it is at par with Canadian, give me a sec ill post a picture to prove im not LARP'ing


>be American
>can't buy pic rel

and no, everything is much cheaper here than in the US, maybe except for electronics and cars

To anyone not familiar, most chicken eggs are used to produce vaccines, and are heavily subsidized. Probably 80% of total consumption.

During flu season, you have egg shortages, during the summer, egg surplus.

In Lebanon, a dozen eggs costs about $5. No wonder why our economy is down the shitter. Fuck me right?

i like how you point out that food and the absolute cost of living is about half that in the US without pointing out that you earn, per capita, considerably less than the average burger
like- i admire your country and all, but there's really no fair comparison to be drawn here

See pic related, any doubts BTFO, look at your area on Walmart.
No, but this was Aldis. Walmart is literally a cent more.

>free range
You do know that "free range" just means they let the chickens out of their coupe for 15 minutes a day? Retard.

it's almost like you imported fipronil infected eggs from europe because you have no food standards or something

>"America isn't the best country in the world"
>a dozen eggs is literally $0.26
That's because of socialism and government subsidies. The same way a salad is more expensive that a burger at McDonalds. You pay $1 for your burger but in reality it's $10, the taxpayers take care of the $9 in hidden costs. The government uses our tax money to kill us with cancer and diabetes causing animal products.

I will never not hate this style of posting.

yes you can. they were allowed back in like 4 years ago. are you retarded, or do you really have no other arguments left?

Shiet. Here in canuckistan it's $1.97 for 12

You don't need a membership to eat the restaurant at places like Costco or Sam's Club

You idiot leaf, you don't need a Costco membership to eat at their food stand

you prolly got organic shit.

18 eggs here is .75

I could literal ask someone in line for a dollar and cook them on the side walk

If really desperate put a few in my pockets. Even if you get caught the stor manager would probably give you the full container and a loaf a bread out of pitty

I can see the chickens from the road. They are outside all dam day walking around and pecking the ground n shit. It's just someones front yard and they put 10 dozen cases of eggs in a cooler at the front of their drive way. With a suggested donation of $3. It's the most free range and freshest eggs you can get.

Congratulations, you're donating money to a poor family when you could have just spent $0.26 for the exact same thing.

>dumb fucking shit Americans calling it Aldi's

It's Aldi you fucking moron

I fucking love the Costco food court, God Bless America

Hell, you could get fat on $5 a day

>he doesnt know about automation

>left wants minimum wage to be a engineers salary for baristas and janitors

>left then cries about automation taking jobs

>left then cries about kicking out non tax paying freeloaders because we wont have people to do low quality jobs which dont require intelligence or training

really makes you fucking think

>in a coupe
i love it
i make my fair share of typos, but this one was fucking golden. gj user.
// location = low earth orbit

Eggs are great, but man they are bland as fuck on their own. I usually throw in some ham and turkey/cheese and make an omelette if I have to.

>I don't even know what a "low quality" or "high quality" egg tastes like. Thank god I don't live in your shithole of a country.
That's probably because you only tried low quality ones. If you ever try the good ones you will know.

I pay less than 200$ a month including eating out on food. What the fuck is this shit?

I pay $3.50 to buy a dozen pasture raised organic eggs.

They taste way better. Sometimes I get eggs from my friend who keeps chickens, those taste the best but I don't have access to them all the time.

I am fortunate enough to be able to afford the best quality eggs so that is what I buy. Especially since I eat them raw in shakes.

Eggs come out of the cloaca you fucking mong

No fucking way are eggs 26 cents a dozen anywhere in the US. They're usually at least 10x that price (not that 2.50 a dozen is expensive)

Those are either expired eggs, someone pulled the dollar number off the sign, or it's a unit price like 26 cents per pound.

Or don't be a nigger and recycle a couple bags of cans a day, or ask some shopkeepers if they want their sidewalk shoveled/swept?

you've been promoted to the rank of captain, private smuckers
admit it- you'd kill 8 muzzies and make a triple helix necklace out of their intestines to arrive on my shores

It's a very nice white family that lives on like 10 acres with a giant house. Instead of driving 20mins to the store, I can walk 5mins with my dog and not give sheckles to some kike corporation. They only make like $30 a day from all their eggs. I think their little kids run it since I've seen a kid bring all the eggs out one time while going to work.

>cost of living is about half that in the US
yea, except for the fact that I pay for healthcare and education in taxes, instead of spending $250k on 5 years of hardcore liberal brainwashing

Sure, you earn more, but seeing more than 2-3 niggers a week is not worth it. You will never see something like webm rel in your life in the land of shart and freedom

Aldi ftw

ment this post for you



it's a regular grocery store, you cum guzzler. you go in and around the clock there are about a dozen $4.99 rotisserie chickens. it is near the deli. i've never been to a grocery store around here that doesn't have rotisserie chickens for around this price

Move out of the nigger infested shithole you live in.

Pretty much everyone calls them Aldis. Even their business pages online say it.

Exactly. I think this is pretty much why everyone hates the US, they're just too poor and too skinny.

Congrats, anarchism confirmed right. At least I'm still paying $0.26 for a dozen eggs.

Or maybe I've only had high quality ones my entire life, you know, since I'm in the US and all.

It is impossible to make high quality eggs for 2 cents each. You really have to be very ignorant towards reason when you make such a consume choice on all layers possible.

I pay 26 cent per egg.



fair point, and it's kinda sad that the ancom had to point this out

might as well join the party

>eggs made in China


America is the best country in the world and while I am not american I am proud to be friends with several.
In america there is always somewhere you can go in order to do whatever you want, whatever your heart's desire whatever retarded thing you can think of, somewhere in america there is a place/service that provides this for you and the people there, if they are Americans themselves, will be happy to see you and welcome you with a smile.

It isn't about how much some eggs cost, that has nothing to do with it, it's about the people.
In America you have a land rich in both natural beauty and resources, upon which lives a people rich in spirit and drive.

Are those people succumbing to the same poisons of the mind and soul that the rest of us have already sank under? Yes, unfortunately. But the American Dream is still there, it's still alive.
America is a place where you can meet anyone and do anything, whenever you want, it's a place where you can be whoever you want to be. There's a purity to that which can't be experienced in a country like mine, not by many people at least.

I'm happy to say that America is great and I hope above all that America stays great and becomes greater still because if any fuckers are going to save all our asses and get us off this rock it's going to be them. And they'll have a can of fucking beer and a fucking cigar and the biggest fucking burger you've ever goddamn seen.

>this delusion

what show is that? What even is the context that would have them drinking eggs in this manner

Just fried up a few for lunch, shit's delicious and dirt-cheap right now.

German grocers r gud

We have extremely strict standards for products made in the U.S. Its why other countries want to buy our goods so badly and why our wheat and flour are considered top quality.

True story, I lived off of Aldi's dumpster food for a couple of months. They throw away a lot of good stuff.

>Pretty much everyone calls them Aldis.
yes, because you people are dumb
>Even their business pages online say it.

jackson was censured for trying to maintain the gold standard. seriously wondering if trump will receive the same treatment today
what a time to be alive

Found the autist grammarnazi.

That's a shit candy. You Eurofags were even complaining that they no longer have toys inside because the muzzie refugees were choking on them.

If it were any good it would be sold here.

>tfw eggs are 2$ a dozen at cheapest

bless the lord for price controls :) we ensure our farmers dont disappear

It's probably because you buy bulk, so it's cheaper. For instance I can buy a 50lb bag of rice for $21, rather than the $90 it would cost in this shitty calculator

And why you Americans are all so healthy.

He's right. Don't misuse our German names or we will inflate the egg market faggot.

That milky bit on the yolk is rooster cum.

You will never forget this fact.